General Observation...what is the % of negative news postings on this site?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I am guilty of this when posting on Canadian news, that is because of the illegal violations that have been conducted against me personally. You all live in the greatest nation on earth with opportunity, a forgiving society and a Constitution, yet, it is, what? 90% negative news if I had to guess.

Why guys?
Would you consider the theft of 1 million dimes to be positive or negative? :dunno:

Neutral. It's not negative per se.

I had a bit of a brag post I was going to make earlier, then I thought "naw, it wouldn't fit well with all the negativity" hah :(
Eh, go ahead and brag...did something good happen to ya? :)
Meh. Not really, ah, what the hell.

Well, I am depressed and dealing with my chronic anxiety, PTSD etc. Not in a very happy place at all, just my dog and I as I deal with mixed emotion and confusion. It was a nice day out today, so I went for a walk to the grocery store to clear my mind, had a tight t shirt on, enjoying the weather.

A car was driving by and an attractive blonde girl, maybe 25, 26 or so, rolls down her window, drops her sunglasses down to expose only her eyes. nods her head and gives me one of those "hmm, not bad" looks. LOL.

It wasn't a whistle or a "hey sexy", but a "not bad" look will do. Hey, sometimes it is a kind word from someone, or a genuine interaction. What can I say? Even if she had been a guy I would have felt a bit of a boost to my confidence hah.
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Want to judge the convoluted Canadian system of government? Try to find a forum like USMB in Canada
Canada isn't all bad. Ontario is finished though. We have dragged Canada down bigtime with our police state here.
nods her head and gives me one of those "hmm, not bad" looks.

Oh hell yeah! That will always make ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I had one...not as good as yours though.

3 days ago I was out mowing the was 84 degrees under a hot sun & I was sweating...but I was unusually happy for some reason.

I even asked myself...WTF are you so happy about?

Welp the answer came to me quick...not only am I alive...I'm strong enough to mow my lawn...and that was the 3rd consecutive day of yard work.

I've made one heckuva come back after heart surgery...and I said "ThankYou Lord" as I continued mowing :)
Oh hell yeah! That will always make ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I had one...not as good as yours though.

3 days ago I was out mowing the was 84 degrees under a hot sun & I was sweating...but I was unusually happy for some reason.

I even asked myself...WTF are you so happy about?

Welp the answer came to me quick...not only am I alive...I'm strong enough to mow my lawn...and that was the 3rd consecutive day of yard work.

I've made one heckuva come back after heart surgery...and I said "ThankYou Lord" as I continued mowing :)
Your story is way better than mine. Congrats. When you overcome health issues you have a new lease on life....I have my health issue now too unfortunately. I had a customer on the phone who was telling me about her husband surviving cancer and how they were going back to the place they met and I was crying. She didnt know it, but it was an inspiring story and also a reminder of the fact that I haven't seen my wife in three months...for all of our problems and the abuse i nave suffed.. Also, life is short.
Also that life is short.

You said a mouthful. I blinked twice and 38 years flew by.

I was looking thru my old comic books and pulled out the transformers #1`. September 1984...I remember picking it up off the shelf and buying it.

Then I thunked...that was 38 years ago (39 now).

Where did it go?

Canada isn't all bad. Ontario is finished though. We have dragged Canada down bigtime with our police state here.
Canada isn't all bad. They speak the same language and for the most part they have the same moral values. The problem for Canadians is that they have a convoluted system of government that was outdated two centuries ago.
I am guilty of this when posting on Canadian news, that is because of the illegal violations that have been conducted against me personally. You all live in the greatest nation on earth with opportunity, a forgiving society and a Constitution, yet, it is, what? 90% negative news if I had to guess.

Why guys?

Illegal violations? Are you from the department of redundancy department?

Anyway, if it bleeds, it leads. Or is it ledes?
Illegal violations? Are you from the department of redundancy department?

Anyway, if it bleeds, it leads. Or is it ledes?
Yes, illegal violations. Don't complain when and if your nation copies our tactics. And what is ledes?
You said a mouthful. I blinked twice and 38 years flew by.

I was looking thru my old comic books and pulled out the transformers #1`. September 1984...I remember picking it up off the shelf and buying it.

Then I thunked...that was 38 years ago (39 now).

Where did it go?

View attachment 777134
My tablet doesn't allow for paragraphs.
Here is something positive, Sanders moves to put drug dealers behind bars for life!!

I know a TPS officer who is now a NYPD officer who was slinging some heavy stuff. If this site allowed for it I would reveal their names.
Redundancy isn’t always a virtue.

Also, redundancy isn’t always a virtue.

Look up the phrase: “bury the lede.”
There is no redundancy other than the same liars who "played the game" for their own benefit. You would have to be really naive to believe them considering how hard they have worked to silence me. Maybe you don't REALLY like your constitution and would prefer our system?
There is no redundancy other than the same liars who "played the game" for their own benefit. You would have to be really naive to believe them considering how hard they have worked to silence me. Maybe you don't REALLY like your constitution and would prefer our system?
No. You miss the point.

What illegality isn’t a violation?

And I don’t know anyone who wants to silence you. I come from Canuck stock, by the way. I like to tease Canadians, but they are generally an amiable people.

Your PM is a douche, but hey. You can’t always have maple syrup and a good governmental leader at the same time, eh?
No. You miss the point.

What illegality isn’t a violation?

And I don’t know anyone who wants to silence you. I come from Canuck stock, by the way. I like to tease Canadians, but they are generally an amiable people.

Your PM is a douche, but hey. You can’t always have maple syrup and a good governmental leader at the same time, eh?
Well, in my case using illegal and violation isn't exactly redundant because in our system it is technicaly illegal to abuse.a.citizen for 32+ years as they have me, but in practice , violations are allowed. Since politicians and oversight don't exist we have no rights in practice. So even though I refer to it as a violation, in their eyes ANY action to.engage in CYA is acceptable. It's why Ontario will be belly up before anyone else in North America. So the term "violation" was meant to.describe the extensive nature, a stronger word if you will.
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