Zone1 Generation Juicebox: How 30-Year Olds Became Atheist Leftist Basket Cases.

So exactly which teaching of Jesus Christ did you disagree with?

I don't think he was God
I don't think his mom was a virgin
I kind of doubt he existed as a real person.

But the teachings attributed to him, I don't have much of a problem with. Too bad more Christians don't do that.

Infallibility is applicable only in matters of faith and morals. Francis talks about climate change. That's his personal opinion. As a Catholic, I don't have to believe it.

So you accept magic fairies in the sky with no question, but disbelieve a phenomenon with truckloads of supporting data?

If the melting icecaps and glaciers, dying coral reefs, and changes in habitat weren't enough, I can just tell how weather has changed in my lifetime in Chicago.

12 alleged years of Catholic School, and you didn't know this? I am getting highly skeptical of your claim. You seem to even know the basics of Catholic belief.

Oh, I am familiar with how he is only "infallible" in matters of faith, although the nuns and priests didn't really make that distinction. More to the point, they left out the part where it only became "official" dogma in 1870 when they were sucking up to Pius IX's ego.

My favorite Pope story is still the Cadaver Synod... When Pope Stephan VI dug up the corpse of Pope Formosus, put it on trial, and then declared it's papacy invalid.

I don't think he was God
I don't think his mom was a virgin
I kind of doubt he existed as a real person.
Wow. So you know more than nearly all historians who say Jesus existed?
But the teachings attributed to him, I don't have much of a problem with. Too bad more Christians don't do that.
But yet you absolve yourself from following these teachings? Isn't that rather hypocritical?
So you accept magic fairies in the sky with no question, but disbelieve a phenomenon with truckloads of supporting data?
I find it comical how atheists believe in the biggest sky fairy of all; they mythical unsubstantiated global warming predictions.
If the melting icecaps and glaciers, dying coral reefs, and changes in habitat weren't enough, I can just tell how weather has changed in my lifetime in Chicago.
Antarctic ice caps reached record ice levels for three straight years betweein 2012-15. Odd. lol.

OK. Back to the original topic. It's not atheism. Atheism has already been proven invalid. The OP is about WHY these kids sometimes become atheists and basically throw in the towel on life.
Now maybe my school got the really stupid nuns..
If your stories are not exaggerated, that has to be the case. All of the nuns I had knew how to field the questions you say you asked with both knowledge and humor. Heard our class clowns asking similar "gotcha" type questions and none of our teachers missed a beat while answering with a smile or a wink. Never once was anyone whacked. Our nuns carried "clickers". The worst trouble we ever got in was having a nun "click" at us.

Sister walks into a class of 52 students and with a single click the room grows quiet and everyone is paying attention.
More access to information?

Heck, I wish I had the access to critical thinking websites in the 1980's that we have now! Then kicking Catholicism to the Curb wouldn't have been NEARLY as hard for me as it was.
Might have been harder if you accessed information that covered Biblical cultures, languages, histories, and Old Testament commentaries by knowledgeable Rabbis.
So in other words, you got nothing.
Namecalling is rather inappropriate for someone in your position, isn't it?
When your position is fantastical and without evidence, I need not rebut it. Its flaws are prima facie evident.
If your stories are not exaggerated, that has to be the case. All of the nuns I had knew how to field the questions you say you asked with both knowledge and humor. Heard our class clowns asking similar "gotcha" type questions and none of our teachers missed a beat while answering with a smile or a wink. Never once was anyone whacked. Our nuns carried "clickers". The worst trouble we ever got in was having a nun "click" at us.

Sister walks into a class of 52 students and with a single click the room grows quiet and everyone is paying attention.
Then the priests take their pick, confident that the hierarchy will protect them all the way up to the Pope.
When your position is fantastical and without evidence, I need not rebut it. Its flaws are prima facie evident.
If there are more atheists, could it be that children were not educated as well as they might have been in the philosophies of religion?
Then the priests take their pick, confident that the hierarchy will protect them all the way up to the Pope.
Not so. It is not a great habit to look at the behavior of a small minority and then broad-brush an entire group by the behavior of the minority.
These thirty year old wussies fought wars across the globe and are making their way in an international economy where you Boomers hollowed out all the jobs, and now want to get rid of SS and Medicare behind you.

You Boomers left them shit and then whine that they are different than you.
Not so. It is not a great habit to look at the behavior of a small minority and then broad-brush an entire group by the behavior of the minority.
It's not the minority. The Catholic hierarchy world wide protected pedophile predator priests, and still protect them.
"Recovering Catholic" generally means someone who couldn't follow the rules, which can be rather tough for those who aren't committed. It's all a matter of deciding you're going to do the right thing. Many aren't up to that. They want to sleep around or fornicate or masturbate or marry a divorcee, or get drunk or high, or sleep in on Sunday mornings instead of going to Mass.
m-m-m-m-maybe MM

or, it could mean the epiphany that things celestial are merely prostituted by sorts terrestrial toward their own gains

m-m-m-m-maybe MM

or, it could mean the epiphany that things celestial are merely prostituted by sorts terrestrial toward their own gains

Very few in the RCC are like that. That's another reason it's the greatest organization in the history of the world.
Research would show the huge majority of pedophiles are irreligious.
I was a journalist at the time. The first thing I learned was that public school teachers/administrations were doing the exact same thing with much higher numbers. Further, all faiths/denominations were in the same boat, along with a number of pediatricians and psychiatrist/psychologist. It was certainly time for society to face this problem.

The powers that be, in my opinion, made a huge error/mess of things. They didn't want to scare people and cause a panic among public schools and other professionals. They believed a narrow focus of just one church--the largest--would catch the most attention (and therefore ad dollars). Even at that time they knew no other church, temple, synagogue had the deep pockets for attorneys to go nuts over, start lawsuits (meaning the news cycle could continue). Law suits against public schools would be viewed unfavorably as those are funded by local tax dollars.

Even today, have you ever seen a TV ad that begins with, "If you were abused by your poor uncle, please call us and we will give you the compensation you deserve!" No. The only organization ever named is the Catholic Church because it can be milked. No one ever mentions that the changes the Catholic Church immediately made became the role model for others--particularly childcare facilities.

While I deplore the shortchange of media coverage on how widespread this was throughout society, if it is so that only one organization can be "fixed" in this regard, I am glad it is the Catholic Church. No organization is perfect, but many wonderful priests were tarred and feathered along with the small percent who were guilty.

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