Genetic Proof That White Males Are Racist


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a very good video, and it presents the result of new research that shows that white males are racist and if they have high testosterone then they are 'alpha racists' and if they have low testosterone, they are 'beta racists'.

Yeah, people who claim that race is only a construct and that one cannot tell the predisposition to commit crime and violence are now saying that it can be proven with white males, lol.

In other news, insensitive white racists at a fill-in-the-blank-they-are-all-stupid university has penalized a white fraternity for speaking out against sexual assault. That is because since they are not sexual assault victims they cannot support the war against sexual assault with enough sensitivity. Yeah, I thought 'Bullshit!' as well.

Frats Accused of Abusing 'Male Privilege' for Raising Awareness of Sexual Assault - Breitbart

White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.
So how did the white racist gene hop over to blacks? They are some of the biggest races on the planet.
When someone call me a racist, well thank you and now go fuck yourself is my response...
When all the shit settles, white males will still be in charge. Just sayin'.

European Scientist Concede White People are Inbred Mutant Albinos

Anthropological geneticist George Perry, also of Penn State, notes that the work reveals how an individual’s genetic potential is shaped by their diet and adaptation to their habitat. “We’re getting a much more detailed picture now of how selection works”

When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today.

European Scientist Concede White People are Inbred Mutant Albinos

The Real History of White People
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So....if you are are racist. No matter what. It's unavoidable.

Hmmmm. Obamas mom must have hated him half the time.
So....if you are are racist. No matter what. It's unavoidable.

Unless you are female or a homosexual white male, in those cases you can be forgiven.

The heart and soul of all this is that masculine white males are defacto racists, no matter what they do or say.
Only racism in america is affirmative action and most white males OPPOSE that.
Guess you're kinda proving the point. And white males "discovered" america too.

What is 'discovery' to your mind? How do you define it?

IF you mean 'the first to arrive' well that was likely done millions of years ago by some Homo species that was then displaced some other archaic Hominid and then they got displaced in their turn all the way down to Amerindians who slaughtered each other for the same land that they later spilled their blood for (but we allowed most of them to live unlike their predecessors).

During the Age of Exploration, where mostly European navigators sailed the worlds seas and CHARTED the Globe, noting the latitude and longitude of these locations and the safest and most efficient routes to them using prevailing trade winds and ocean currents, THAT was 'discovery'. And THAT was what Columbus did. He didnt simply stumble over here, take a shit, then sail back to Europe to get some army folks to go back and kill all the peaceful brown cannibals living there, dude.
This is a very good video, and it presents the result of new research that shows that white males are racist and if they have high testosterone then they are 'alpha racists' and if they have low testosterone, they are 'beta racists'.

Yeah, people who claim that race is only a construct and that one cannot tell the predisposition to commit crime and violence are now saying that it can be proven with white males, lol.

In other news, insensitive white racists at a fill-in-the-blank-they-are-all-stupid university has penalized a white fraternity for speaking out against sexual assault. That is because since they are not sexual assault victims they cannot support the war against sexual assault with enough sensitivity. Yeah, I thought 'Bullshit!' as well.

Frats Accused of Abusing 'Male Privilege' for Raising Awareness of Sexual Assault - Breitbart

White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.

This bs is as old as slavery in america, at least, trying to use "science" to justify racism which has no biological justification, and really, can be traced back through Voltaire and others. It's all bogus. Race is a fictional social construct, an invention of mankind to justify the mistreatment of others. "We" (hominds) have sequenced the entire human genome, came up wit nuttin'. For anyone wanting more than this pitty party, a very good place to start is Dorothy Roberts "Fatal Invention". The problem for some of you here will be that Dorothy Roberts is a black woman and she gets down into the history of this bogus justification and the molecular biology of why there's just no evidence to supprt the notion now that the genome has been sequenced.

Or you know, you can just keep buying into this crap if ya want.

As for "White males are the new "N-Words" of our society";

I reckon we just need to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and stop whining about the man keeping us down.

As for sexual asault in american society:

  • One in four college women report surviving rape or attempted rape at some point in their lifetime. These are anonymous reports on multi-campus surveys sampling thousands of college students nationwide (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2000; Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006). This rate has remained the same since studies in the 1980s (Koss, Gidycz, & Wisniewki, 1987).
  • In the U.S. Military academies, 5% of women report surviving rape every year, as do 2.4% of the men (Snyder, Fisher, Scherer, & Daigle, 2012).
  • 5% of women on college campuses experience rape or attempted rape every year (Kilpatrick, Resnick, Riggierio, Conoscenti, & McCauley, 2007; American College Health Association, 2013).
  • 673,000 women currently attending U.S. colleges and universities have experienced rape at some point in their lifetime (Kilpatrick, Resnick, Riggiero, Conoscenti & McCauley, 2007).
  • In one year 300,000 college women, over 5% of women enrolled in colleges and universities, experience rape. This does not include other forms of sexual assault (Kilpatrick, et al.)
  • 25% of women and 16% of men have been sexually abused as children (Dube, Withfield, & Felitti, 2005).
  • For men who are abused as children, 62% of their offenders were men, 38% were women (Dube, Withfield, & Felitti, 2005).
  • For women abused as children, 92% of perpetrators were men (Dube, Withfield, & Felitti, 2005).
  • Of those women who enter the Navy, 39% are rape survivors prior to their service.
  • Of those men who enter the Navy, 13% are perpetrators prior to their service.
  • 28% of women in the military experienced rape during their military service (Sadler, Booth, & Doebbeling, 2005).
  • Of those women who men rape in the military, 96% of the perpetrators areU.S. military men (Sadler, Booth, & Doebbeling, 2005).
  • Every year in the United States, 1,270,000 women experience rape (Black, Basile, Breiding, Smith, Walters, & Merrick, 2011).
  • Approximately 1 in 5 Black (22.0%) and White non-Hispanic (19%) women, and 1 in 7 Hispanic women (15%) in the United States have experienced rape at some point in their lives. (Black, Basile, Breiding, Smith, Walters, & Merrick, 2011).
  • More than one-quarter of women (27%) who identified as American Indian or as Alaska Native and 1 in 3 women (34%) who identified as multiracial non-Hispanic have experienced rape in their lifetime. (Black, Basile, Breiding, Smith, Walters, & Merrick, 2011).
One In Four USA

Sexual Abuse
  • Approximately 30% of sexual assault cases are reported to authorities.
  • 9.3% of cases of maltreatment of children in 2012 were classified as sexual abuse.
  • 62,939 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in 2012.
  • According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Criminal Victimization Survey, in 2012, there were 346,830 reported rapes or sexual assaults of persons 12 years or older.
  • In 2010, 12% of rapes and sexual assaults involved a weapon.
  • In 2010, 25% of the female victims of rape/sexual assault were victimized by strangers.
  • According to “Have Sexual Abuse and Physical Abuse Declined Since the 1990s?” an article released by the Crimes Against Children Research Center in 2012
    • There was a 56% decline in physical abuse and a 62% decline in sexual abuse from 1992 to 2010.
    • Despite some skepticism of reporting methods by various agencies, declines in child physical and sexual abuse since the 1990s, as reported to National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), reflect a true decline in prevalence.
Victims of Sexual Abuse
  • About 20 million out of 112 million women (18.0%) in the United States have been raped during their lifetime.
  • Only 16% of all rapes were reported to law enforcement.
  • In 2006 alone, 300,000 college women (5.2%) were raped.
  • Among college women, about 12% of rapes were reported to law enforcement.
  • A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey on the national prevalence of intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking found:
    • 81% of women who experienced rape, stalking, or physical violence by an intimate partner reported significant short- or long-term impacts.
    • About 35% of women who were raped as minors also were raped as adults, compared to 14% of women without an early rape history.
    • 28% of male rape victims were first raped when they were 10 years old or younger.
Facts and Statistics
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Guess you're kinda proving the point. And white males "discovered" america too.

What is 'discovery' to your mind? How do you define it?

IF you mean 'the first to arrive' well that was likely done millions of years ago by some Homo species that was then displaced some other archaic Hominid and then they got displaced in their turn all the way down to Amerindians who slaughtered each other for the same land that they later spilled their blood for (but we allowed most of them to live unlike their predecessors).

During the Age of Exploration, where mostly European navigators sailed the worlds seas and CHARTED the Globe, noting the latitude and longitude of these locations and the safest and most efficient routes to them using prevailing trade winds and ocean currents, THAT was 'discovery'. And THAT was what Columbus did. He didnt simply stumble over here, take a shit, then sail back to Europe to get some army folks to go back and kill all the peaceful brown cannibals living there, dude.

We allowed most of them to live? OK, can't take you seriously.

Where did hominid life arise on the planet?
We allowed most of them to live? OK, can't take you seriously.

You have every right to be an ignoramus if you want, but there were an estimated 400 million Amerinidans in the Americas when Columbus arrived and there are more than that pure blood Amerindians alive today. Triple that if you count those of partial Amerindian descent.

Guess the real question is 'Do you take Truth seriously?' Apparently not.

Where did hominid life arise on the planet?

I dont know. The latest theory is it arose in Africa, but there are differences among theories of what happened after those hominids left Africa and why and were their any archaic populations that they intermixed with in Eurasian regions that caused a differing of the hominids strains on that continent.
The only thing you're moaning about is the fact that science caught up with your fairy tale and you're no longer considered superior. That's all their is to it.

Thus demonstrating that you are an anti-white racist. You do not know a god damned thing about me or my beliefs if you seriously would assert such bullshit. And that's all 'their' is to it.
We allowed most of them to live? OK, can't take you seriously.

You have every right to be an ignoramus if you want, but there were an estimated 400 million Amerinidans in the Americas when Columbus arrived and there are more than that pure blood Amerindians alive today. Triple that if you count those of partial Amerindian descent.

Guess the real question is 'Do you take Truth seriously?' Apparently not.

Where did hominid life arise on the planet?

I dont know. The latest theory is it arose in Africa, but there are differences among theories of what happened after those hominids left Africa and why and were their any archaic populations that they intermixed with in Eurasian regions that caused a differing of the hominids strains on that continent.

Then we’re all descendants of Africa. Oh my. Latest theory? Fairly settled for a while. Trace your family tree all the way back to Africa my friend. And yeah, many Caucasians have Neanderthal sequence in their genome.
You have every right to be an ignoramus if you want, but there were an estimated 400 million Amerinidans in the Americas when Columbus arrived and there are more than that pure blood Amerindians alive today. Triple that if you count those of partial Amerindian descent.
Guess the real question is 'Do you take Truth seriously?' Apparently not.

Because you own the truth.
When all the shit settles, white males will still be in charge. Just sayin'.

European Scientist Concede White People are Inbred Mutant Albinos

Anthropological geneticist George Perry, also of Penn State, notes that the work reveals how an individual’s genetic potential is shaped by their diet and adaptation to their habitat. “We’re getting a much more detailed picture now of how selection works”

When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today.

European Scientist Concede White People are Inbred Mutant Albinos

The Real History of White People

I haven't read this much pseudo-science since I read about phlogiston and alchemy and astrology.

Strange that there are no written records of African achievements, actually originating in Africa. All the crap spouted by idiots are by self hating phony whites whose only ambition in life is to be loved by those whom they secretly and in their hearts, hate and despise.

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