Genetic Proof That White Males Are Racist

The only thing you're moaning about is the fact that science caught up with your fairy tale and you're no longer considered superior. That's all their is to it.

Thus demonstrating that you are an anti-white racist. You do not know a god damned thing about me or my beliefs if you seriously would assert such bullshit. And that's all 'their' is to it.

I'm white pard, and you told me a good deal about your beliefs in your op.
When all the shit settles, white males will still be in charge. Just sayin'.

European Scientist Concede White People are Inbred Mutant Albinos

Anthropological geneticist George Perry, also of Penn State, notes that the work reveals how an individual’s genetic potential is shaped by their diet and adaptation to their habitat. “We’re getting a much more detailed picture now of how selection works”

When it comes to skin color, the team found a patchwork of evolution in different places, and three separate genes that produce light skin, telling a complex story for how European’s skin evolved to be much lighter during the past 8000 years. The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today.

European Scientist Concede White People are Inbred Mutant Albinos

The Real History of White People

I haven't read this much pseudo-science since I read about phlogiston and alchemy and astrology.

Strange that there are no written records of African achievements, actually originating in Africa. All the crap spouted by idiots are by self hating phony whites whose only ambition in life is to be loved by those whom they secretly and in their hearts, hate and despise.

Longer darker bodies toward the equator, rounder squat paler bodies toward the poles. If you want to dispute their findings please do, but with this tripe " ... self hating phony whites whose only ambition in life is to be loved by those whom they secretly and in their hearts, hate and despise." you're just telling on yourself.
When all the shit settles, white males will still be in charge. Just sayin'.
Not so sure anymore. The self-hatred rot has gone very deep

The only thing you're moaning about is the fact that science caught up with your fairy tale and you're no longer considered superior. That's all their is to it.
How low is your IQ?

This thread is about institutional racism and sexism against white males. If you condone the actions of these institutions you are right up there with every known white supremacist, past and present.
This bs is as old as slavery in america, at least, trying to use "science" to justify racism which has no biological justification, and really, can be traced back through Voltaire and others. It's all bogus.

And yet the Identity Politics leftwing libtards still push it, to include you too apparently.

The irony of it all seems to be lost on you, roflmao.
Then we’re all descendants of Africa. Oh my. Latest theory? Fairly settled for a while. Trace your family tree all the way back to Africa my friend. And yeah, many Caucasians have Neanderthal sequence in their genome.
Was there a point in all that blather?

Oh, maybe its the misconception you have about 'settled' science.

There is no such thing. What we believe about science will be different 200 years from now as we will know more and with much finer granularity and precision.

Come back after you take a science course, will ya?
White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.


So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details

Lol, as if it would make a difference to a racist like you?

You are the black version of Odium, and I will not waste my time discussing this topic with you.

Here we go folks! All aboard the "I cant explain myself". Where name calling is used as a deflection. Strap in guys

What has society done to you?
White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.


So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details

Lol, as if it would make a difference to a racist like you?

You are the black version of Odium, and I will not waste my time discussing this topic with you.

Here we go folks! All aboard the "I cant explain myself". Where name calling is used as a deflection. Strap in guys

What has society done to you?

I can explain it, but I see no point in doing so to a racist like yourself.

Which is not 'calling names' because it is true obvjectively; you ARE a racist, one of the worst on these boards, rivaling Odium for shrill wack-job intensity.
White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.


So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details

Lol, as if it would make a difference to a racist like you?

You are the black version of Odium, and I will not waste my time discussing this topic with you.

Here we go folks! All aboard the "I cant explain myself". Where name calling is used as a deflection. Strap in guys

What has society done to you?

I can explain it, but I see no point in doing so to a racist like yourself.

Weeeeeee! FUN RIGHT!!! He doesnt have an explanation so he believes if he can make wild eyed allegations about someone on the internet no one will notice his lack of explanation! Because even if I was racist that has nothign to do with your ability to explain your own words.

Which is not 'calling names' because it is true obvjectively; you ARE a racist, one of the worst on these boards, rivaling Odium for shrill wack-job intensity.

Nice circular logic there. "I'm not calling names and heres why calling names is ok when I do it!"
This bs is as old as slavery in america, at least, trying to use "science" to justify racism which has no biological justification, and really, can be traced back through Voltaire and others. It's all bogus.

And yet the Identity Politics leftwing libtards still push it, to include you too apparently.

The irony of it all seems to be lost on you, roflmao.

I gave you legit stuff you look into if you were interested in this topic, but you're not. You're just here to spew.
Then we’re all descendants of Africa. Oh my. Latest theory? Fairly settled for a while. Trace your family tree all the way back to Africa my friend. And yeah, many Caucasians have Neanderthal sequence in their genome.
Was there a point in all that blather?

Oh, maybe its the misconception you have about 'settled' science.

There is no such thing. What we believe about science will be different 200 years from now as we will know more and with much finer granularity and precision.

Come back after you take a science course, will ya?

Yeah, but over your head apparently. We’re all descendants of Africa. I love that you cannot deal with that irrefutable fact. You really need to brush on some remedial molecular biology. But ya won't because it will threaten your belief system. So just call me a "liberal" and move on.
This bs is as old as slavery in america, at least, trying to use "science" to justify racism which has no biological justification, and really, can be traced back through Voltaire and others. It's all bogus.

And yet the Identity Politics leftwing libtards still push it, to include you too apparently.

The irony of it all seems to be lost on you, roflmao.

Oh I see me some irony, I assure you.

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