Genetic Proof That White Males Are Racist

White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.


So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details

Lol, as if it would make a difference to a racist like you?

You are the black version of Odium, and I will not waste my time discussing this topic with you.

Here we go folks! All aboard the "I cant explain myself". Where name calling is used as a deflection. Strap in guys

What has society done to you?

I can explain it, but I see no point in doing so to a racist like yourself.

Weeeeeee! FUN RIGHT!!! He doesnt have an explanation so he believes if he can make wild eyed allegations about someone on the internet no one will notice his lack of explanation! Because even if I was racist that has nothign to do with your ability to explain your own words.

Which is not 'calling names' because it is true obvjectively; you ARE a racist, one of the worst on these boards, rivaling Odium for shrill wack-job intensity.

Nice circular logic there. "I'm not calling names and heres why calling names is ok when I do it!"
I have observed that you are a racist, and I dont have to bother defending that view as I am far from the only one to have similar observations.

If you dont like it, eat shit.
This bs is as old as slavery in america, at least, trying to use "science" to justify racism which has no biological justification, and really, can be traced back through Voltaire and others. It's all bogus.

And yet the Identity Politics leftwing libtards still push it, to include you too apparently.

The irony of it all seems to be lost on you, roflmao.

Oh I see me some irony, I assure you.

And it is right up your....never mind.
White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.


So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details
Read the topic at hand moron....

Wait your turn silly. I'm asking the OP for specifics not your easter egg hunt for the answer bs
Yeah right.

Everyone knows you are afraid to engage me directly.

I asked a question. You said the answer was somewhere. I cant engage that type of answer. If you have specifics I'll engage.

White males are the new "N-Words" of our society.


So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details
Read the topic at hand moron....

Wait your turn silly. I'm asking the OP for specifics not your easter egg hunt for the answer bs
Yeah right.

Everyone knows you are afraid to engage me directly.

I asked a question. You said the answer was somewhere. I cant engage that type of answer. If you have specifics I'll engage.

The answer is in the first post moron....

So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details

Lol, as if it would make a difference to a racist like you?

You are the black version of Odium, and I will not waste my time discussing this topic with you.

Here we go folks! All aboard the "I cant explain myself". Where name calling is used as a deflection. Strap in guys

What has society done to you?

I can explain it, but I see no point in doing so to a racist like yourself.

Weeeeeee! FUN RIGHT!!! He doesnt have an explanation so he believes if he can make wild eyed allegations about someone on the internet no one will notice his lack of explanation! Because even if I was racist that has nothign to do with your ability to explain your own words.

Which is not 'calling names' because it is true obvjectively; you ARE a racist, one of the worst on these boards, rivaling Odium for shrill wack-job intensity.

Nice circular logic there. "I'm not calling names and heres why calling names is ok when I do it!"
I have observed that you are a racist, and I dont have to bother defending that view as I am far from the only one to have similar observations.

you havent observed shit, you just think calling names is a way to get away from explaining yourself. 40 billion flies think the taste of shit is delicious. Using your logic turds are delicious because others think so...but thinking isnt what I asked. I asked what has society done to you?

You said whites are the new N-word. Well shit, that shouldnt be a problem since you believe that blacks have it great! Now you're complaining?

Sounds like you dont believe yourself there bud:badgrin:

So tell us what society has done to you? I cant wait to hear the horrific details
Read the topic at hand moron....

Wait your turn silly. I'm asking the OP for specifics not your easter egg hunt for the answer bs
Yeah right.

Everyone knows you are afraid to engage me directly.

I asked a question. You said the answer was somewhere. I cant engage that type of answer. If you have specifics I'll engage.

The answer is in the first post moron....

Do you know what the word specifics mean? If so, post them. If not, have a nice day
I asked a question. You said the answer was somewhere. I cant engage that type of answer. If you have specifics I'll engage.


I will type this slowly, just for you; I do not want to discuss racism with you as you are a racist. I dont have to justify it or defend it and I will not.

Have a nice day, dude.
Lol, as if it would make a difference to a racist like you?

You are the black version of Odium, and I will not waste my time discussing this topic with you.

Here we go folks! All aboard the "I cant explain myself". Where name calling is used as a deflection. Strap in guys

What has society done to you?

I can explain it, but I see no point in doing so to a racist like yourself.

Weeeeeee! FUN RIGHT!!! He doesnt have an explanation so he believes if he can make wild eyed allegations about someone on the internet no one will notice his lack of explanation! Because even if I was racist that has nothign to do with your ability to explain your own words.

Which is not 'calling names' because it is true obvjectively; you ARE a racist, one of the worst on these boards, rivaling Odium for shrill wack-job intensity.

Nice circular logic there. "I'm not calling names and heres why calling names is ok when I do it!"
I have observed that you are a racist, and I dont have to bother defending that view as I am far from the only one to have similar observations.

you havent observed shit, you just think calling names is a way to get away from explaining yourself. 40 billion flies think the taste of shit is delicious. Using your logic turds are delicious because others think so...but thinking isnt what I asked. I asked what has society done to you?

You said whites are the new N-word. Well shit, that shouldnt be a problem since you believe that blacks have it great! Now you're complaining?

Sounds like you dont believe yourself there bud:badgrin:
lol, whatever.
I asked a question. You said the answer was somewhere. I cant engage that type of answer. If you have specifics I'll engage.


I will type this slowly, just for you; I do not want to discuss racism with you as you are a racist. I dont have to justify it or defend it and I will not.

Have a nice day, dude.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Nooooo, of course not, you'd rather say stuff like you're the newest victim and then run away when someone asks a one word question:


Oh gotta go :50:
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Nooooo, of course not, you'd rather say stuff like you're the newest victim and then run away when someone asks a one word question:


Oh gotta go :50:
If I do not have equal legal standing in a court of law due to changes in that law, I and everyone else like me is a victim, but I dont ever expect you racists to understand that, since it is all about you and your group and fuck everyone else.
Now again, go eat shit, moron.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Nooooo, of course not, you'd rather say stuff like you're the newest victim and then run away when someone asks a one word question:


Oh gotta go :50:
If I do not have equal legal standing in a court of law due to changes in that law, I and everyone else like me is a victim, but I dont ever expect you racists to understand that, since it is all about you and your group and fuck everyone else.
Now again, go eat shit, moron.

I didnt ask hypotheticals I asked how you were a victim of society?
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Nooooo, of course not, you'd rather say stuff like you're the newest victim and then run away when someone asks a one word question:


Oh gotta go :50:
If I do not have equal legal standing in a court of law due to changes in that law, I and everyone else like me is a victim, but I dont ever expect you racists to understand that, since it is all about you and your group and fuck everyone else.
Now again, go eat shit, moron.

I didnt ask hypotheticals I asked how you were a victim of society?
Had you bothered to read the OP you would now know that, idiot.

I am not going to be race-baited by a racist like you, go to hell.
Read the topic at hand moron....

Wait your turn silly. I'm asking the OP for specifics not your easter egg hunt for the answer bs
Yeah right.

Everyone knows you are afraid to engage me directly.

I asked a question. You said the answer was somewhere. I cant engage that type of answer. If you have specifics I'll engage.

The answer is in the first post moron....

Do you know what the word specifics mean? If so, post them. If not, have a nice day
The entire 1st post is your answer inbred....

How many studies are done to determine the politics of non-whites?

Why aren't right wing minorities who vote Democrat put up to scrutiny of the scary "far right" white voters who typically vote Republican?

How many times have non-whites been asked if they are racial supremacists just because they vote for certain candidates and initiatives?

How many times have non-whites been told they can't be raped because of their "privileges"?

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