George and Laura Bush's Texas Ranch

Thanks. Very cool to see what bin Laden's money has bought those two.

Oh, but its not really a "ranch" and he's not really a kuh-boy.

I saw this on ths HuffPost.

Isn't it amazing how the trolls and haters just on an innocent thread like this to display their ignorant hatred?
I bet he would've made a great baseball commissioner. It's a terrible shame that Bill got a BJ in the Oval Office and helped the dupes elect an incompetent moron to permanently damage America.

Nice house though :thup:
Money gotten through crime.

No better than a mob boss.

I hope he's enjoying the spoils.
Did any proof stop you RW bastardsd from calling and believing Obama to be a Muslim, or a Kenyan?



Find one post where I call Obama a Muslim or a Kenyan.
Sure, right after you produce ONE post where you chastised them like you did to me just now.

Lack of criticism does not equal acceptance of a position on a message board.

You have personally made the statement that Bush has benefited personally from some form of Crime. i asked you to back it the fuck up, and your responses are the standard deflection methods used by someone who has no viable method of doing so.

and btw...

and this one:

Now go scurry back into your troll hole.
why did luddly delete his embarrassingly hateful post when 3 people quoted it? did he really think no one would notice?


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