George Clooney compares the US to a "battered child".

I cited an EXAMPLE of leftist election fraud, you clown.
I never claimed the incident in Detroit caused Trump to lose the presidency.

How stupid are you, anyway?
Nobody is going back now to undo the past. But that doesn't erase all of the evidence that
Trump's presidency was stolen away by Marxist leftists.
YOUR example was election fraud. YOU saying it's election fraud doesnt make it so. Again, you dumb piece of shit, take it to a court to prove it's election fraud. A judge would laugh at you, no doubt about that.

If you really want to know what happened in Detroit, read this article 'Get to TCF': What really happened inside Detroit's ballot counting center

People standing OUTSIDE the vote counting area were not observers. They were nut jobs called down to the building by some other nut jobs on twitter once people realized trump was going to lose.
Acquitted? That's amusing! What James Comey told us was that she broke the law but he found she didn't understand that she broke the law...which has to be one of the more ridiculous statements EVER made by any FBI Director! Like Hillary Clinton was some neophyte that didn't know the rules! Like she didn't have to sign off on knowing them when she took over the State Department! Like she didn't out right lie through her teeth when Congressional investigators asked her if she'd handed over all materials related to the deaths in Benghazi!
For the last time - post links to the evidence. I doubt she was that worried about any Benghazi fallout. Pretty hard to be worried about an incident where four people were killed and the ambassador was repeatedly told not to go but went anyway. It's pretty hard to take Clinton critics seriously over something like Benghazi, when they gave Baby Bush a free pass on starting an unnecessary war based on lies that has cost thousands of Americans and 100s of 1000s of civilians their lives. Let alone those wounded and permanently maimed. Lacks credibility.
Sorry, Trumps accomplishments, economic numbers and foreign policy prove your feeeeelllinnngsss are wrong.
I know…….mean tweets.
You mean all those accomplishments that were started under Obama and he just fumbled along doing? And how the unemployment rate started to soar thanks to his total fuckup of his COVID response? I didn't find his tweets mean at all. I found them moronic. There is a difference.
You mean all those accomplishments that were started under Obama and he just fumbled along doing? And how the unemployment rate started to soar thanks to his total fuckup of his COVID response? I didn't find his tweets mean at all. I found them moronic. There is a difference.
Obama was a turd. Quit lying to yourself.
Those numbers arent honest. NO ONE thinks Biden is qualified for the job, not even democrats.
I know, I know, I know. Your Orange God didn't lose the election, it was stolen. Any negative poll is a lie. Any positive poll is the god's honest truth. I could go on.
For the last time - post links to the evidence. I doubt she was that worried about any Benghazi fallout. Pretty hard to be worried about an incident where four people were killed and the ambassador was repeatedly told not to go but went anyway. It's pretty hard to take Clinton critics seriously over something like Benghazi, when they gave Baby Bush a free pass on starting an unnecessary war based on lies that has cost thousands of Americans and 100s of 1000s of civilians their lives. Let alone those wounded and permanently maimed. Lacks credibility.
It's amazing how you on the left are willing to blame those who were killed because of Hillary Clinton's misjudgment in Libya just to cover for her. Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State. It was her responsibility to keep them safe and she failed miserably because she was more concerned about political "optics" than about her people!
Numbers are still better than the Orange Buffoon's at the same time of his presidency.

Who cares about "numbers"! At this point of Trump's Presidency the economy was starting to boom...unemployment was headed towards historically low rates...the Middle East was peaceful...and the border was well on it's way to being secure. Oh and gas wasn't $3.15 a freaking gallon! Orange Buffoon? Better that than a Drooling Idiot!
It's amazing how you on the left are willing to blame those who were killed because of Hillary Clinton's misjudgment in Libya just to cover for her. Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State. It was her responsibility to keep them safe and she failed miserably because she was more concerned about political "optics" than about her people!
Please. Educate yourself on the situation.

I find it interesting you don't address my part about Bush being given a free pass on Iraq.
Conservative logic:
1) Four killed in Benghazi - "Oh the horror! Let's blame Clinton and Penatta even though Steves was told not to go! Lock her up!"
2) Thousands killed in Iraq over a war started with lies - "So what?"

As for the last part about 'optics'. Again, show me the evidence. BTW, if you do show me the evidence - and I mean REAL evidence, not opinions - I'm more than happy to change my mind.
Who cares about "numbers"! At this point of Trump's Presidency the economy was starting to boom...unemployment was headed towards historically low rates...the Middle East was peaceful...
Um, all those things were started under Obama. I have posted links AND proof ad nauseum. Then he screwed the pooch by fucking up the COVID response. You do know that more US citizens have died in the past two years due to COVID than the four years of WWII? Yeah, Trump was that bad.
But you of course were unhappy because the "Orange Buffoon" sent mean tweets? (eye roll)
Meh. They weren't mean tweets. They were just dumb. Just amplified my opinion of him being an idiot. Hey, if you want to champion an idiot, be my guest.
Please. Educate yourself on the situation.

I find it interesting you don't address my part about Bush being given a free pass on Iraq.
Conservative logic:
1) Four killed in Benghazi - "Oh the horror! Let's blame Clinton and Penatta even though Steves was told not to go! Lock her up!"
2) Thousands killed in Iraq over a war started with lies - "So what?"

As for the last part about 'optics'. Again, show me the evidence. BTW, if you do show me the evidence - and I mean REAL evidence, not opinions - I'm more than happy to change my mind.
Gee, I wonder if Chris Steven's sister missed the testimony in front of Congressional investigators where Clinton's person in charge of that part of the Middle East stated quite clearly that they were satisfied with the level of security in Libya and that budget cuts had nothing to do with the decision they made to cut back Chris Steven's security detail! I know it blew the whole "Republicans are to blame" narrative that Clinton's supporters tried to float right out of the water! I wonder what Chris Steven's sister's take on Benghazi was AFTER she figured out that Clinton was lying through her teeth about the whole thing!
Meh. They weren't mean tweets. They were just dumb. Just amplified my opinion of him being an idiot. Hey, if you want to champion an idiot, be my guest.
If the "idiot" fixed the economy, fixed the border, fixed the Middle East and got unemployment at record low levels...why would anyone NOT champion him? Duh? Because you thought his tweets were "dumb"? To be blunt...who the fuck CARES!
Um, all those things were started under Obama. I have posted links AND proof ad nauseum. Then he screwed the pooch by fucking up the COVID response. You do know that more US citizens have died in the past two years due to COVID than the four years of WWII? Yeah, Trump was that bad.
More people have died from Covid in nine months of Joe Biden than died in the last year that Trump was in office, Doc! Yeah, Biden is THAT bad!
Gee, I wonder if Chris Steven's sister missed the testimony in front of Congressional investigators where Clinton's person in charge of that part of the Middle East stated quite clearly that they were satisfied with the level of security in Libya and that budget cuts had nothing to do with the decision they made to cut back Chris Steven's security detail! I know it blew the whole "Republicans are to blame" narrative that Clinton's supporters tried to float right out of the water! I wonder what Chris Steven's sister's take on Benghazi was AFTER she figured out that Clinton was lying through her teeth about the whole thing!
Hhmm..dunno about the 'Republicans are to blame scenario'. That part doesn't interest me. You making a lot of assertions on this thread without backing them up with credible links does.
Why have you not addressed the war of choice that Baby Bush got you involved in? Why are you so concerned about 4 deaths but not 1000s? Partisan hackery maybe?
If the "idiot" fixed the economy, fixed the border, fixed the Middle East and got unemployment at record low levels...why would anyone NOT champion him? Duh? Because you thought his tweets were "dumb"? To be blunt...who the fuck CARES!
He did not fix the border. Obama got rid of more illegals than he did. See below? That is what is called a link.

Huh? Middle East fixed? Didn't know it needed fixing. You call him making good with the UAE who have NEVER been a problem in the ME as a win??? How about Israel/Palestine? Syria? Iran? They were, and still are, shitholes during his presidency. Unemployment and the economy were all on the way down and up (respectively) a good few years before he came into office. Of course the unemployment rate skyrocketed due to his handling of the pandemic. See, this is the difference between a cultist and normal person. I see Biden's foibles. He isn't the greatest. Trump cultists can't see one single thing wrong with they guy. Even at a human being level - he is a low life piece of shit. Look, he might have had some good policies. But they got lost in his ranting tweets. That's on him.
He did not fix the border. Obama got rid of more illegals than he did. See below? That is what is called a link.

Huh? Middle East fixed? Didn't know it needed fixing. You call him making good with the UAE who have NEVER been a problem in the ME as a win??? How about Israel/Palestine? Syria? Iran? They were, and still are, shitholes during his presidency. Unemployment and the economy were all on the way down and up (respectively) a good few years before he came into office. Of course the unemployment rate skyrocketed due to his handling of the pandemic. See, this is the difference between a cultist and normal person. I see Biden's foibles. He isn't the greatest. Trump cultists can't see one single thing wrong with they guy. Even at a human being level - he is a low life piece of shit. Look, he might have had some good policies. But they got lost in his ranting tweets. That's on him.
Gee, you see Biden's "foibles" and admit he isn't the greatest while you grudgingly admit that Trump might have had some good policies but his "ranting tweets" annoyed you? To be be quite blunt WHO CARES ABOUT SOMEONE'S TWEETS WHEN THEIR POLICIES WORKED!!!

As far as the border goes...Joe Biden got rid of Trump's policies on the border on his first day in office, Doc! So tell me how that's worked out for us? Can you say THE BIGGEST BORDER CRISIS IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY AND GETTING WORSE BY THE DAY?

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