George Clooney compares the US to a "battered child".

Oh please. Credible links to ANY of this. Just ONE credible link.

Oh please. Credible links to ANY of this. Just ONE credible link.
Take your head out of your ass, Doc! Pretending that Clinton DIDN'T do all of those things borders on farce!
The reason she lost that election to Trump was that the American people knew she was corrupt. It wasn't revealed HOW corrupt until the investigations showed the extent of her lies!
Take your head out of your ass, Doc! Pretending that Clinton DIDN'T do all of those things borders on farce!
The reason she lost that election to Trump was that the American people knew she was corrupt. It wasn't revealed HOW corrupt until the investigations showed the extent of her lies!
Well if she did do it, prove it. Shouldn't be too hard.
She may of lost the election, but more people wanted her president.
Just like more wanted Sleepy Joe too.
What investigation? You mean like the two FBI investigations into her emails? Where she was acquitted twice? Or were the FBI in on it too? How many agents were in on it? And how have they managed to keep a lid on it? Any more than three people in on a conspiracy theory and the chances of it being kept under cover are about the same at the Orange Buffoon shagging Miss Universe due to his stunning good looks and charming personality.
Well if she did do it, prove it. Shouldn't be too hard.
She may of lost the election, but more people wanted her president.
Just like more wanted Sleepy Joe too.
What investigation? You mean like the two FBI investigations into her emails? Where she was acquitted twice? Or were the FBI in on it too? How many agents were in on it? And how have they managed to keep a lid on it? Any more than three people in on a conspiracy theory and the chances of it being kept under cover are about the same at the Orange Buffoon shagging Miss Universe due to his stunning good looks and charming personality.
Acquitted? That's amusing! What James Comey told us was that she broke the law but he found she didn't understand that she broke the law...which has to be one of the more ridiculous statements EVER made by any FBI Director! Like Hillary Clinton was some neophyte that didn't know the rules! Like she didn't have to sign off on knowing them when she took over the State Department! Like she didn't out right lie through her teeth when Congressional investigators asked her if she'd handed over all materials related to the deaths in Benghazi!
You'll notice the latest CSPAN poll of Presidential historians has trump very near the bottom of the list. Hard to say it's biased considering several Republicans like Reagan get high marks and several Democrats get really low marks.
Oh, wow! That's impressive. :rolleyes:
Polls are like cheap whores...there are many of them and if you look long enough you can find something to like.
Meh, whaddya expect after the clusterfuck that was the guy before him. I mean, normal folk in the US were that desperate to get rid of Trump, they voted in Biden. WTF does that say about Trump?? RATFLMAO!!!
...and now the country regrets that decision. What does that say about Biden? RATFLMAO!!!
It appears that you forgot all the regulations President Trump eliminated giving us a great economy were reinstated by President Biden.

Let's ASSUME that inflation does subside NEXT YEAR. Prices are not going to drop so the folks hurt the most, will continue to suffer the higher prices. In effect, a severe tax on those earning far less than $400,000 a year.

I bet you believe that President Biden has closed the Southern Border and the surrender in Afghanistan was flawless too.
1. Name some ie more than 1 of the regulations trump dropped that spurred the economy and explain how it spurred the economy.
2. The Southern Border will NEVER be solved in the current political climate. NEVER. The exit of Afghanistan will forever be this decades Benghazi for people of your ilk. Meanwhile, by 2022, the vast majority of people going to the polls wont even remember Afghanistan. If you think otherwise, you are kidding yourself.
Like what, for instance? Cite one, if you can.

You've got to love the Hollywood elites. Idiots like Clooney champion the dumbest man in the Senate for the past forty years to become our President...and then refuse to admit that they did something stupid!
/——-/ Clooney is an actor and will read whatever script he’s handed. This is a perfect example.
Oh, wow! That's impressive. :rolleyes:
Polls are like cheap whores...there are many of them and if you look long enough you can find something to like.
Face it. Trump is an animal that got impeached twice. That is what he'll be remembered for 50 years from now----he got impeached twice. Meanwhile people from 50 years from now will literally be laughing at "people" like you ie trump supporters who will be viewed as traitors to America. THAT is how history will be written.
I specifically asked for a Trump suit that had been denied based on non procedural grounds and
you come back with some bullshit from "US election security officials" saying nothing to see here.
"U.S. election security officials have said the election was “the most secure in American history”.'

Sorry. I was distracted by Detroit officials nailing up boards across windows so republican election
observers couldn't observe anything at polling places there. I'm not interested in what the
Baghdad Bobs say about US election security. It's obviously ass covering bullshit!

Let's just say you failed and have nothing to offer but reflexive denials.
Face it. Trump is an animal that got impeached twice. That is what he'll be remembered for 50 years from now----he got impeached twice. Meanwhile people from 50 years from now will literally be laughing at "people" like you ie trump supporters who will be viewed as traitors to America. THAT is how history will be written.
Thanks for your view of the future, retarded Nostradamus.

The fact that Trump was impeached twice says more about Nan Pelosi and her partisan minions
than Donald Trump who survived the political attacks and continued on as president.
But you obviously are too dumb to appreciate that.
I specifically asked for a Trump suit that had been denied based on non procedural grounds and
you come back with some bullshit from "US election security officials" saying nothing to see here.
"U.S. election security officials have said the election was “the most secure in American history”.'
You dumb piece of shit. I actually have to go into the article and quote it for your dumb ass? I guess I have to.

"On Nov 27, 2020 a federal appeals court rejected a Trump campaign proposal to block Biden from being declared the winner of Pennsylvania. ( here ). At the time, Stephanos Bibas, on behalf of the three-judge panel wrote: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so." It added: “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

I said lack of evidence and you said show one. I just did you idiot. Now listen to me good and get this through your thick skull you dumb piece of shit. There was no election fraud. It is YOUR sides responsibility to provide proof. It is also not my responsibility to hire adept lawyers. One would think on such an important matter, trump could get better lawyers than the clowns he got. You know WHY he couldnt get better lawyers? BECAUSE LAWYERS DONT WANT TO RISK GETTING DISBARRED for lying in a court of law.

If in a court of law you can prove there was election fraud, I'll believe it. Until that happens I dont give a fuck how many windows are covered with paper for whatever reason or whatever other bullshit you animals come up with. You dumb fucks are nothing but tools to try to bring down democracy. You're just too stupid to realize you're being used.
Thanks for your view of the future, retarded Nostradamus.

The fact that Trump was impeached twice says more about Nan Pelosi and her partisan minions
than Donald Trump who survived the political attacks and continued on as president.
But you obviously are too dumb to appreciate that.
Yeah I'm sure that's EXACTLY how history is gonna view it. LOL you're kidding yourself if you think PELOSI is going to go down in the history books as the villain here and not trump.
You know it's illegal to prevent election observers from doing their jobs, right?

If you were half as bright as you are angry, profane and unconcerned about fixed elections
you would be pretty smart, instead of such a partisan dumpster fire.
You know it's illegal to prevent election observers from doing their jobs, right?

If you were half as bright as you are angry, profane and unconcerned about fixed elections
you would be pretty smart, instead of such a partisan dumpster fire.
Ok lets say you're right and the paper was put up to prevent election observers from doing their job. That still doesnt mean trump won the election you stupid idiot.

Like I said, bring it to a court of law. Otherwise, you're just clowning around proving you're an easily duped dumbfuck.
Yeah I'm sure that's EXACTLY how history is gonna view it. LOL you're kidding yourself if you think PELOSI is going to go down in the history books as the villain here and not trump.
The FACT is Nan Pelosi (glug glug hic) whipped her partisans into two separate impeachments proceedings
against Donal Trump, spending so much money and wasted time and effort, and what does she have
to show for it?

Talking points for morons like emotionally retarded fully grown infants such as yourself.
George obviously isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. Million dollar smile...fifty cent brain! This is a guy who likes to tease about running for political office someday? He'd make AOC look smart and that's not easy!

The leftists would vote for him because he has nice hair.
Ok lets say you're right and the paper was put up to prevent election observers from doing their job. That still doesnt mean trump won the election you stupid idiot.

Like I said, bring it to a court of law. Otherwise, you're just clowning around proving you're an easily duped dumbfuck.
I cited an EXAMPLE of leftist election fraud, you clown.
I never claimed the incident in Detroit caused Trump to lose the presidency.

How stupid are you, anyway?
Nobody is going back now to undo the past. But that doesn't erase all of the evidence that
Trump's presidency was stolen away by Marxist leftists.
Heh? You can vote an incompetent nincompoop but the Dems can't? At the risk of sounding childish, the right started it. I'd even suggest they started it with Baby Bush. Then there was Dan Quayle of course. And who can forget Sarah Palin having the tilt at the number two spot with McCain.
I still think Biden is a reaction to Trump. For every action there is a reaction. Maybe if the GoP had put somebody even remotely competent in charge in 2016 Biden might never have happened. The good news is he'll be a one-term president.

Sorry, Trumps accomplishments, economic numbers and foreign policy prove your feeeeelllinnngsss are wrong.
I know…….mean tweets.

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