George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.
New mural painted 2 days ago on a wall in Houston of Saint George Floyd. ... :cool:

The stupid Blacks and pathetic White Guilt pukes could not have chosen more of a scumbag than that Floyd asshole as their hero and martyr.

It is comical as hell to see them go google eyes over a piece of sorry ass shit like him.

Fuck George Floyd and the stupid Moon Bat shitheads that think he is the cat's meow.

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”
John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”
John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

Kennedy was a classical liberal the group I was a member of it years ago, but that group has nearly vanished, which was a deciding factor of my leaving that party in the early 1990's.

This doesn't address the article anyway, which is likely because you didn't read it.

The article remains unchallenged.

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.
Liberalism aims to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity. They can further be divided based on their adherence to social liberalism or classical liberalism, although all liberal parties and individuals share basic similarities, including the support for civil rights and democratic institutions.

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”
John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

If kennedy were alive today, he would have been a teaparty conservative.
The guy was doing good. Got out of the ghetto life. Had a steady job. Spoke out against gang violence.
I mean, what more do you want?

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”
John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage
"Welcomes new ideas" LOL
Think you mispelled "have the fed gov do everything"

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”
By that definition, no Democrats are liberals. The Republicans are the liberal party.
Since Sunsettommy and Rye Catcher didn't like previous one, here is another image of the St. Floyd. I hope you'll like it.

View attachment 345542

You should be moderated for posting an X rated Video photo, I have reported it and gave it a deserving thumbs down.

Did you bother to read the article at all?

I have for days now been saying George was murdered, something he NEVER did in his entire life.

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.
Liberalism aims to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity. They can further be divided based on their adherence to social liberalism or classical liberalism, although all liberal parties and individuals share basic similarities, including the support for civil rights and democratic institutions.

You are a LEFTIST, which is why these riots and looting doesn't bother you, you blame it on the President instead, blame it on white people, blame it on republicans, you are deep into the blame game, a classic example of Leftism.

Kennedy Democrats would have NEVER supported these riots and looting, they would be loudly condemning it.
It's the religion of Woke. You will get on your knees and worship the new black saints. Now ON YOUR KNEES before the nobility.
Since Sunsettommy and Rye Catcher didn't like previous one, here is another image of the St. Floyd. I hope you'll like it.

View attachment 345542

You should be moderated for posting an X rated Video photo, I have reported it and gave it a deserving thumbs down.

Did you bother to read the article at all?

I have for days now been saying George was murdered, something he NEVER did in his entire life.

What exactly on that photo is X rated?

George Floyd Proves That Liberalism Is a Depraved Religion

June 3, 2020


Attempting to understand liberalism as an ideology gets us nowhere, because it is not based on reason. Putting it in terms of religion and psychopathology works better. Liberalism is a sickness that manifests as a depraved religion.

White liberals literally worship blacks as sacred beings. They do this not because of the good qualities of blacks, but precisely because of their bad qualities. Clarence Thomas is a fallen angel who does not qualify as black; Trayvon Martin is worthy of adulation.

This reverence is largely an expression of hatred of their own kind. They view their self-hatred as holy, and regard themselves as morally superior for wallowing in it.

Like Trayvon Martin, George Floyd is a martyred saint. A lowlife with a violent criminal history who was on fentanyl and methamphetamines when he was killed by a white police officer, he has quickly achieved exalted status in the liberal pantheon. Floyd is so sacred that the priesthood has arranged multiple funerals throughout the country.



What a demented group they have become and it is getting worse as time goes along.

But if you learned from history, this is a common cause of nations collapsing, when enough internal strife breaks down the glue that normally bonds people as a nation, despite their diverse views it becomes anarchic and destructive.

Blaming the President for the riots of democratically dominated cities is an excellent example of Sedition, which is what damages the nation as a whole when false/bogus claims made against the President are accepted, this then becomes the beginning of the end for the Executive branch.

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”
John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

If kennedy were alive today, he would have been a teaparty conservative.

LOL I doubt you were even born when JFK was in office.
Sorry folks, but the people that I ADMIRE are people like David Dorn who was trying to help a friend by guarding his friends shop and was MURDERED by those Thugs. And where is the "Protest for him?
Those are the people I admire! NOT GEORGE FLOYD! My morals are too high to admire someone like Floyd!
David Dorn served 38 honorable years on the St. Louis police force. And like I said, Where are all the "Protesters" for him??? I never saw any pictures of Mr. Dorn kneeling when the National Anthem was being played!
Floyd was sent to prison five times, and once put a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman while committing a home invasion. I don’t put people like that on a Pedestal.
I'm sorry but I don't have any "White Guilt".

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