George Orwell

The closest I've found is the federation of the Greek city states, the Mayan City states, tribal authorities, and probably the most successful example, Viking law

There are thousands of examples.

You do not seem to understand what anarchism is though. Absolutely no rulers, which means no city states or tribal authorities. Nobody can have the authority to rule over other men, or else you are not adhering to an anarchic society.
George Orwell was a proponent of anarchism...
You may find this interesting, Orwell speaking on anarchism in a review of Gulliver's Travels.

This illustrates very well the totalitarian tendency which is explicit in the anarchist or pacifist vision of Society. In a Society in which there is no law, and in theory no compulsion, the only arbiter of behaviour is public opinion. But public opinion, because of the tremendous urge to conformity in gregarious animals, is less tolerant than any system of law. When human beings are governed by ‘thou shalt not’, the individual can practise a certain amount of eccentricity: when they are supposedly governed by ‘love’ or ‘reason’, he is under continuous pressure to make him behave and think in exactly the same way as everyone else.
George Orwell: Politics vs. Literature - An examination of Gullivers travels
You may find this interesting, Orwell speaking on anarchism in a review of Gulliver's Travels.

Yes, that is interesting.

Hatred and inhumanity are taught. When society upholds itself to a higher set of moral principals, it can condition love and humanity.

it is said that the government is reflective of the people, but in reality the people are reflective of their establishment. The ruling class lies, steals, kills, manipulates, and indulges. Naturally the slaves are going to be an echo of their masters.

Conformity is a powerful force in society, but I believe that conformity is also taught. We have all these ideas put in our heads about all the bad things that will happen if we do not submit. There are forces in this world more powerful than conformity, and they are vastly preferable to anything else. If we can find a way to organize and expose everyone to these powerful emotions and concepts, we can set the stages for human liberation.

I wish to rise above, but the ruling class wants me to squabble under its twisted and destructive empire.
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Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work

Historically false.

I suppose there was never a society without a centralized ruler....

The closest I've found is the federation of the Greek city states, the Mayan City states, tribal authorities, and probably the most successful example, Viking law

There are thousands of examples.

You do not seem to understand what anarchism is though. Absolutely no rulers, which means no city states or tribal authorities.

Nobody can have the authority to rule over other men, or else you are not adhering to an anarchic society.

Oh, I understand what it is. I said, the closest I have found. You can't eliminate this, don't delude yourself into believing that you can. Haven't you ever wondered why there never was a society without any rulers what so ever?

You need to understand this sir, and you need to study the nature of human beings, they are animals, just like any other creature. They live together in communities, they are social creatures. As such, mores, social customs, norms, and even a sort of direct democracy or authoritarian totalitarian will always take root.

If you have ever taken even an introductory anthropology class, or even a primatology class, you would understand that even chimpanzees and gorillas can be said to have a government by the definition you are using. Their societies are, by definition, hierarchical and have an organization, a system of leadership.

The biological pecking order is something that is in the DNA, it is part of nature. The only question we need now address is; how are we going to have this express itself in human society?

Leaders and Followers: Some Anthropological Perspectives
Leaders and Followers: Some Anthropological Perspectives

"There is growing evidence from the observation of the social behavior of the higher primates (e.g., baboon, macaques, chimpanzee,) that leadership is also a phenomenon known to our non-human relatives. There are real problems in interpreting the evidence and making the translation from animal society to human culture, but the evidence at least shows a tendency for leaders (who are not necessarily the stereotypical dominant males) to take the initiative, especially in crisis situations. . .


In the simplest and smallest societies for which we have accounts, there are men who stand out among their fellows, who take the lead in group activity, whose word is considered to be generally more valuable than that of others, who take on extra responsibility, and who sometimes scheme and work quite hard in order to do so, gaining in return the (often fleeting) esteem of their companions"

In the final analysis, pure anarchy, is impossible. The best that can be achieved is minarchy, or limited confederation.
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Trump and his supporters in a nutshell.

You don't realize that you have just described democrat voters to a "T"....?
No, they are nothing like that. They don't bow down to the rich and famous, like Trump voters who want to serve a dictator. They don't want to wage war on the rest of the world. And they don't believe that education and the educated are stupid (since they can't understand either). Those are Trump voters, scum of the earth.
trump voter.PNG
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I think that our differences lie in the cause and the remedy.

Perhaps yes, but maybe not so much. Maybe the elites have you thinking that you can't live side by side. Perhaps there are more important issues at stake.

Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?
Simple Liberty - Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists
If only Americans recognized the tyranny that is our government and the benefits of anarchy.

America's greatest thinkers, and rarely do any school children learn of them.


Josiah Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lysander Spooner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work, like communism, because of human nature. Neither does totalitarianism or Reaganism see sig. Only fair capitalism and democracy does, with a state OF COURSE to keep the a-holes in line. History proves it. And your anarchist movement is crap to keep you irrelevant, dupe.
You're fascism is the worst of all.....
Your comment is ridiculous, dupe. If there's any fascism in the US, it's the bought off by corporations, pander to the greedy idiot, pure obstruction of reform, New BS propaganda GOP. A disgrace. Fits the definition of incipent fascism, with its big orabge idiot "strong man". The ignorant inmates are running it now. Any argument, inmate?
Spooner is interesting to, but a historical figures whose good ideas where incorporated into good politics. NOT the New BS GOP.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (French: [pjɛʁ ʒɔzɛf pʁudɔ̃]; 15 January 1809 – 19 January 1865) was a French politician and the founder of mutualist philosophy. He was the first person to declare himself an anarchist[1][2] and is widely regarded as one of the ideology's most influential theorists. Proudhon is even considered by many to be the "father of anarchism".[3] He became a member of the French Parliament after the revolution of 1848, whereafter he referred to himself as a federalist.[4]

In other words, he was not an anarchist.

I have been in this community for a long time. I know pretty much all the philosophers, and no anarchist is upholding Pierre-Joseph Proudhon as an ideological figurehead for anarchism.
It's outlier RW nonsense to keep you irrelevant. Anarchy never worked. And you're against unions, an anarchist staple. The good points of those old thinkers was incorporated into socialism. Fair capitalism, that RWers are AGAINST in practice here now.
Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work

Historically false.

I suppose there was never a society without a centralized ruler....

The closest I've found is the federation of the Greek city states, the Mayan City states, tribal authorities, and probably the most successful example, Viking law.

"The Icelandic settlers were opposed to a central state dependent on the authority of a lord or king. Writing in the 11th century, Adam of Bremen said of the Icelanders, "they have no king except the law."

A system of laws was set up whereby people were governed by consensus and where disputes were resolved through negotiation and compromise. That is not to say that violence was not employed. Feuds and violence were permissible and even required in order to maintain one's honor in some instances. But adherence to the law was highly regarded, as observed by Njáll in chapter 70 of Brennu-Njáls saga: "With law our land shall rise, but it will perish with lawlessness."
Hurstwic: Viking-age Laws and Legal Procedures

We can see, even today when they threw out central bankers, their suspicion of authority remains very much alive.

An argument can even be made, that our own constitution would not have been as successful as it has been had it not been partially based on the Iroquois Confederation. The further we drift from that model, the more citizens chafe from the authoritarian central government.
You do realize it's the 21st century, right? Jesus, read a newspaper or recent poli-sci book...
This must be the largest group of anarchists on the internet. Irrelevant except as lost votes for Dems, their natural party without the GOP induced idiocy.
Perhaps yes, but maybe not so much. Maybe the elites have you thinking that you can't live side by side. Perhaps there are more important issues at stake.

Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?
Simple Liberty - Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists
If only Americans recognized the tyranny that is our government and the benefits of anarchy.

America's greatest thinkers, and rarely do any school children learn of them.


Josiah Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lysander Spooner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work, like communism, because of human nature. Neither does totalitarianism or Reaganism see sig. Only fair capitalism and democracy does, with a state OF COURSE to keep the a-holes in line. History proves it. And your anarchist movement is crap to keep you irrelevant, dupe.
You're fascism is the worst of all.....
Your comment is ridiculous, dupe. If there's any fascism in the US, it's the bought off by corporations, pander to the greedy idiot, pure obstruction of reform, New BS propaganda GOP. A disgrace. Fits the definition of incipent fascism, with its big orabge idiot "strong man". The ignorant inmates are running it now. Any argument, inmate?
You may find this interesting, Orwell speaking on anarchism in a review of Gulliver's Travels.

Yes, that is interesting.

Hatred and inhumanity are taught. When society upholds itself to a higher set of moral principals, it can condition love and humanity.

it is said that the government is reflective of the people, but in reality the people are reflective of their establishment. The ruling class lies, steals, kills, manipulates, and indulges. Naturally the slaves are going to be an echo of their masters.

Conformity is a powerful force in society, but I believe that conformity is also taught. We have all these ideas put in our heads about all the bad things that will happen if we do not submit. There are forces in this world more powerful than conformity, and they are vastly preferable to anything else. If we can find a way to organize and expose everyone to these powerful emotions and concepts, we can set the stages for human liberation.

I wish to rise above, but the ruling class wants me to squabble under its twisted and destructive empire.
We are taught conformity through discipline. The philosopher and teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti examined the value of discipline in this lecture on culture.

So it is very important to understand this whole question of discipline. To me, discipline is something altogether ugly; it is not creative, it is destructive. But merely to stop there, with a statement of that kind, may seem to imply that you can do whatever you like. On the contrary, a man who loves does not do whatever he likes. It is love alone that leads to right action. What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will.
Jiddu Krishnamurti texts
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Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work

Historically false.

I suppose there was never a society without a centralized ruler....

The closest I've found is the federation of the Greek city states, the Mayan City states, tribal authorities, and probably the most successful example, Viking law.

"The Icelandic settlers were opposed to a central state dependent on the authority of a lord or king. Writing in the 11th century, Adam of Bremen said of the Icelanders, "they have no king except the law."

A system of laws was set up whereby people were governed by consensus and where disputes were resolved through negotiation and compromise. That is not to say that violence was not employed. Feuds and violence were permissible and even required in order to maintain one's honor in some instances. But adherence to the law was highly regarded, as observed by Njáll in chapter 70 of Brennu-Njáls saga: "With law our land shall rise, but it will perish with lawlessness."
Hurstwic: Viking-age Laws and Legal Procedures

We can see, even today when they threw out central bankers, their suspicion of authority remains very much alive.

An argument can even be made, that our own constitution would not have been as successful as it has been had it not been partially based on the Iroquois Confederation. The further we drift from that model, the more citizens chafe from the authoritarian central government.
You do realize it's the 21st century, right? Jesus, read a newspaper or recent poli-sci book...

Oh, do tell me, how many political science books have you read? How many political science classes have you ever taken in your life?

Name for me a few of the most influential political science books on your thought?
Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work

Historically false.

I suppose there was never a society without a centralized ruler....

The closest I've found is the federation of the Greek city states, the Mayan City states, tribal authorities, and probably the most successful example, Viking law.

"The Icelandic settlers were opposed to a central state dependent on the authority of a lord or king. Writing in the 11th century, Adam of Bremen said of the Icelanders, "they have no king except the law."

A system of laws was set up whereby people were governed by consensus and where disputes were resolved through negotiation and compromise. That is not to say that violence was not employed. Feuds and violence were permissible and even required in order to maintain one's honor in some instances. But adherence to the law was highly regarded, as observed by Njáll in chapter 70 of Brennu-Njáls saga: "With law our land shall rise, but it will perish with lawlessness."
Hurstwic: Viking-age Laws and Legal Procedures

We can see, even today when they threw out central bankers, their suspicion of authority remains very much alive.

An argument can even be made, that our own constitution would not have been as successful as it has been had it not been partially based on the Iroquois Confederation. The further we drift from that model, the more citizens chafe from the authoritarian central government.
You do realize it's the 21st century, right? Jesus, read a newspaper or recent poli-sci book...

Oh, do tell me, how many political science books have you read? How many political science classes have you ever taken in your life?

Name for me a few of the most influential political science books on your thought?
A couple, 45 years ago lol. And a million History classes, last 16 years ago. I didn't like Poli-Sci much lol. Too theoretical, like you.
Haven't you ever wondered why there never was a society without any rulers what so ever?

Except there has been. Many societies, cultures, and civilizations have lived without formal rulers or established law. This is self evident with even a basic understanding of history.

You do realize the difference between a leader and a ruler?

As such, mores, social customs, norms, and even a sort of direct democracy or authoritarian totalitarian will always take root.

Agreed, but states are not a consequence of a collective human conscious. They are the foundations of human greed and hatred.

By the way, anarchism is taking democracy seriously. Democracy is classically defined as "power of the people," which only describes an anarchic society.

Their societies are, by definition, hierarchical and have an organization, a system of leadership.

Anarchism is not anti-organization.

Once again, you are demonstrating a lack of knowledge on anarchist thought.

The biological pecking order is something that is in the DNA, it is part of nature.

Show me where the "screw over your fellow man": gene is.

If you want to get in a discussion about human nature, the first societies, which were culture groups and agrarian civilizations were anarchist.

The only question we need now address is; how are we going to have this express itself in human society?

Proof of individual worth in a manner not involving the systematic control of our fellow man.

In the simplest and smallest societies for which we have accounts, there are men who stand out among their fellows, who take the lead in group activity, whose word is considered to be generally more valuable than that of others, who take on extra responsibility, and who sometimes scheme and work quite hard in order to do so, gaining in return the (often fleeting) esteem of their companions"
Yeah, that is called a leader.

Unless you are defining anarchism as anti-hierarchy, which is a awful definition that most disagree with, there is absolutely nothing wrong with distinguishing yourself in society.

There you go again misrepresenting what constitutes anarchist thought.

In the final analysis, pure anarchy, is impossible. The best that can be achieved is minarchy, or limited confederation.

You mean the ideology invented by scene kids to hang out with anarcho-punk rockers without abandoning their state libertarian beliefs?

Given your complete lack of knowledge on what anarchism is, I am highly skeptical of whether you know the roots of Minarchism.

Replace minarchism with classical liberal and you are a photocopy of any other statist idiot
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“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Trump and his supporters in a nutshell.

LOL, Barak the Magic Negro and the Hildabitch have us fighting in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia. Educate yourself you look stupid.
By the way, before some other uneducated drone like MisterBeale tries to butcher what constitutes anarchist thought, let me explain what it is not.

It is not anti-order, anti-organization, anti-leader, anti-product, anti-hierarchy, anti-government, or anti-establishment.

It is an ideological belief that human beings should be liberated from the control of both men and machines.

Anarchism opposes these two things.

1. Rulers: established authority figures which uses violence to enforce their arbitrary will

2. States: Political communities that maintain a set of arbitrary borders through the usage of violent force, conceptualized philosophically as a machine ruling class which enacts population control within that set of arbitrary borders.

Read some books or else you are going to look foolish to anyone with an education in this subject. Don't go saying that anarchism has never worked in history either, because that just proves you do not know very much about history.
By the way, before some other uneducated drone like MisterBeale tries to butcher what constitutes anarchist thought, let me explain what it is not.

It is not anti-order, anti-organization, anti-leader, anti-product, anti-hierarchy, anti-government, or anti-establishment.

It is an ideological belief that human beings should be liberated from the control of both men and machines.

Anarchism opposes these two things.

1. Rulers: established authority figures which uses violence to enforce their arbitrary will

2. States: Political communities that maintain a set of arbitrary borders through the usage of violent force, conceptualized philosophically as a machineruling class which enacts population control within those set of arbitrary borders.

Read some books or else you are going to look foolish to anyone with an education in this subject.
Dude, you are way out of whack. MisterBeale knows what he is talking about.. let me read what was going on.. but I know what I said is true

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