George Orwell

Who would have thought fifty years ago that colleges and universities would be transformed from centers for the open exchange of ideas and opinions to closed minded societies where big brother is always watching for violators who might utter one of a list of forbidden words or express forbidden opinions? Religion is under assault, the Flag is under assault and genetic women and girls are forced to share locker rooms and rest rooms with disturbed boys and men. What's next?
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No, they were warnings.

Orwell was a socialist. He was horrified that Socialism, when taken control by a state apparatus and apparatchiks, could be used for such evil.

That is why, when millennials and other douch-bags during this last election use the term, "Democratic Socialist," they get made fun of, because they have obviously never read Animal Farm.

Mr. Sanders is obviously your classical "Napoleon." Democratic Socialism is just fine, as long as he benefits more than others. Do you HONESTLY think he would be using the same socialized medicine as the people would be using? Seriously, are you that dumb?

  • Four legs good, two legs better!
  • The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Yes, Sanders would. I suppose that fear mongering hate fantasy is more "history". Ay caramba. All socialism is democratic, we have to call it D. S. so you brainwashed functional morons don't start ranting that socialism is communism. Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.
Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.

Russian communism to be exact, which wasn't really communism but was instead authoritarianism.

Yes, Sanders would. I suppose that fear mongering hate fantasy is more "history". Ay caramba. All socialism is democratic, we have to call it D. S. so you brainwashed functional morons don't start ranting that socialism is communism. Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.
Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.

Russian communism to be exact, which wasn't really communism but was instead authoritarianism.
Which communism has always been in practice.

It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!
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Who would have thought fifty years ago that colleges and universities would be transformed from centers for the open exchange of ideas and opinions to closed minded societies where big brother is always watching for violators who might utter one of a list of forbidden words or express forbidden opinions? Religion is under assault, the Flag is under assault and genetic women and girls are forced to share locker rooms and rest rooms with disturbed boys and men. What's next?
Sorry your stupid bs/hate gets short shrift in the real world, dupe.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
Animal Farm, 1984 etc were liberal warnings that helped bring down communism.

No, they were warnings.

Orwell was a socialist. He was horrified that Socialism, when taken control by a state apparatus and apparatchiks, could be used for such evil.

That is why, when millennials and other douch-bags during this last election use the term, "Democratic Socialist," they get made fun of, because they have obviously never read Animal Farm.

Mr. Sanders is obviously your classical "Napoleon." Democratic Socialism is just fine, as long as he benefits more than others. Do you HONESTLY think he would be using the same socialized medicine as the people would be using? Seriously, are you that dumb?

  • Four legs good, two legs better!
  • The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Yes, Sanders would. I suppose that fear mongering hate fantasy is more "history". Ay caramba. All socialism is democratic, we have to call it D. S. so you brainwashed functional morons don't start ranting that socialism is communism. Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.

I would recommend to you this book, it's Obama's favorite;


“It seems to me that man has engaged in a blind and fearful struggle out of a past he can't remember, into a future he can't foresee nor understand. And man has met and defeated every obstacle, every enemy except one. He cannot win over himself. How mankind hates himself.”

John Steinbeck, In Dubious Battle

But then, I know folks such as yourself aren't into reading that much. Perhaps you should just wait for the Hollywood version. I'm sure the propaganda version will sugar coat it for you. :badgrin:

I read all the time- now reading about WWII Brit Nurses. Very enlightening. My mother was one. Met my father in India- an American doc who joined the Brit Army BEFORE Pearl Harbor to fight Nazis, so of course was sent to fight the Japanese, was surrounded at Imphal.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
Animal Farm, 1984 etc were liberal warnings that helped bring down communism.

No, they were warnings.

Orwell was a socialist. He was horrified that Socialism, when taken control by a state apparatus and apparatchiks, could be used for such evil.

That is why, when millennials and other douch-bags during this last election use the term, "Democratic Socialist," they get made fun of, because they have obviously never read Animal Farm.

Mr. Sanders is obviously your classical "Napoleon." Democratic Socialism is just fine, as long as he benefits more than others. Do you HONESTLY think he would be using the same socialized medicine as the people would be using? Seriously, are you that dumb?

  • Four legs good, two legs better!
  • The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Yes, Sanders would. I suppose that fear mongering hate fantasy is more "history". Ay caramba. All socialism is democratic, we have to call it D. S. so you brainwashed functional morons don't start ranting that socialism is communism. Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.

So you seriously aren't aware that Senators and their staff are exempt from the ACA? :lmao:

As far as your knowledge of socialism? It is laughable how ignorant you are. Socialism falls into two distinct categories; State socialism, and libertarian socialism, IOW anarchy.
Yes, states exist. It's just a question of whether they're fair or not. The New BS GOP one ain't. All health care is ACA, dupe. Their care is no different from the best ones available on exchanges.
Yes, Sanders would. I suppose that fear mongering hate fantasy is more "history". Ay caramba. All socialism is democratic, we have to call it D. S. so you brainwashed functional morons don't start ranting that socialism is communism. Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.
Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.

Russian communism to be exact, which wasn't really communism but was instead authoritarianism.

Russian communism to be exact, which wasn't really communism but was instead authoritarianism.
Which communism has always been in practice.

It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!

GOP Newspeak? Have you gone daft? The GOP didn't introduce politically correct language, the Dems did, or didn't you get the memo?



As far as the "never ending war?" Those who push this know it is bullshit. You statists want this, and Dems are no different than Repubs in that regard.

Folks that study the Deep State know who Carol Quigeley is. We don't see the Republicans and the Democrats as two different parties. It is YOU who is stuck on this divide and conquer partisan game. For us, they are two sides of the same coin. Chances are, Trump will either capitulate to the neo-con foreign policy agenda. If he doesn't, they will find some reason to impeach him, or he will be eliminated.



One of these economic groups that is facing indirect economic injury is the mafia. Guess who are one of the organized clandestine interests backing Trump? Of course, the internet is helping the little people organize their economic interests now as well. . . .

Can anyone say yay to anarchy? :lmao:

The question now remains, if he were to be elected, does he have a backbone, or will he sell out?
It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
Not sure if this is directed at me but what makes you think I don't see it? I do.
Glad you do.
I think that our differences lie in the cause and the remedy.

Perhaps yes, but maybe not so much. Maybe the elites have you thinking that you can't live side by side. Perhaps there are more important issues at stake.

Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?
Simple Liberty - Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists
If only Americans recognized the tyranny that is our government and the benefits of anarchy.
One is the unfair New BS GOP- the other would be the benefits of finished Dem policy- legalized and taxed pot, decriminalized and treated hard drugs, many fewer prisoners, cheaper and better ed., less military, demiiltarized police, fairer capitalism. etc etc. Rejoin reality. lol
Russian communism to be exact, which wasn't really communism but was instead authoritarianism.

Which communism has always been in practice.

It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!

GOP Newspeak? Have you gone daft? The GOP didn't introduce politically correct language, the Dems did, or didn't you get the memo?



As far as the "never ending war?" Those who push this know it is bullshit. You statists want this, and Dems are no different than Repubs in that regard.

Folks that study the Deep State know who Carol Quigeley is. We don't see the Republicans and the Democrats as two different parties. It is YOU who is stuck on this divide and conquer partisan game. For us, they are two sides of the same coin. Chances are, Trump will either capitulate to the neo-con foreign policy agenda. If he doesn't, they will find some reason to impeach him, or he will be eliminated.



One of these economic groups that is facing indirect economic injury is the mafia. Guess who are one of the organized clandestine interests backing Trump? Of course, the internet is helping the little people organize their economic interests now as well. . . .

Can anyone say yay to anarchy? :lmao:

The question now remains, if he were to be elected, does he have a backbone, or will he sell out?

The New BS GOP and its dupes are the agent of UNFAIR financial capitalism. See Citizens United, lobbyists unchecked, etc.
It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
Not sure if this is directed at me but what makes you think I don't see it? I do.
Glad you do.
I think that our differences lie in the cause and the remedy.

Perhaps yes, but maybe not so much. Maybe the elites have you thinking that you can't live side by side. Perhaps there are more important issues at stake.

Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?
Simple Liberty - Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists
If only Americans recognized the tyranny that is our government and the benefits of anarchy.

America's greatest thinkers, and rarely do any school children learn of them.


Josiah Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lysander Spooner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!

GOP Newspeak? Have you gone daft? The GOP didn't introduce politically correct language, the Dems did, or didn't you get the memo?



As far as the "never ending war?" Those who push this know it is bullshit. You statists want this, and Dems are no different than Repubs in that regard.

Folks that study the Deep State know who Carol Quigeley is. We don't see the Republicans and the Democrats as two different parties. It is YOU who is stuck on this divide and conquer partisan game. For us, they are two sides of the same coin. Chances are, Trump will either capitulate to the neo-con foreign policy agenda. If he doesn't, they will find some reason to impeach him, or he will be eliminated.



One of these economic groups that is facing indirect economic injury is the mafia. Guess who are one of the organized clandestine interests backing Trump? Of course, the internet is helping the little people organize their economic interests now as well. . . .

Can anyone say yay to anarchy? :lmao:

The question now remains, if he were to be elected, does he have a backbone, or will he sell out?

The New BS GOP and its dupes are the agent of UNFAIR financial capitalism. See Citizens United, lobbyists unchecked, etc.

Not sure if this is directed at me but what makes you think I don't see it? I do.
Glad you do.
I think that our differences lie in the cause and the remedy.

Perhaps yes, but maybe not so much. Maybe the elites have you thinking that you can't live side by side. Perhaps there are more important issues at stake.

Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?
Simple Liberty - Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists
If only Americans recognized the tyranny that is our government and the benefits of anarchy.

America's greatest thinkers, and rarely do any school children learn of them.


Josiah Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lysander Spooner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's why we have a Supreme Court, even a foolish GOP one.
Russian communism to be exact, which wasn't really communism but was instead authoritarianism.

Which communism has always been in practice.

It is amazing that you and your kind can't see the numerous similarities of Orwell's totalitarian society and the USA today.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!

GOP Newspeak? Have you gone daft? The GOP didn't introduce politically correct language, the Dems did, or didn't you get the memo?



As far as the "never ending war?" Those who push this know it is bullshit. You statists want this, and Dems are no different than Repubs in that regard.

Folks that study the Deep State know who Carol Quigeley is. We don't see the Republicans and the Democrats as two different parties. It is YOU who is stuck on this divide and conquer partisan game. For us, they are two sides of the same coin. Chances are, Trump will either capitulate to the neo-con foreign policy agenda. If he doesn't, they will find some reason to impeach him, or he will be eliminated.



One of these economic groups that is facing indirect economic injury is the mafia. Guess who are one of the organized clandestine interests backing Trump? Of course, the internet is helping the little people organize their economic interests now as well. . . .

Can anyone say yay to anarchy? :lmao:

The question now remains, if he were to be elected, does he have a backbone, or will he sell out?

Trump is a mobbed up con man, and will make Reaganism even worse, see sig, pp1.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!

GOP Newspeak? Have you gone daft? The GOP didn't introduce politically correct language, the Dems did, or didn't you get the memo?



As far as the "never ending war?" Those who push this know it is bullshit. You statists want this, and Dems are no different than Repubs in that regard.

Folks that study the Deep State know who Carol Quigeley is. We don't see the Republicans and the Democrats as two different parties. It is YOU who is stuck on this divide and conquer partisan game. For us, they are two sides of the same coin. Chances are, Trump will either capitulate to the neo-con foreign policy agenda. If he doesn't, they will find some reason to impeach him, or he will be eliminated.



One of these economic groups that is facing indirect economic injury is the mafia. Guess who are one of the organized clandestine interests backing Trump? Of course, the internet is helping the little people organize their economic interests now as well. . . .

Can anyone say yay to anarchy? :lmao:

The question now remains, if he were to be elected, does he have a backbone, or will he sell out?

The New BS GOP and its dupes are the agent of UNFAIR financial capitalism. See Citizens United, lobbyists unchecked, etc.


Truth is like that. As opposed to your ever entertaining GOP propaganda, for you brave, independant dupes. lol. Rejoin reality.
The New BS GOP, yes. Truthiness...
Orwell was thinking of you when he wrote, 'ignorance is strength.'
Hilariously ironic....What similarities are those? The neverending Asian war, started by you stupid GOP a-holes? Ended by Dems....Your GOP propaganda Newspeak? Pub dupes!

GOP Newspeak? Have you gone daft? The GOP didn't introduce politically correct language, the Dems did, or didn't you get the memo?



As far as the "never ending war?" Those who push this know it is bullshit. You statists want this, and Dems are no different than Repubs in that regard.

Folks that study the Deep State know who Carol Quigeley is. We don't see the Republicans and the Democrats as two different parties. It is YOU who is stuck on this divide and conquer partisan game. For us, they are two sides of the same coin. Chances are, Trump will either capitulate to the neo-con foreign policy agenda. If he doesn't, they will find some reason to impeach him, or he will be eliminated.



One of these economic groups that is facing indirect economic injury is the mafia. Guess who are one of the organized clandestine interests backing Trump? Of course, the internet is helping the little people organize their economic interests now as well. . . .

Can anyone say yay to anarchy? :lmao:

The question now remains, if he were to be elected, does he have a backbone, or will he sell out?

The New BS GOP and its dupes are the agent of UNFAIR financial capitalism. See Citizens United, lobbyists unchecked, etc.


Political correctness is a reaction to New BS GOP hate propaganda. The problem in our political discourse is all their misinformation, dupe. Obama is evil, just in league with greedy idiot GOP, had control for 2 years, his policies (which were obstructed) caused this inequality etc.

Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Not sure if this is directed at me but what makes you think I don't see it? I do.
Glad you do.
I think that our differences lie in the cause and the remedy.

Perhaps yes, but maybe not so much. Maybe the elites have you thinking that you can't live side by side. Perhaps there are more important issues at stake.

Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists — Friend or Foe?
Simple Liberty - Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists
If only Americans recognized the tyranny that is our government and the benefits of anarchy.

America's greatest thinkers, and rarely do any school children learn of them.


Josiah Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lysander Spooner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warren is interesting, but anarchy doesn't work, like communism, because of human nature. Neither does totalitarianism or Reaganism see sig. Only fair capitalism and democracy does, with a state OF COURSE to keep the a-holes in line. History proves it. And your anarchist movement is crap to keep you irrelevant, dupe.

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