George Soros calls President Trump a 'danger to the world.'

Over the past couple of decades, the hedge fund billionaire and globalist gadfly has poured hundreds of millions of dollars of his ill-gotten gains into hundreds of organizations and dozens of schemes aimed at empowering global government through the United Nations and destroying our constitutional limitations on government. Here is a short list of the many violent, illegal, and/or unethical rent-a-mob actions and Astroturf “movements” for which “philanthropist” George Soros should be called to account:

• The recent anti-Trump riots have been reliably reported as the handiwork of paid “protesters” organized by, Planned Parenthood, #BlackLivesMatter, and other groups that have been heavily funded by Soros.
• The violent #BlackLivesMatter riots that have wracked America and fomented racial turmoil since the Ferguson, Missouri police shooting have been funded with tens of millions of dollars from Soros' foundations.

• The WikiLeaks e-mails have exposed the Soros funding of the United Nations/Obama administration scheme for flooding the United States and Europe with unvetted Muslim “refugees.”

• Soros was a principal funder for the August 28, 2016 protest/rally in Washington, D.C. to boost the Obama/UN refugee/migration plan.

• Top Hillary Clinton Campaign and Democratic National Committee operatives have been exposed in the undercover videos by Project Veritas boasting of their illegal activities, including voter fraud, inciting riots, and instigating violence at Trump rallies. Soros’ funding ties to these operations and his past funding of similar illicit activities indicate that, at the very least, he be investigated for possible prosecution regarding these serious crimes as well.

Various organizations, including those funded by Soros, have announced plans for massive demonstrations leading up to, and on, Inauguration Day, January 21. Based upon the rhetoric of the organizers and the recent record of their activities across the country, there is very good reason to believe that these upcoming “protests” will be as violent and lawless as those we have already witnessed.

Just remember everyone, that is perfectly fine. If you are good enough socialist and hate America well enough, you can do whatever you want.

We cant though. They can.

Personally I don't like Donald Trump, I don't agree with his philosophy and his positions on many issues, I find him to be lacking in integrity and completely narcissistic, that being said.....

...... the fact that George Soros is so vehemently against him has me considering the possibility that I've misjudged the Donald.

Agreed on Soros elevating Trump's stature through his hate. However I must say even though I supported Cruz, and did not believe Trump would do much to unravel the meat puppet's mess I have to admit I support Trump at this point.

I figured the best we could hope for is more border security, and no more gun control. I was delighted he beat hitlery but I didn't have high expectations otherwise. Trump has earned some praise and support.

If he pisses off some smarmy pseudo-intellectual elitist pig libtards along the way...

well fuck 'em.

They need to be offended because they absolutely repulse me.


Personally I don't like Donald Trump, I don't agree with his philosophy and his positions on many issues, I find him to be lacking in integrity and completely narcissistic, that being said.....

...... the fact that George Soros is so vehemently against him has me considering the possibility that I've misjudged the Donald.

Agreed on Soros elevating Trump's stature through his hate. However I must say even though I supported Cruz, and did not believe Trump would do much to unravel the meat puppet's mess I have to admit I support Trump at this point.

I figured the best we could hope for is more border security, and no more gun control. I was delighted he beat hitlery but I didn't have high expectations otherwise. Trump has earned some praise and support.

If he pisses off some smarmy pseudo-intellectual elitist pig libtards along the way...

well fuck 'em.

They need to be offended because they absolutely repulse me.

Soros just boosted Trump support up another notch. PS: I thought he was on his deathbed last year? What happened?

He sacrifice a virgin to gain more life? The world would be an infinitely better place without Soros and those of a similar mindset.
Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

Soros isn't going anywhere, unless of course you plan on sticking a wooden stake through his icy heart 'cause last time I checked that's the only way to kill a vampire.

.... and when he does finally get his just deserts it's not HEAVEN'S door he's going to be knocking on.:dev3:
Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

He gives a lot to charities. He believes in peace. He also believes in equality. I guess he realizes what fascism does , causes war.
The man who bets on currencies failing!

He doesn't "bet" on them failing. He engineers their failure. And anyone who he says is a threat is a direct threat to soros, and that is a good thing. He's the most vile human on the planet at this moment.
Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

He gives a lot to charities. He believes in peace. He also believes in equality. I guess he realizes what fascism does , causes war.

So do drug cartel leaders. It keeps the locals stupified while they commit their atrocities elsewhere. That's how it's done, give a little bit to charity and the idiots think you're great.
Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

He gives a lot to charities. He believes in peace. He also believes in equality. I guess he realizes what fascism does , causes war.

So do drug cartel leaders. It keeps the locals stupified while they commit their atrocities elsewhere. That's how it's done, give a little bit to charity and the idiots think you're great.
Sounds like your typical Islamic Terrorist leader.

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