George Soros calls President Trump a 'danger to the world.'

Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

He gives a lot to charities. He believes in peace. He also believes in equality. I guess he realizes what fascism does , causes war.

Yeah you're right, just like most fascists he does "realize what fascism does" and yet it doesn't seem to bother him. :dunno:
Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

He gives a lot to charities. He believes in peace. He also believes in equality. I guess he realizes what fascism does , causes war.

So do drug cartel leaders. It keeps the locals stupified while they commit their atrocities elsewhere. That's how it's done, give a little bit to charity and the idiots think you're great.
Sounds like your typical Islamic Terrorist leader.

That's an insult to typical Islamic Terrorist Leaders, prepare yourself for a fucking Fatwa. :cool:
George Soros calls President Trump a 'danger to the world.'

must be why he donated $160 million to Trump when he was building Trump Tower
He is a danger because...


Unless you are truly idiotic enough to think that bad tweets represent a real threat to the planet. At that point there is little that can be done.
Unless you are truly idiotic enough to think that bad tweets represent a real threat to the planet. At that point there is little that can be done.

:mad: Bad tweets contribute to global warming unless of course you purchase sufficient tweet offset credits to compensate, then they're fine. :)
as long as Goldilocks handlers keep him on a short leash, give him a tv to watch, an an iPhone for tweeting like a teenager, hes not too dangerous..

oh yeah ,a hair stylist, a makeup artist, and a ride to the golf course..
Unless you are truly idiotic enough to think that bad tweets represent a real threat to the planet. At that point there is little that can be done.

:mad: Bad tweets contribute to global warming unless of course you purchase sufficient tweet offset credits to compensate, then they're fine. :)
No, no no. You have it all wrong. Tweets directly provide carbon offset tokens by limiting all the hot air that escapes the mouths of idiots on a daily basis replacing it with a digital clean air solution.

In related news, Trump's carbon bank from twitter has been classified :p
Coming from a guy who bragged about taking down the Bank of London, that's rich.
Which begs the question: What motivates the man? Obviously he knows he is going to be knocking on heaven's door soon... But apart from that...???

He gives a lot to charities. He believes in peace. He also believes in equality. I guess he realizes what fascism does , causes war.

I've gone from thinking you're benign, to thinking you're a fucking asshole with that statement.

Meanwhile, he pays ANTIFA to hurl Molotov cocktails in Ukraine and other places.

Also to cause unrest in America.

GFY, globalist shill kunt.

If Soros believes in peace, why does he fund riots? Shup, bitch?

'George Soros calls President Trump a 'danger to the world.'

That's like Hitler calling Churchill a threat to the Jews.

Soros just boosted Trump support up another notch. PS: I thought he was on his deathbed last year? What happened?

He sacrifice a virgin to gain more life? The world would be an infinitely better place without Soros and those of a similar mindset.
Nope.....the blood of a virgin can sustain him for a short period of time.
He still cannot expose himself to Sunlight.
He must rest instead during the day and come out to feed at night.

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