George Soros funds the caravan's parents group and caravan spokeswoman's employer


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
George Soros’ money pays a parent group of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the official organizer of the illegal immigrant Caravan headed to the U.S.-Mexico border. Soros also funds a Pueblo Sin Fronteras spokeswoman’s employer, according to records obtained by Big League Politics courtesy of independent researcher Brian Humphrey.

CONFIRMED: George Soros Funds The Caravan's Parent Group And Caravan Spokeswoman's Employer - Big League Politics

But he's so kind and oh we're so mean for saying what we do about him Bahahah, oh how funny when you are to much of an idiot to realize what paper trails can and will tell you.

Kind of like cops who tie the hints together or connect the dots in case ............ we know that's a little to hard for some to think of though.

No Evidence Soros Is Funding Immigrant 'Caravan' -

In his tweet, Gaetz suggested, without offering any evidence, that Soros might be funding the immigrants. And that claim has been embraced by the right-wing community that is spreading the video online.

It also has been adopted by websites that traffic in misinformation, which have posted stories with headlines like: “Who’s behind the ‘migrant caravan’ invasion? – George Soros and the telltale Star of David,” “Soros’s Human Caravan Slowed In Mexico But Still Pushing North,” and “Soros Letter Reveals Plot to ‘Take Down Borders’ with Migrant Caravan Invasions.”

That last story, posted on a website called News Punch, claims, “George Soros and his Open Society Foundations have been plotting since 2015 to use migrant caravan blitzkriegs to achieve the goal of ‘taking down national borders.'” It cites an email that Soros sent to Bloomberg Business as the only evidence to support the claim, but Soros didn’t say that he had plans of “taking down national borders.” He did respond to criticism about immigration policy from Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, in a statement to Bloomberg that said, “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

Laura Silber, spokeswoman for the Open Society Foundations confirmed to in an email that neither Soros personally nor his charitable organization have been funding the Central Americans traveling through Mexico.

Silber said in a statement: “Open Society certainly supports the historic US commitment to welcoming people fleeing violence and oppression in their home countries — a commitment honored by presidents of both parties dating back years, prior to 2016. And the foundation has supported various organizations working with immigrants on both sides of the border. But there is no funding going from OSF to the group of people moving north from Honduras into Mexico.”

Beyond that, the video itself doesn’t even clearly show that it’s money being handed out. The video was shot in the southern Guatemalan city of Chiquimula, which served as a way station for the group of immigrants, who are largely from Honduras. Starting on Oct. 16, a local radio station began reporting on the immigrants’ path through the city, including photos of various things that locals handed out to them, including: Bibles, medical care, and food. At least one church opened its doors to let immigrants sleep inside. It’s likely that the video was taken that day, since Gaetz posted it to Twitter on Oct. 17. It’s unclear if the two men in the video are handing out vouchers, or cash, or informational bulletins, or even who the men are.

Gaetz said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the video had been provided to him by “Honduran government officials, it was collected by Central American intelligence officials,” but he hasn’t given any further information to support the questions he raised in the tweet about Soros. His office did not respond to our request for more information.

Gaetz explained on the show that he was raising these questions because Soros has funded non-governmental organizations in the past. He said, “If you have organizers working in concert with U.S. NGOs or left- leaning groups that’s also a problem. So I think that we’ve seen that model in other parts of the world, Jake, in the Balkans. Judicial watch just did a report where you saw U.S. NGOs working alongside Soros backed groups for political outcomes. I hope that’s not happening in Latin America or anywhere else in the world.”

While it is certainly true that Open Society works with NGOs to advance democracy abroad and support issues such as anti-discrimination and gender equality, that’s not evidence that Soros or Open Society is funding Central American emigrants to come to the U.S.

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