George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

Why do the Far Right want to prevent the legal acts of a private association?

Every time a conservative has a complaint the left automatically assumes they want to snatch power and create laws to stop it. No, that is how you think and operate, not conservatives.
I know it is hard to defend the Far Right when they act like big government progressives, as they are in opposition to removing the plaques, etc., from the Church. You have your opinion, it does not matter.
What a bunch of PC assholes. Said they felt threatened because of plaques...well now you dumbass bastards just drew attention to yourselves.
George Washington's Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down

So what are they going to change the name to?

I assume they need to change the name.

How about, church of Darwin.

They are Episcopalians, silly. And the other plaque commemorates Robert E. Lee. Moreover, the congregation is merely moving both plaques from the sanctuary to another location within the church.
Why do the Far Right want to prevent the legal acts of a private association?

Every time a conservative has a complaint the left automatically assumes they want to snatch power and create laws to stop it. No, that is how you think and operate, not conservatives.
Statues, abortion, prayer in school, ten commandment monuments, contraception?

Go pull someone else's finger, Votto.
Simple Solution:

Offer to buy the Church and donate it to a Historical Society or The Government.

Simpler solution.

Tell those who hate America to shut the fuck up.
And just who are the folks who "hate America" and how do you know that?
Simple Solution:

Offer to buy the Church and donate it to a Historical Society or The Government.

Simpler solution.

Tell those who hate America to shut the fuck up.

Trump should go after their tax exempt status.

Why? The congregation did nothing wrong, like campaign for a political candidate from the pulpit. They don't violate the rules for tax-exempt status like some churches do. All they are doing is moving non-religious commemorative plaques around their own church. It's "religious freedom," ya known.
I don't go to church so I couldn't care what they do.

I don't either, but I love history, and these plaques have been in place since 1870 in this historic church. I would think most Americans would be concerned when they see stories that George Washington is no longer seen as a heroic figure let alone the father of our country. These good for nothing folks are ashamed of him, and want to relocate his plaque away from their congregation. Despicable bastards.

The people in the congregation merely voted to relocate the Lee and Washington plaques to another area of the church from their present positions on either side of the sanctuary, noting that they do not serve a religious purpose and their symbolism might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors. Neither were religious figures.There is nothing "despicable" about such a decision.

This is a beautiful church that I have visited many times, even accidentally praying over the main water connection while my friend and I stopped to say a blessing over each grave. This is a tempest in a teapot. The vestry has made a pretty equitable decision. Moreover, this decision appears to be an exercise of "religious freedom."
. With the left and their every move, they have an excuse for everything. It reminds me of a mother whose children could do no wrong in her eyes, and therefore the abuse that is caused by such a thing goes unchecked for way to long. The destruction of many children's lives have come at the hands of a mother who found no fault in them ever. Liberals or leftist are just as a parent is who would lead their children astray by making excuses for their every action. It is wrong, but whose counting anymore ?
. Jake, you do know that the
Left in the country would look at that picture and think "well looky at the token blackman in that picture, now don't ya know that the White people will fabricate anything in order to make themselves appear as friend's of the blackman ??". Who is that "Sheriff Clark they would ask ?? :D
Nope, but the Alt Right would say, "Put him back in chains after the battle."
. No, that's the dog whistle of your hero crazy Joe Biden. Put them back in chains is what he said the Republicans wanted eh ? Good grief... If a man let's a man of any race (put him back in chains or into chains), then shame on him. The Demon-crats have no boundaries to live by. They will stoop to the lowest of the low to use propaganda on their sheep, and upon this country in which they reside in currently.
The dog whistle of the right always comes from the Trumpers who simply do not care about truth, justice, and the American way.

Mainstream pubs and mainstream dems are going to have to join forces to save America.

Thank heavens that Orange Donald can't keep his mouth shut.
The dog whistle of the right always comes from the Trumpers who simply do not care about truth, justice, and the American way.

Mainstream pubs and mainstream dems are going to have to join forces to save America.

Thank heavens that Orange Donald can't keep his mouth shut.
. What, join forces in order to save your queen Hillary ? To late for that now, she's toast. Her and Bill's shady business deals and abuses have finally come home to roost.
Clinton is trash. I voted for McMillan, while you voted for demolite, beagle9. No integrity, you.
Clinton is trash. I voted for McMillan, while you voted for demolite, beagle9. No integrity, you.
. Oh Clinton is trash now eh Jake ? Well since you say so, then finally it must be so. I feel better now because you finally gave up on Hillary Jake. Thanks.... LOL.

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