George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

Remember that you also have the option of leaving for another country.
And I would leave the country, if I hated as much as many of the lefties and BLM clowns.

If there was a problem with the statues it should have been handled by members of each community. Instead, we've had a bunch of antifa and BLM types trying their best to destroy the monuments. These people are criminals and should be arrested and thrown in jail. If you want to take these criminals seriously that's your choice.

If you hate our country and our history as much as they do, you can leave the fucking country too, AH.
I am excited that they were indicted, but why were they ever invited? Oh Trump, look what you've ignited. Our country you have blighted. All decency you've slighted. The lies that you've provided! You are so misguided. We are becoming more united—most would be delighted—if you never had presided.
Oh my we have a Jim Morrison poet in our mist.
Remember that you also have the option of leaving for another country.
And I would leave the country, if I hated as much as many of the lefties and BLM clowns.

If there was a problem with the statues it should have been handled by members of each community. Instead, we've had a bunch of antifa and BLM types trying their best to destroy the monuments. These people are criminals and should be arrested and thrown in jail. If you want to take these criminals seriously that's your choice.

If you hate our country and our history as much as they do, you can leave the fucking country too, AH.

The vast majority of those who want to see the statues removed are neither "antifa," which seems to consist of a very small number of people, nor BLM and I don't see that anyone "hates" our country.
The statues in several cities are just being moved to be displayed elsewhere, where their "historical" significance can be explained, or be stored until a more suitable location can be found. The City Council of New Orleans is accepting proposals from groups that want to take them and display them. The City Council of Baltimore voted to deconstruct them. These are community governments. The people who destroyed the statute in Durham actually were were arrested. So what, exactly, do you want?

Your hyperbole is useless. Disagreeing with your views does not constitute hatred for the U.S. Remember that the statues are of people who fought against the U.S.
Any Alt Righties, who want to oppose the right of those officials or members of private associations to remove or relocate memorials or statues, are Big Government Progressive fascists wanting big government to do what they want.
I never thought I'd say it, but these imbeciles who are trying their best to destroy all signs of America's history are starting to make the Orange Asshole seem like a sensible person. The church can do as it pleases, but the stuff happening on campuses and in town squares is sickening.

Funny how these people who are ripping down statues and hurling non-stop insults at white folks, and who seem to hate everything about America never put their money where their mouths are and simply LEAVE. Why don't they go find another country they like better. We'll get along fine without them, in fact we'll get along better without them.

One truly disgusting SJW on video the other day was screaming about how much she hates America and white people etc. This ugly POS was going to college on Fine-Aid and, last I heard was seeking donations to pay for an apartment until her Aid checks arrive. She's going to college on taxpayer's dime and she's too fucking stupid to see, or understand, the irony in her hateful words and actions. I'm sure she'll be a terrific, productive, and patriotic, citizen someday...NOT.

Most of the statutes were just removed to be located in a more suitable location, not destroyed. These statues do not represent "America's history" as much as they seem to have been erected only by white Southerners without the participation of other whites and non-whites to celebrate those who tried to destroy America and many were erected simply to give the rest of America the "finger." They represent the history only of white Southerners who wanted to tear the U.S. apart based on a white-supremacist ideology.

I live in northern Virginia. I know that Robert E. Lee's boyhood home is only blocks away from Christ Church. Route One is "Jefferson Davis Highway," there is a Quantrell Avenue, there are statues commemorating confederate soldiers, some of whom are buried at Christ Church, and up until a few days ago, a Fairfax County high school was named after J.E.B. Stuart (now Justice High). Nothing commemorating anyone from the Union side, or the poor souls who were incarcerated and sold at the slave market. No Abraham Lincoln Boulevard, or Grant Avenue. Why is this?

Moreover, there is the interesting fact that there are almost no monuments to Longstreet, Lee's right-hand man:
Where are the monuments to Confederate Gen. James Longstreet? - CNN

Remember that you also have the option of leaving for another country.

Well it's been the case forever now it seems, otherwise when the U.S. war machine destroy's something like a small or large country, then they always back off once the surrender comes..

It then hopes that the lessons we're learned, and somehow those lessons became entrenched within the minds of those who were occupied temporarily.... Then they would even help to rebuild and/or start the small country back up again. In the case of the south it just rejoined the Union, and rightfully so.

The south was as a small country at one point in time that was defeated by the war machine of the north. Once it was over, it was time to bury the dead on both sides, and to honor the hero's on both sides.

Next new laws were created to help shape the futures that were to come next. None on either side were perfect, and to this day the same will always apply that none of us are perfect, and never will be while here on this earth. The attacking of the nation's History, and the anthem is a new war that has started, and it is being operated by those who have an agenda, but yet they cover it up with every issue they can find or use in order to attack with those issues at hand.. To try and relive the war over and over again is unexceptable, and it is seen as a scam more so than something legitimate.
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I don't go to church so I couldn't care what they do.

I don't either, but I love history, and these plaques have been in place since 1870 in this historic church. I would think most Americans would be concerned when they see stories that George Washington is no longer seen as a heroic figure let alone the father of our country. These good for nothing folks are ashamed of him, and want to relocate his plaque away from their congregation. Despicable bastards.
Any Alt Righties, who want to oppose the right of those officials or members of private associations to remove or relocate memorials or statues, are Big Government Progressive fascists wanting big government to do what they want.

No one is questioning their rights dufus.
As long as they are the current owners of this historic site, they can burn the place down if they so wish.
I for one would love to see the National Parks Service purchase the property and make it an official historical site.
I realize as a lib you hate our founding fathers, so all of this goes over your head.
I don't go to church so I couldn't care what they do.

I don't either, but I love history, and these plaques have been in place since 1870 in this historic church. I would think most Americans would be concerned when they see stories that George Washington is no longer seen as a heroic figure let alone the father of our country. These good for nothing folks are ashamed of him, and want to relocate his plaque away from their congregation. Despicable bastards.

The people in the congregation merely voted to relocate the Lee and Washington plaques to another area of the church from their present positions on either side of the sanctuary, noting that they do not serve a religious purpose and their symbolism might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors. Neither were religious figures.There is nothing "despicable" about such a decision.

This is a beautiful church that I have visited many times, even accidentally praying over the main water connection while my friend and I stopped to say a blessing over each grave. This is a tempest in a teapot. The vestry has made a pretty equitable decision. Moreover, this decision appears to be an exercise of "religious freedom."
Geaux, you poor little lamb: why are you acting like a BIG GOVERNMENT PROGRESSIVE who wants to tell private associations what they can and can't do with their property? What you think about what the Church membership does just is not of import.

Of course you can't stop them. I just don't like the way things are being erased in this country. Don't like it one bit

Any Alt Righties, who want to oppose the right of those officials or members of private associations to remove or relocate memorials or statues, are Big Government Progressive fascists wanting big government to do what they want.

No one is questioning their rights dufus.
As long as they are the current owners of this historic site, they can burn the place down if they so wish.
I for one would love to see the NationSaal Parks Service purchase the property and make it an official historical site.
I realize as a lib you hate our founding fathers, so all of this goes over your head.
Says the dufus. :) You have every right to complain about what they want, and I realize as a right of center GOP that complaining of the far right about this is worthless. Get over it and quit acting like a Big Government Progressive wanting to take away private association.
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I don't go to church so I couldn't care what they do.

I don't either, but I love history, and these plaques have been in place since 1870 in this historic church. I would think most Americans would be concerned when they see stories that George Washington is no longer seen as a heroic figure let alone the father of our country. These good for nothing folks are ashamed of him, and want to relocate his plaque away from their congregation. Despicable bastards.

The people in the congregation merely voted to relocate the Lee and Washington plaques to another area of the church from their present positions on either side of the sanctuary, noting that they do not serve a religious purpose and their symbolism might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors. Neither were religious figures.There is nothing "despicable" about such a decision.

This is a beautiful church that I have visited many times, even accidentally praying over the main water connection while my friend and I stopped to say a blessing over each grave. This is a tempest in a teapot. The vestry has made a pretty equitable decision. Moreover, this decision appears to be an exercise of "religious freedom."

"might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors"disturbed"offended by our.
I don't go to church so I couldn't care what they do.

I don't either, but I love history, and these plaques have been in place since 1870 in this historic church. I would think most Americans would be concerned when they see stories that George Washington is no longer seen as a heroic figure let alone the father of our country. These good for nothing folks are ashamed of him, and want to relocate his plaque away from their congregation. Despicable bastards.

The people in the congregation merely voted to relocate the Lee and Washington plaques to another area of the church from their present positions on either side of the sanctuary, noting that they do not serve a religious purpose and their symbolism might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors. Neither were religious figures.There is nothing "despicable" about such a decision.

This is a beautiful church that I have visited many times, even accidentally praying over the main water connection while my friend and I stopped to say a blessing over each grave. This is a tempest in a teapot. The vestry has made a pretty equitable decision. Moreover, this decision appears to be an exercise of "religious freedom."

"might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors"

And there are the key words right there. These plaques have been in place since 1870, the one being our nations "father".
If someone finds George Washington "disturbing" they frankly are in the wrong country.
Any Alt Righties, who want to oppose the right of those officials or members of private associations to remove or relocate memorials or statues, are Big Government Progressive fascists wanting big government to do what they want.

No one is questioning their rights dufus.
As long as they are the current owners of this historic site, they can burn the place down if they so wish.
I for one would love to see the NationSaal Parks Service purchase the property and make it an official historical site.
I realize as a lib you hate our founding fathers, so all of this goes over your head.
Says the dufus. :) You have every right to complain about what they want, and I realize as a right of center GOP that complaining of the far right about this is worthless. Get over it and quit acting like a Big Government Progressive wanting to take away private association.

Jake, it was nice during the time you were gone from the forum. How about returning to wherever you were.
The people in the congregation merely voted to relocate the Lee and Washington plaques to another area of the church from their present positions on either side of the sanctuary, noting that they do not serve a religious purpose and their symbolism might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors. Neither were religious figures.There is nothing "despicable" about such a decision.

This is a beautiful church that I have visited many times, even accidentally praying over the main water connection while my friend and I stopped to say a blessing over each grave. This is a tempest in a teapot. The vestry has made a pretty equitable decision. Moreover, this decision appears to be an exercise of "religious freedom."[/QUOTE]

"might be disturbing to worshipers and visitors"

And there are the key words right there. These plaques have been in place since 1870, the one being our nations "father".
If someone finds George Washington "disturbing" they frankly are in the wrong country.[/QUOTE]

I think that relocating them was a pretty good idea. Remember that the other plaque commemorates Robert E. Lee. Neither was a religious figure, but both plaques were mounted in the sanctuary, which is the focal point for worshipers. The plaques will remain in the church, so don't get your panties in a wad.
Again you miss the point.

They're moving them now because they are afraid they will offend some worshippers. Anyone who is embarrassed by the church's association with our nations #1 founding father George Washington, should not only look for another church, but should look for another country.
Any Alt Righties, who want to oppose the right of those officials or members of private associations to remove or relocate memorials or statues, are Big Government Progressive fascists wanting big government to do what they want.

No one is questioning their rights dufus.
As long as they are the current owners of this historic site, they can burn the place down if they so wish.
I for one would love to see the NationSaal Parks Service purchase the property and make it an official historical site.
I realize as a lib you hate our founding fathers, so all of this goes over your head.
Says the dufus. :) You have every right to complain about what they want, and I realize as a right of center GOP that complaining of the far right about this is worthless. Get over it and quit acting like a Big Government Progressive wanting to take away private association.

Jake, it was nice during the time you were gone from the forum. How about returning to wherever you were.
Yep, having you have to eat the truth is hard for you, DD. Tough. :)
Why do the Far Right want to prevent the legal acts of a private association?

Every time a conservative has a complaint the left automatically assumes they want to snatch power and create laws to stop it. No, that is how you think and operate, not conservatives.

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