George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

George Washington's Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down

Yeah this is getting dumb

Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia will take down a memorial marking the pew where Washington sat with his family, saying it is not acceptable to all worshipers.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome," leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

"Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”

We cannot have a nation, with a people so divided. THis type of shit has to stop.

Or America is done.
My views on race were barbaric, until I became mahatma, who is to say?
...And plenty of blacks sold each other out for slavery in Africa as well, nobody will make a play out of that, however.

Negros sold each other and Arabs were also heavily involved in the slave trade. The unique difference is in the savage, uncivilized lands of Africa and the Middle East, the owners of the slaves usually killed them when their useful life was over. In the New World, Negro slaves were taught to be civilized to the best of their ability, were allowed to have families, etc. One could argue the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
In south Africa they want to take down sautes of Gandhi for the same reasons people want to take statues of Lee or other racist, the same guy MLK idealized. Funny that.
They should just forgive him for whatever it was that he did that offended them.

Is it the entire congregation that decided this, or did one group in the congregation institute rules among themselves and then force their rules on the rest of the congregation?
. Did you just describe the left ? LOL
We are living through purges now. Because it is expedient. Because it's politically "korrect" group think. It is what it is.
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I never thought I'd say it, but these imbeciles who are trying their best to destroy all signs of America's history are starting to make the Orange Asshole seem like a sensible person. The church can do as it pleases, but the stuff happening on campuses and in town squares is sickening.

Funny how these people who are ripping down statues and hurling non-stop insults at white folks, and who seem to hate everything about America never put their money where their mouths are and simply LEAVE. Why don't they go find another country they like better. We'll get along fine without them, in fact we'll get along better without them.

One truly disgusting SJW on video the other day was screaming about how much she hates America and white people etc. This ugly POS was going to college on Fine-Aid and, last I heard was seeking donations to pay for an apartment until her Aid checks arrive. She's going to college on taxpayer's dime and she's too fucking stupid to see, or understand, the irony in her hateful words and actions. I'm sure she'll be a terrific, productive, and patriotic, citizen someday...NOT.
The Alt and Far Right, based on their increasingly shrill erratic comments above, are terrified of the coming indicments from Mueller.

Which is relevant to our history being purged because?
The shrillness of those on the Far Right are reflected by the far right opposing the change. They oppose the right of the vestry and congregation to make those changes, the which they have the legal and moral right to do.

I would not agree if I had a vote on that matter, but I support their right.

Why do you oppose their right?
George Washington's Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down

Yeah this is getting dumb

Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia will take down a memorial marking the pew where Washington sat with his family, saying it is not acceptable to all worshipers.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome," leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

"Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”

Great, they can feel free to send me all the dollar bills and quarters they get in their collection plates.

...... a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
Yea, because it is up to me to stimulate your thinking. Dopes.
Try reading it again, Sherlock
Who the hell knows what you were trying to say. Is that even English?
That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
At any rate, I provided a link to the source. Read or don't, it is up to you. But don't come to me and tell me it is too loooong. You will get the same non response every time.
...... a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
Yea, because it is up to me to stimulate your thinking. Dopes.
Try reading it again, Sherlock
Who the hell knows what you were trying to say. Is that even English?
That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
At any rate, I provided a link to the source. Read or don't, it is up to you. But don't come to me and tell me it is too loooong. You will get the same non response every time.
I said that you tried to 'simulate' thought, and you read it as 'stimulate' thought which demonstrates once again that you are a blithering idiot.
...... a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
Yea, because it is up to me to stimulate your thinking. Dopes.
Try reading it again, Sherlock
Who the hell knows what you were trying to say. Is that even English?
That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
At any rate, I provided a link to the source. Read or don't, it is up to you. But don't come to me and tell me it is too loooong. You will get the same non response every time.
I said that you tried to 'simulate' thought, and you read it as 'stimulate' thought which demonstrates once again that you are a blithering idiot.

Maybe I'm wrong but as I read it, the plaques honoring both George Washington and Robert E Lee (who also worshiped there) were removed at the same time. - Source
...... a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
Yea, because it is up to me to stimulate your thinking. Dopes.
Try reading it again, Sherlock
Who the hell knows what you were trying to say. Is that even English?
That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
At any rate, I provided a link to the source. Read or don't, it is up to you. But don't come to me and tell me it is too loooong. You will get the same non response every time.
I said that you tried to 'simulate' thought, and you read it as 'stimulate' thought which demonstrates once again that you are a blithering idiot.
lol, obviously you are not literally a blithering idiot.

You only play the part here at USMB.

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