George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

I knew a goddamned fucking liberal would come and fuck up another thread.
Have I told you lately how much I hate these people?

By asshole liberals. Ever consider moving to Canada where liberals are far more welcome and happy ?
Well, at least you don't wish me dead.

You realize that taking the position that the church has the freedom to move the plaques is the classically liberal position, right. You want the state to step in and force the church to do what you want.

You people are insane.
The poor, poor right faced with inevitable change.

I'm triggered.jpg
Liberals are the American Taliban.

The only things they will allow would be roads named Martin Luther King Boulevard and schools named after Obama. Everything else goes because it is racist.
Mohatma Gandhi was a racist, Gandhi hated blacks. He inspired MLK. Yeah, put that in your peace pipe and smoke it.
Liberals are the American Taliban.

The only things they will allow would be roads named Martin Luther King Boulevard and schools named after Obama. Everything else goes because it is racist.
^^^ What a goofy comment.
The Alt and Far Right, based on their increasingly shrill erratic comments above, are terrified of the coming indicments from Mueller.
Mohammad Gandhi was a racist, Gandhi hated blacks. He inspired MLK. Yeah, put that in your peace pipe and smoke it.
So non-violent civil disobedience is racist, Mary?

Sure it is, just ask a non-violent liberal.
That makes no sense at all.

And how many Halloween costumes can't kids wear this Tuesday?
That makes no sense. Wear what you want.
The Alt and Far Right, based on their increasingly shrill erratic comments above, are terrified of the coming indicments from Mueller.

Mueller, the deep state operative that was demonized by the left back during the Bushpuppet regime? My oh my, how time changes memories. The fake Russian dossier funded by the DNC fell flat on it's face, Manafort didn't roll over and lie about Trump so he will be (snicker) "indicted"....meanwhile the Hildebeast, Barrypuppetl, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey totally skate on the e-mail server scandal and Uranium's pretty damn obvious that these deep state ops have unbridled protection because they are part of the same clique.I know leftard asses are still stinging from the Hildebeast defeat but Trump isn't going anywhere. The masses will not allow with it, Jake Smarmy....

BTW, I hope you learned your lesson after your lengthy exile....the sad thing is that no one was pining for your return.....most telling, eh?

Gandhi used to look down on blacks, he even called them pejoratives, Arundhaditi Roy accuses Gandhi discrimination. Gandhi was no saint...
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Mohammad Gandhi was a racist, Gandhi hated blacks. He inspired MLK. Yeah, put that in your peace pipe and smoke it.
So non-violent civil disobedience is racist, Mary?

Sure it is, just ask a non-violent liberal.
That makes no sense at all.

And how many Halloween costumes can't kids wear this Tuesday?
That makes no sense. Wear what you want.

That's what I say. Needless to say some are being considered the left no doubt.
I knew a goddamned fucking liberal would come and fuck up another thread.
Have I told you lately how much I hate these people?

By asshole liberals. Ever consider moving to Canada where liberals are far more welcome and happy ?
Well, at least you don't wish me dead.

You realize that taking the position that the church has the freedom to move the plaques is the classically liberal position, right. You want the state to step in and force the church to do what you want.

You people are insane.

I'm not questioning their right to move the plaques as long as they are the owners.
What I would like to see is the park services recognize the historical value of the property, and take it over. Naturally the owners would need to be compensated.

The government takes over private property all the time when there is a need. I see this as one of those times.

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