George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

Yea, because it is up to me to stimulate your thinking. Dopes.
Try reading it again, Sherlock
Who the hell knows what you were trying to say. Is that even English?
That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
At any rate, I provided a link to the source. Read or don't, it is up to you. But don't come to me and tell me it is too loooong. You will get the same non response every time.
I said that you tried to 'simulate' thought, and you read it as 'stimulate' thought which demonstrates once again that you are a blithering idiot.
lol, obviously you are not literally a blithering idiot.

You only play the part here at USMB.
You're too kind.
President Trump said recently that soon they will be taking down memorials of Washington and Jefferson. Well, they're doing it. In the very church that the father of our country attended. The man who courageously and brilliantly commanded our revolutionary army in the 1770s and 1780s, against the most powerful military force in the world at that time (Great Britain), and created our nation, now isn't considered worthy to have his memorial stand in the church he once attended.

Churchgoers there now are removing statues in the church of Robert E. Lee and Washington both. Church leaders say this is intended to make the place of worship "more welcoming". I would see it as exactly the opposite. Any church that would remove a statue memorial of our first president and valiant war hero, would not deserve my patronage. I'd quit going there.

This is quite revealing. It's yet another example of how some blacks in our society define themselves. And that is of not BEING part of our society. While black civil rights leaders are always calling for acceptance, and integration with the mainstream society, they are consistently coming up with ways to separate themselves from it. They really don't seem to want to be a part of the society around them as it has always been, hw our ancestors brought it to be.

In addition to removal of statues and monuments that have stood for a century or more, current generation blacks (some of them) give names to their kids that sound foreign to most Americans. The act of being different is no accident. It's a deliberate act of separation. Likewise with rap "music", patterns of speech, and even the moronic low pants wearing custom.

Current day blacks no longer need to decide if they want to be part of mainstream America. They have clearly decided. They don't. And all the high and mighty derisions of white nationalism, might be viewed in conjunction with all the black nationalism we see, much more prevalently.

George Washington’s Virginia church taking down his memorial
. Very well written, and I would add that the term or label "African American" is another way in which they remain seperate (their choice) under the title. They want segregation (some of them), but they dare whites to even go there while living amongst them. It really is crazy all this stuff, but not hard to see it, hear it, and to figure it out.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.
Today, the legacy of slavery and of the Confederacy is understood differently than it was in 1870. For some, Lee symbolizes the attempt to overthrow the Union and to preserve slavery. Today our country is trying once again to come to grips with the history of slavery and the subsequent disenfranchisement of people of color.

In simple terms they are trying to appease the Marxists in their midst, and that probably includes some clergy there since they are Episcopalian, and so more of our nations history is being savaged, undermined and destroyed by ideological zealots with the fix on the inside.

And libtards like you will never fail to celebrate, affirm and defend those who wipe their ass with Americas traditions, symbols and history.
They are moving the plaques from the sanctuary to a different location. Get a grip.

It's the reason they are moving them is the problem, but I see it goes right over your head. If George Washington isn't good enough for them, then they should look for somewhere else to go.
Get a grip.
. The problem with zealots, is that they attempt for agenda purposes to find fault with anything or anyone in their way. Even though people are multi-layered, they want to single the one thing out in which they figure ties them to something bad as if they are doomed by it. They are evil in their intent, and they are unGodly people for whom try and act as if a person should be perfect, and that they should never have to seek forgiveness because it would be fruitless to do so. They are evil, and it is on display.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.
Today, the legacy of slavery and of the Confederacy is understood differently than it was in 1870. For some, Lee symbolizes the attempt to overthrow the Union and to preserve slavery. Today our country is trying once again to come to grips with the history of slavery and the subsequent disenfranchisement of people of color.

In simple terms they are trying to appease the Marxists in their midst, and that probably includes some clergy there since they are Episcopalian, and so more of our nations history is being savaged, undermined and destroyed by ideological zealots with the fix on the inside.

And libtards like you will never fail to celebrate, affirm and defend those who wipe their ass with Americas traditions, symbols and history.
They are moving the plaques from the sanctuary to a different location. Get a grip.

It's the reason they are moving them is the problem, but I see it goes right over your head. If George Washington isn't good enough for them, then they should look for somewhere else to go.
Get a grip.
. The problem with zealots, is that they attempt for agenda purposes to find fault with anything or anyone in their way. Even though people are multi-layered, they want to single the one thing out in which they figure ties them to something bad as if they are doomed by it. They are evil in their intent, and they are unGodly people for whom try and act as if a person should be perfect, and that they should never have to seek forgiveness because it would be fruitless to do so. They are evil, and it is on display.
I never thought I'd say it, but these imbeciles who are trying their best to destroy all signs of America's history are starting to make the Orange Asshole seem like a sensible person. The church can do as it pleases, but the stuff happening on campuses and in town squares is sickening.

Funny how these people who are ripping down statues and hurling non-stop insults at white folks, and who seem to hate everything about America never put their money where their mouths are and simply LEAVE. Why don't they go find another country they like better. We'll get along fine without them, in fact we'll get along better without them.

One truly disgusting SJW on video the other day was screaming about how much she hates America and white people etc. This ugly POS was going to college on Fine-Aid and, last I heard was seeking donations to pay for an apartment until her Aid checks arrive. She's going to college on taxpayer's dime and she's too fucking stupid to see, or understand, the irony in her hateful words and actions. I'm sure she'll be a terrific, productive, and patriotic, citizen someday...NOT.

Most of the statutes were just removed to be located in a more suitable location, not destroyed. These statues do not represent "America's history" as much as they seem to have been erected only by white Southerners without the participation of other whites and non-whites to celebrate those who tried to destroy America and many were erected simply to give the rest of America the "finger." They represent the history only of white Southerners who wanted to tear the U.S. apart based on a white-supremacist ideology.

I live in northern Virginia. I know that Robert E. Lee's boyhood home is only blocks away from Christ Church. Route One is "Jefferson Davis Highway," there is a Quantrell Avenue, there are statues commemorating confederate soldiers, some of whom are buried at Christ Church, and up until a few days ago, a Fairfax County high school was named after J.E.B. Stuart (now Justice High). Nothing commemorating anyone from the Union side, or the poor souls who were incarcerated and sold at the slave market. No Abraham Lincoln Boulevard, or Grant Avenue. Why is this?

Moreover, there is the interesting fact that there are almost no monuments to Longstreet, Lee's right-hand man:
Where are the monuments to Confederate Gen. James Longstreet? - CNN

Remember that you also have the option of leaving for another country.
Longstreet went with the Republicans after the Civil War, and as a result has very few statues to him.
George Washington's Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down

Yeah this is getting dumb

Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia will take down a memorial marking the pew where Washington sat with his family, saying it is not acceptable to all worshipers.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome," leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

"Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”
Good dental care after all these years. Maybe if they had done this sooner he wouldn’t have had false teeth. Wait, what...?
I am excited that they were indicted, but why were they ever invited? Oh Trump, look what you've ignited. Our country you have blighted. All decency you've slighted. The lies that you've provided! You are so misguided. We are becoming more united—most would be delighted—if you never had presided.
I am excited that they were indicted, but why were they ever invited? Oh Trump, look what you've ignited. Our country you have blighted. All decency you've slighted. The lies that you've provided! You are so misguided. We are becoming more united—most would be delighted—if you never had presided.

Don't quit your day job Jake

Liberals are the American Taliban.

The only things they will allow would be roads named Martin Luther King Boulevard and schools named after Obama. Everything else goes because it is racist.

Really? So how come there is a federal building, an aircraft carrier, and the primary Washington airport that were named for the jerk even before he died? He was one of the worst presidents we ever had and certainly not anyone deserving of these honors.
Actually, it is the right-wing Republican so-called "Christians" who are the American Taliban. They are the ones who want to force all Americans to follow the sick, hateful, and depressing lifestyle that they chose to adopt and the rest of us did not. Their arrogance is stunning.
Geaux, you poor little lamb: why are you acting like a BIG GOVERNMENT PROGRESSIVE who wants to tell private associations what they can and can't do with their property? What you think about what the Church membership does just is not of import.

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