George Will- Obama’s Unconstitutional Steps Worse than Nixon’s

Obama should of been Impeached a long time ago..

If enough people don't demand it then nothing is going to happen..

WE NEED the Democrat voters to put country over party for a change and start voicing their concerns of him and help call for his impeahment
Then there's this:


Then there's this:



Does that mean the only people that are allowed ot have opinions are the ones that agree with you?

By the way, you lied when you posted that stupid meme, George has never stated his opinion about same sex marriage. The only thing he said on the subject is that only idiots base legal arguments on fake science.
And to think the freeloaders that are lazy leeches on society defend Adolf Obama is not puzzling at all. We should deport them or at the least, put them on the the same slow boat to nowhere Obama needs to ride.

I really believe we will have a cleansing among ourselves first before we can ever force the American way in this country again

Back on topic- Will is right. Obama has essentially disgraced the office of the Presidency. We could put a peace creep in the office next, or better yet, leave it vacant, and still go up from here.

Coming from no other than Mr. Will who is no friend of the Republicans


George Will: Obama?s unconstitutional steps worse than Nixon?s - The Washington Post

By George F. Will, Published: August 14

President Obama’s increasingly grandiose claims for presidential power are inversely proportional to his shriveling presidency. Desperation fuels arrogance as, barely 200 days into the 1,462 days of his second term, his pantry of excuses for failure is bare, his domestic agenda is nonexistent and his foreign policy of empty rhetorical deadlines and red lines is floundering. And at last week’s news conference he offered inconvenience as a justification for illegality

Serving as props in the scripted charade of White House news conferences, journalists did not ask the pertinent question: “Where does the Constitution confer upon presidents the ‘executive authority’ to ignore the separation of powers by revising laws?” The question could have elicited an Obama rarity: brevity. Because there is no such authority.

Where does the Constitution confer upon upon the Supreme Court the power to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional?
No, the Supreme Court took the "duty" of judicial review upon itself (an unconstitutional act in itself) beginning with Marbury v. Madison and this was never seriously challenged, now most people just assume SCOTUS was granted this authority by the Constitution. The founders intended that it would be the STATES that would be the final arbiter of constitutionality, what we have now is essentially a SCOTUS that is a dictator since there is nothing to stop SCOTUS from acting against the limits placed by the Constitution, the only recourse to this is nullification by the States.

Another question, is a law of Congress or a presidential act Constitutional until the Court declares it unconstitutional?
It's constitutional if the law or presidential act falls within the authority granted by the Constitution to Congress or the President.
Then there's this:



Does that mean the only people that are allowed ot have opinions are the ones that agree with you?

By the way, you lied when you posted that stupid meme, George has never stated his opinion about same sex marriage. The only thing he said on the subject is that only idiots base legal arguments on fake science.
I'm impressed with your knowledge of everything that George Will has ever said!

I also note that you do not contest my statement that he is a thief.

At least you are becoming more honest.
Then there's this:



Does that mean the only people that are allowed ot have opinions are the ones that agree with you?

By the way, you lied when you posted that stupid meme, George has never stated his opinion about same sex marriage. The only thing he said on the subject is that only idiots base legal arguments on fake science.
I'm impressed with your knowledge of everything that George Will has ever said!

I also note that you do not contest my statement that he is a thief.

At least you are becoming more honest.

No response because he is likely considering the source

Then there's this:



Does that mean the only people that are allowed ot have opinions are the ones that agree with you?

By the way, you lied when you posted that stupid meme, George has never stated his opinion about same sex marriage. The only thing he said on the subject is that only idiots base legal arguments on fake science.
I'm impressed with your knowledge of everything that George Will has ever said!

I also note that you do not contest my statement that he is a thief.

At least you are becoming more honest.

i haven't followed him around every day of his life, it is entirely possible that in all that time he was unobserved by me he took something that he shouldn't have. Everyone does it, even you. Why quibble about it?

I notice you didn't provide a quote about him saying that we should not allow same sex marriages. I do know that the article where he is often accused of saying that does not say it, and it actually makes the point that, under the Constitution, they should be allowed to get married.

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