George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

So how do you explain the fact that Trayvon had bruised knuckles? No other injuries except for the gunshot hole.

That lie has been debunked how many times, he had an abrasion on the side of his ring finger.

It seems reasonable to think if Zimmerman had attacked him first there would be some evidence of a punch or whatever Zimmerman is alleged to have hit him with?

How do you know he did attempt to grab him or missed when he punched.

Zimmerman's knuckles showed no indication he punched Trayvon, and Trayvon had no indications he was punched. (Trayvon's knuckles were bruised up, and Zimmerman showed signs of being beat on).

Trayvon's knuckles were NOT bruised up that is a lie.

All the physical evidence shows that Trayvon did all the punching, and zimmerman only shot him after the punching.

That is the story we were told.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report


I love making liars out of racist.



  • martin_trayvon_report.pdf
    374.8 KB · Views: 17
Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
That's pointless. No one is disputing the 911 call. It's inconsequential if the police, police dispatch, or just plain dispatch told him they don't need him to do that. That part was not debated in the trial as I've written 100 times now.. What it does show is Zimmerman admitted to following Martin. It proves Zimmerman was advised NOT to follow for the obvious reason that someone could get hurt, or killed. This is why manslaughter is the charge that makes sense. Zimmerman made bad decisions and put someone else's life in danger.

Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.
Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.
Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.
Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.

There was no need to prove it in court.....more than enough evidence to prove Z was not guilty. Case Closed

Anyone with any kind of deductive reasoning capability understands quite well Trayvon confronted George and punched George whilst George was trying to make a phone call to the dispatcher ..all your morons can deny that till the cows come home....of no importance.....but go ahead and spin your wheels. hehheh
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.

No....what is being applauded is how George was able to overcome the Federal conspiracy to lynch him....the little man won...that is rare.
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
Manslaughter legal definition of manslaughter - Legal Dictionary
'Manslaughter. The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection.

What part of 'unjustifiable' do you not understand.....what part of 'unlawful killing' do you not grasp? There was nothing about any of Z's actions that were 'unjustifiable'....there was nothing about any of Z's actions that were unlawful...if you disagree....please specify what actions of Z you consider unlawful or unjustifiable?

We all have the legal right to self defense...we all have the right(at least here in Florida)to use deadly force if we fear our life is in danger or if we fear great bodily harm.

What so many that this case was one of simple self defense. Yet many have tried to insert in things in this case that did not belong such as 'the stand your ground law.' the defense was up front about that from the was not needed, and it would not be used...yet the media kept going on and on about it how Florida was a outcast state because they have that law etc.etc.etc.

Z...was attacked...there was no excuse for that...even if Z had followed Trayvon from kalamazoo to legal justification for Trayvon to attack him like he did or attack him in any manner as far as that goes.

The attack placed Z in fear of his life...not even to mention grievious bodily injury. Also forgotten if ever known by most was the fact that right before he was shot...Trayvon spotted Z's holstered weapon...his response.....'oh you got a piece--You die tonight" and attempted to get the weapon but fortunately for Z he was able to control the weapon and shoot his attacker.

Thus it is plain and it is simple...there was nothing...absolutely nothing unlawful regarding any of Z's actions that night.
Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.

First the libtarded claimed George put himself in harms that was some kind of crime.

Now you claim he was a coward....ya''ll should get together and form a narrative you can stick to.. hehheh

You should head to China.....they are putting genes in monkeys over dere to make dem smarter. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So how do you explain the fact that Trayvon had bruised knuckles? No other injuries except for the gunshot hole.

That lie has been debunked how many times, he had an abrasion on the side of his ring finger.

It seems reasonable to think if Zimmerman had attacked him first there would be some evidence of a punch or whatever Zimmerman is alleged to have hit him with?

How do you know he did attempt to grab him or missed when he punched.

Zimmerman's knuckles showed no indication he punched Trayvon, and Trayvon had no indications he was punched. (Trayvon's knuckles were bruised up, and Zimmerman showed signs of being beat on).

Trayvon's knuckles were NOT bruised up that is a lie.

All the physical evidence shows that Trayvon did all the punching, and zimmerman only shot him after the punching.

That is the story we were told.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

The New Race War: Black, Hispanic gangs kill each other over turf >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
He injured his knuckles defending himself from the assaults from that Hispanic crackers face!

Hispanics been doing a real number on Negroes out in L.A, I wonder why that is being covered up.

The New Race War: Black, Hispanic gangs kill each other over turf >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.
Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.

First the libtarded claimed George put himself in harms that was some kind of crime.

Now you claim he was a coward....ya''ll should get together and form a narrative you can stick to.. hehheh

You should head to China.....they are putting genes in monkeys over dere to make dem smarter. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes, Zimmerman put himself in harms way against the urging of his neighborhood watch charter as well as the 9/11 operator. Is that illegal? Na, but it’s pretty stupid.

Is Zimmerman a coward? Yeah. And a pussy. He even pulls guns on girls. That may get you all hard but normal folk frown on that type stuff.

China? Okay. But how about you stop stroking your self while you watch NRA TV and to be a little cherub of justice like your hero who pulls guns in chicks and shoots teenagers?
So how do you explain the fact that Trayvon had bruised knuckles? No other injuries except for the gunshot hole.

That lie has been debunked how many times, he had an abrasion on the side of his ring finger.

It seems reasonable to think if Zimmerman had attacked him first there would be some evidence of a punch or whatever Zimmerman is alleged to have hit him with?

How do you know he did attempt to grab him or missed when he punched.

Zimmerman's knuckles showed no indication he punched Trayvon, and Trayvon had no indications he was punched. (Trayvon's knuckles were bruised up, and Zimmerman showed signs of being beat on).

Trayvon's knuckles were NOT bruised up that is a lie.

All the physical evidence shows that Trayvon did all the punching, and zimmerman only shot him after the punching.

That is the story we were told.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles


I love making liars out of racist.


Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.

First the libtarded claimed George put himself in harms that was some kind of crime.

Now you claim he was a coward....ya''ll should get together and form a narrative you can stick to.. hehheh

You should head to China.....they are putting genes in monkeys over dere to make dem smarter. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes, Zimmerman put himself in harms way against the urging of his neighborhood watch charter as well as the 9/11 operator. Is that illegal? Na, but it’s pretty stupid.

Is Zimmerman a coward? Yeah. And a pussy. He even pulls guns on girls. That may get you all hard but normal folk frown on that type stuff.

China? Okay. But how about you stop stroking your self while you watch NRA TV and to be a little cherub of justice like your hero who pulls guns in chicks and shoots teenagers?

Can you explain how someone who puts himself in harm's way is a coward.

You are so dumb you do not even realize you are contradicting yourself......

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you best get to china real quick before all dat medicine is gone boyo.
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
both had a right to be there,,,its just that TM didnt have a right to kill Z and thats what got him killed

Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
to bad the jury didnt think that,,,maybe its you thats the problem???
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.

First the libtarded claimed George put himself in harms that was some kind of crime.

Now you claim he was a coward....ya''ll should get together and form a narrative you can stick to.. hehheh

You should head to China.....they are putting genes in monkeys over dere to make dem smarter. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes, Zimmerman put himself in harms way against the urging of his neighborhood watch charter as well as the 9/11 operator. Is that illegal? Na, but it’s pretty stupid.

Is Zimmerman a coward? Yeah. And a pussy. He even pulls guns on girls. That may get you all hard but normal folk frown on that type stuff.

China? Okay. But how about you stop stroking your self while you watch NRA TV and to be a little cherub of justice like your hero who pulls guns in chicks and shoots teenagers?

not sure how its stupid when you look at the outcome,,,he got a thug off the streets and the world is a better place for it,,,
That lie has been debunked how many times, he had an abrasion on the side of his ring finger.

How do you know he did attempt to grab him or missed when he punched.

Trayvon's knuckles were NOT bruised up that is a lie.

That is the story we were told.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

The New Race War: Black, Hispanic gangs kill each other over turf >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
He injured his knuckles defending himself from the assaults from that Hispanic crackers face!

Hispanics been doing a real number on Negroes out in L.A, I wonder why that is being covered up.

The New Race War: Black, Hispanic gangs kill each other over turf >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

Gang bangers ass clown.
That lie has been debunked how many times, he had an abrasion on the side of his ring finger.

How do you know he did attempt to grab him or missed when he punched.

Trayvon's knuckles were NOT bruised up that is a lie.

That is the story we were told.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles


I love making liars out of racist.


Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles

I posted the Coroner's report and it only showed he had an abrasion on his ring finger, so as usual you are lying.
WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles


I love making liars out of racist.


Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles

I posted the Coroner's report and it only showed he had an abrasion on his ring finger, so as usual you are lying.

You must be thinking about that biased funeral director....dat is not an autopsy dumbol

Liar. You have zero proof Martin first attacked Zimmerman.

You have no proof he did not.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.

There was no need to prove it in court.....more than enough evidence to prove Z was not guilty. Case Closed

Anyone with any kind of deductive reasoning capability understands quite well Trayvon confronted George and punched George whilst George was trying to make a phone call to the dispatcher ..all your morons can deny that till the cows come home....of no importance.....but go ahead and spin your wheels. hehheh

See this is how you know you are dealing with an idiot, what dumbass in a hostile situation is going to grab his cellphone and he has a gun. Sorry nobody is buying that bullshit about calling the dispatcher, the dispatcher already had told this dumbass coward not to follow and he continued his chase anyway.

I posted the Coroner's report and it only showed he had an abrasion on his ring finger, so as usual you are lying.

You must be thinking about that biased funeral director....dat is not an autopsy dumbol


Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
Why on Earth would I need to prove something I’m not claiming? You’re beyond brain-dead.

Meanwhile, you’re making claims you can’t prove. Yet more evidence that you’re brain-dead. You claim Martin started the fight; but sadly for you, you fail miserably to prove it.

Anyone that knows anthing at all about the law knows that the burden of proof is on the state....Z was the one charged with murder not Trayvon....the state could not prove that George murdered closed.

Irregardless....there is a form of logic called Deductive Reasoning.................. the ability to distill the pertinent facts and details of a situation from a wider body of evidence and generalizations.

Obviously any form of rational reasoning will lead to the conclusion that Trayvon started the fight.

Some are much better at 'reasoning' than others....many perhaps most on here have little reasoning ability.....they depend on msm for dat.

That's because the prosecutor was swayed by race baiters and a biased media and went for 2nd degree. The most they ever had a shot at was manslaughter. But we've gone in circles about this all week.

Also, there is no proof that Trayvon started the fight. No amount of "obvious rational reasoning" matters if you can't prove it in court.
Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.

First the libtarded claimed George put himself in harms that was some kind of crime.

Now you claim he was a coward....ya''ll should get together and form a narrative you can stick to.. hehheh

You should head to China.....they are putting genes in monkeys over dere to make dem smarter. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes, Zimmerman put himself in harms way against the urging of his neighborhood watch charter as well as the 9/11 operator. Is that illegal? Na, but it’s pretty stupid.

Is Zimmerman a coward? Yeah. And a pussy. He even pulls guns on girls. That may get you all hard but normal folk frown on that type stuff.

China? Okay. But how about you stop stroking your self while you watch NRA TV and to be a little cherub of justice like your hero who pulls guns in chicks and shoots teenagers?

not sure how its stupid when you look at the outcome,,,he got a thug off the streets and the world is a better place for it,,,

Other than Trayvon being a black teenager, what made him a thug?
WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…

Why do right wingers keep lying, the kid had an abrasion on his ring finger.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report

Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles


I love making liars out of racist.


Trayvon Martin Shooting: Autopsy results say slain teen had injuries to his knuckles

I posted the Coroner's report and it only showed he had an abrasion on his ring finger, so as usual you are lying.
OMG!!!!! he had abrasions on his finger!!!!


Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

What a crock of shit. Zimmerman instigated this encounter, had he taken his punk ass on to Target there would have never been any
when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM
Oh? Again, no point in arguing with retards who get off at the idea of using their pop guns because they are so weak and paranoid the blacks will get them. It’s like yalls nuts ride in a holster rather then in the pants. Tell ya what, head out an blast a darky the way Zimmerman did. See what happens.

the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.

when he left the house he didnt know that and decided to prepare for a much more serious threat,,,

but thank god he did or he would be dead and not TM

It's sad how racist cowards sit around and cheer that a coward with a gun murdered a teenager and got away with it.
to bad the jury didnt think that,,,maybe its you thats the problem???

That is what racist said when the jury acquitted Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

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