George Zimmerman goes full nativist, full racist in Twitter rampage....

Gotta love GZ.

Hey Lahotah we could try Zimmerman 100 times and the result would be the same. Self defense.
Of course. Skittles beats handguns every time.

But unfortunately Skittles are too easily acquired. Their is no age requirement, licensing or candy control laws to keep us safe from them. So it's only a matter of time before someone else gets hurt.
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

Duggar? LOL! The only assholes that bring him up are Dems who have a hard on for him, like Stat. He slobbers over those threads.

Zimmerman is a nobody who defended himself and the left wanted to railroad him because Hispanics are disposable for the left.

Palin is an exposure of the real hate that the left has for women who won't tow the line.

Left makes these people famous and blame others LOL!
The thing that makes me believe that the one in the OP was real is the picture shown. That isn't a picture taken off the internet when the court case was running. I believe it's real, I follow it on Twitter now.
And it doesn't surprise me to hear him ranting racism. GZ is no hero and in truth he's a real POS shack up trailer trash. Yeah he was justified in defending himself but that doesn't make him a good person. And I don't just get over the fact that a 17 year old kid would be alive today if he had listened to the 911 dispatcher. Yeah Martin was a thug, but he would have had a chance to do something to improve himself. Many good people were once stupid punks, but life gave them a chance to reform. GZ took that from him by putting himself unnecessarily in a self defense situation.

Racism? Where's the racism? Oh yeah, racism can be anything these days.
GZ is not a hero except in the way he makes left wing nut jobs piss their panties at least two or three times a year. For that alone if buy him a beer or two.
As for the trailor trash comment, you have no idea what the man is like, you are just talking out of your ass.
That 16 year old kid was trash. He was a worthless thug. If GZ didn't get him, someone else would have, possibly even the cops. The thing is that FZ got him before the piece of shit harmed anyone else.
Good riddance Trayvon and good job Z-man!
He shacks up with a girlfriend. He has a record for domestic disturbances. When you watch cops, it's his stupid mug you see telling the cop he didn't know he had a crack pipe in his pocket. You need heroes. I get that. Choose somebody else.

Martin was a thug and now he's dead. He'll never have the opportunity to change his ways like many do because Rambo couldn't listen to instructions. You buy him a beer, then. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

He shacks up witha girlfriend??? The HORROR!

He has no record of domestic violence. Women try to get famous charging him with it but he is never convicted because it's false. He IS however, guilty of having poor choices in women.

I've never seen him on Cops.

I don't need a hero and I stated he wasn't a hero.

Martin was unlikely to change himself. Odds are higher that he would have hurt or killed someone.

I'd buy him a beer because he makes idiots like you wet your panties on a regular basis. Now I owe him two beers.
Wow, Martin was only 17 and already you condemned him to entrenched delinquency? Maybe I've seen more in my life that I don't write people off so easily, especially when they haven't even gotten a start in life. I don't know, maybe the Leftists are right in your case, that his death meets your approval because he's black. I don't automatically dismiss claims of racism because sometimes it really is true. Your eagerness to see no redemptive value in this kid reveals your prejudice.

Moron. His skin color meant nothing, but you'll ignore that fact. His history, his drug use, his actions that night and his associations are what tells me that he was stopped before someone got robbed, hurt, or even killed.

Pretend I'm wrong all you want to I don't give a rats ass. The thug is worm food and Justice prevailed.
And it doesn't surprise me to hear him ranting racism. GZ is no hero and in truth he's a real POS shack up trailer trash. Yeah he was justified in defending himself but that doesn't make him a good person. And I don't just get over the fact that a 17 year old kid would be alive today if he had listened to the 911 dispatcher. Yeah Martin was a thug, but he would have had a chance to do something to improve himself. Many good people were once stupid punks, but life gave them a chance to reform. GZ took that from him by putting himself unnecessarily in a self defense situation.

Racism? Where's the racism? Oh yeah, racism can be anything these days.
GZ is not a hero except in the way he makes left wing nut jobs piss their panties at least two or three times a year. For that alone if buy him a beer or two.
As for the trailor trash comment, you have no idea what the man is like, you are just talking out of your ass.
That 16 year old kid was trash. He was a worthless thug. If GZ didn't get him, someone else would have, possibly even the cops. The thing is that FZ got him before the piece of shit harmed anyone else.
Good riddance Trayvon and good job Z-man!
He shacks up with a girlfriend. He has a record for domestic disturbances. When you watch cops, it's his stupid mug you see telling the cop he didn't know he had a crack pipe in his pocket. You need heroes. I get that. Choose somebody else.

Martin was a thug and now he's dead. He'll never have the opportunity to change his ways like many do because Rambo couldn't listen to instructions. You buy him a beer, then. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

He shacks up witha girlfriend??? The HORROR!

He has no record of domestic violence. Women try to get famous charging him with it but he is never convicted because it's false. He IS however, guilty of having poor choices in women.

I've never seen him on Cops.

I don't need a hero and I stated he wasn't a hero.

Martin was unlikely to change himself. Odds are higher that he would have hurt or killed someone.

I'd buy him a beer because he makes idiots like you wet your panties on a regular basis. Now I owe him two beers.
Wow, Martin was only 17 and already you condemned him to entrenched delinquency? Maybe I've seen more in my life that I don't write people off so easily, especially when they haven't even gotten a start in life. I don't know, maybe the Leftists are right in your case, that his death meets your approval because he's black. I don't automatically dismiss claims of racism because sometimes it really is true. Your eagerness to see no redemptive value in this kid reveals your prejudice.

BedPan was still jerking off in his white suburban bathroom and smearing his face with Clearasil when he was 17. He can't relate.

Meh, I was also working and going to school at the same time. You are right, I can't relate, I didn't waste my life.


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And it doesn't surprise me to hear him ranting racism. GZ is no hero and in truth he's a real POS shack up trailer trash. Yeah he was justified in defending himself but that doesn't make him a good person. And I don't just get over the fact that a 17 year old kid would be alive today if he had listened to the 911 dispatcher. Yeah Martin was a thug, but he would have had a chance to do something to improve himself. Many good people were once stupid punks, but life gave them a chance to reform. GZ took that from him by putting himself unnecessarily in a self defense situation.

Racism? Where's the racism? Oh yeah, racism can be anything these days.
GZ is not a hero except in the way he makes left wing nut jobs piss their panties at least two or three times a year. For that alone if buy him a beer or two.
As for the trailor trash comment, you have no idea what the man is like, you are just talking out of your ass.
That 16 year old kid was trash. He was a worthless thug. If GZ didn't get him, someone else would have, possibly even the cops. The thing is that FZ got him before the piece of shit harmed anyone else.
Good riddance Trayvon and good job Z-man!
He shacks up with a girlfriend. He has a record for domestic disturbances. When you watch cops, it's his stupid mug you see telling the cop he didn't know he had a crack pipe in his pocket. You need heroes. I get that. Choose somebody else.

Martin was a thug and now he's dead. He'll never have the opportunity to change his ways like many do because Rambo couldn't listen to instructions. You buy him a beer, then. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

He shacks up witha girlfriend??? The HORROR!

He has no record of domestic violence. Women try to get famous charging him with it but he is never convicted because it's false. He IS however, guilty of having poor choices in women.

I've never seen him on Cops.

I don't need a hero and I stated he wasn't a hero.

Martin was unlikely to change himself. Odds are higher that he would have hurt or killed someone.

I'd buy him a beer because he makes idiots like you wet your panties on a regular basis. Now I owe him two beers.
Wow, Martin was only 17 and already you condemned him to entrenched delinquency? Maybe I've seen more in my life that I don't write people off so easily, especially when they haven't even gotten a start in life. I don't know, maybe the Leftists are right in your case, that his death meets your approval because he's black. I don't automatically dismiss claims of racism because sometimes it really is true. Your eagerness to see no redemptive value in this kid reveals your prejudice.

Moron. His skin color meant nothing, but you'll ignore that fact. His history, his drug use, his actions that night and his associations are what tells me that he was stopped before someone got robbed, hurt, or even killed.

Pretend I'm wrong all you want to I don't give a rats ass. The thug is worm food and Justice prevailed.
I never said you were wrong or that GZ didn't have the right to defend himself. What I did say is that a 17 year old boy now doesn't have the opportunity to make something useful with his life because Rambo took matters in his own hand. This isn't a right or wrong situation, we just disagree. You make some great posts here I agree with; nothing wrong with disagreement on a few.

The second tweet refers to President Obama, who said this today:

Obama on Virginia news crew shooting: gun-related deaths 'dwarf' terrorism deaths

"What we know is that the number of people who die from gun-related incidents in this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism," Obama told WPVI-TV. "It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents."

So, yeah, good old George Zimmerman went full racist today and called our first black president a "Baboon".

Surely the Trumpsuckers will love this.

Zimmerman is obviously insane.


Why do you care what GZ says, thinks or does?

He's ignoring that there is a legitimate reason as to why GZ feels ill will towards obama. The OP is implYing that this comment made by GZ shows he's a bad, racist man who did get away with murder.
Uhm, no. I am not referring to the vigilante-killing of Trayvon Martin at all. Learn to read.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
thank you
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

Duggar? LOL! The only assholes that bring him up are Dems who have a hard on for him, like Stat. He slobbers over those threads.

Zimmerman is a nobody who defended himself and the left wanted to railroad him because Hispanics are disposable for the left.

Palin is an exposure of the real hate that the left has for women who won't tow the line.

Left makes these people famous and blame others LOL!

But, of course, the Right treats Hillary with nothing but respect........
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

Duggar? LOL! The only assholes that bring him up are Dems who have a hard on for him, like Stat. He slobbers over those threads.

Zimmerman is a nobody who defended himself and the left wanted to railroad him because Hispanics are disposable for the left.

Palin is an exposure of the real hate that the left has for women who won't tow the line.

Left makes these people famous and blame others LOL!

But, of course, the Right treats Hillary with nothing but respect........
More than she deserves.
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

Duggar? LOL! The only assholes that bring him up are Dems who have a hard on for him, like Stat. He slobbers over those threads.

Zimmerman is a nobody who defended himself and the left wanted to railroad him because Hispanics are disposable for the left.

Palin is an exposure of the real hate that the left has for women who won't tow the line.

Left makes these people famous and blame others LOL!

But, of course, the Right treats Hillary with nothing but respect........

Yeah, how many talk show hosts have call Hillary a ****. Idiot!
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

Duggar? LOL! The only assholes that bring him up are Dems who have a hard on for him, like Stat. He slobbers over those threads.

Zimmerman is a nobody who defended himself and the left wanted to railroad him because Hispanics are disposable for the left.

Palin is an exposure of the real hate that the left has for women who won't tow the line.

Left makes these people famous and blame others LOL!

But, of course, the Right treats Hillary with nothing but respect........
Lying about Ben Gazi, concealing email servers, corruption, lies, scandals..... tell me what I'm supposed to respect?

The second tweet refers to President Obama, who said this today:

Obama on Virginia news crew shooting: gun-related deaths 'dwarf' terrorism deaths

"What we know is that the number of people who die from gun-related incidents in this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism," Obama told WPVI-TV. "It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents."

So, yeah, good old George Zimmerman went full racist today and called our first black president a "Baboon".

Surely the Trumpsuckers will love this.

Zimmerman is obviously insane.


Why do you care what GZ says, thinks or does?

He's ignoring that there is a legitimate reason as to why GZ feels ill will towards obama. The OP is implYing that this comment made by GZ shows he's a bad, racist man who did get away with murder.
Uhm, no. I am not referring to the vigilante-killing of Trayvon Martin at all. Learn to read.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

When you start a thread on Zimmerman, proclaiming him to be a racist, it's implied that your looking to rehash your opinion on the TM case. Come on we're not that dumb.
Actually, yes, you are. I was not even in USMB when the Martin killing and the Z8mmerman trial happened, you have no idea in the world what my take on that is. Learn to read. Pay attention, like adults do.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So it's his opinion he's entitled to it and to express it no matter how stupid it might be just as everyone here is.
Indeed, he has a right to his opinion and I have a right to laugh at the fool.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You can find the GZ statute on the fireplace mantel of the average RWer. It is right up there where Sarah Palin, then Joe the Plumber, then Josh Duggar statue used to be. However, he will have to go, pretty soon, to make room for Trump.

Duggar? LOL! The only assholes that bring him up are Dems who have a hard on for him, like Stat. He slobbers over those threads.

Zimmerman is a nobody who defended himself and the left wanted to railroad him because Hispanics are disposable for the left.

Palin is an exposure of the real hate that the left has for women who won't tow the line.

Left makes these people famous and blame others LOL!
No. The Right turned both into cause celebres and now the Right feigns amnesia.


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