George Zimmerman: I Have No Job, No Assets, Owe $2.5M, needs Public Defender for trial!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Zimmerman is facing stalking charges after he was accused of threatening a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about Trayvon Martin. The Orlando Sentinel reports that Trettis has filed a not-guilty plea on Zimmerman's behalf and asked for a jury trial for his client.Zimmerman is facing stalking charges after he was accused of threatening a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about Trayvon Martin. The
Orlando Sentinel reports that Trettis has filed a not-guilty plea on Zimmerman's behalf and asked for a jury trial for his client.

George Zimmerman tells court he's $2.5 million in debt

:yes_text12: Thanks, Jay-Z. If he goes to jail, he may get his deserved end.

Dirt Broke and still has guns. Gee, What's more, important to the basic 100%
Gun Nutter Stalking Murders? YEP! GUNS! NRA Poster Boy for 100% American
Gun Nutter Terrorists.
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Are we supposed to feel bad for him? How hard is it to keep your nose clean after you've survived something as serious as a murder trial? This man is a walking disaster.
he looks healthy , thug didn't get him those few years ago . So he has financial debt like millions of other Americans , i suppose that he just won't pay the 2 and a half million as the Zim is indigent [can't get blood out of a turnip] . Public defender is no big deal is it ?? I think millions of Americans must use public defenders that YOU pay for Baz .----------------- Main thing is that he looks healthy while the thug that went after him is feedin worms eh Baz ??
description of the Zim is a description that fits many 'millenials' , hip hoppers , dopers , and mrobama and 'hillary' supporters . While the ZIM is still a FREE Man that still has his guns according to Baz . Pretty neat eh Bulldog . ------------ besides , ZIM looks well fed , looks healthy and like i say , ZIM still has his guns Bulldog . [according to reports]
description of the Zim is a description that fits many 'millenials' , hip hoppers , dopers , and mrobama and 'hillary' supporters . While the ZIM is still a FREE Man that still has his guns according to Baz . Pretty neat eh Bulldog . ------------ besides , ZIM looks well fed , looks healthy and like i say , ZIM still has his guns Bulldog . [according to reports]

So now you think Zimmerman is a Hillary and Obama supporter? That's funny. That pig is pure right wing. Accept it.
description of Zim fits many of YOU millenial , hip hop ' doper types that support mrobama and hilary . Point is that ZIM is no different than YOU as far as assets go Bulldog , BAZ and a few others in this thread .
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description of Zim fits many of YOU millenial , hip hop ' doper types that support mrobama and hilary . Point is that ZIM is no different than YOU as far as assets go Bulldog , BAZ and a few others in this thread .

Really? Tell me more. What do you know about any assets I have?
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

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