George Zimmerman involved in shooting

Every time jackass gz gets into some sort of brush with the law, the nutters say 'poor little victim gz is just being picked on'.

Those who are able to think for themselves always say, 'this will keep happening because gz brings it on himself'.

The racist slime say 'thug, thug, thug, crap and lies, thug'.

Then it gets quiet until the next time gz gets in trouble.

It would seem that gz might have taken on someone who fought back. Lucky for gz, that someone is apparently not a good shot.

Next time, he might not be so lucky.
He killed a thug. Get over it.

Right on cue.

What did you expect? Martin, like Brown, were thugs and died like thugs.

Gunned down by slimy racist nutters.

The thug who will die of his own actions is your asshole hero, also a slimy racist nutter, gz.
GZ is no hero, but Wilson qualifies. They both killed thugs to preserve their lives and protect their communities and the world is a better place for their actions.

(sigh).....why don't these murderer's get can not go around guilty without karma chasing after yo ass. My only wish is that Zimmie's shooter is a young black Treyvon look a like and he uses the SYG defense!!

Hey Zimmy, contact OJ to see your fate in life!!

I agree.

And your last line -

gz chose this. He made the decision that will dog him for the rest of his probably-shortened life. If he had not chased, stalked, killed a kid who actively tried to escape him, he would not be where he is now.

He chose his own actions and has only himself to blame.
Nope. If Trayvon, who had drugs in his system and a burglary tool on him, wouldn't have been pacing slowly looking into apartments in the rain and then saw and approached Zimmerman in the parking lot in an aggressive move with his hand reaching in his wasteband pretending like he had a gun and then took off running like criminal Freddie Gray, he might be alive today. Trayvon set the events into motion. Zimmerman put down a feral negro eliminating future burglaries at the complex. What a patriot he was protecting the tenants property while risking his life.


That's total fiction.

And gz is no more a "patriot" than you are.
Sorry but I only present facts. You present obfuscations. Why? Because you're un-American.

Oh sorry. I thought you said you wanted people rounded up and put in jail because of their religion.

You don't get much more un- or anti-American than that.

(sigh).....why don't these murderer's get can not go around guilty without karma chasing after yo ass. My only wish is that Zimmie's shooter is a young black Treyvon look a like and he uses the SYG defense!!

Hey Zimmy, contact OJ to see your fate in life!!
He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers, you ignorant POS
A jury of peers is how the law was originally written.
Let your "attorney" husband explain to you about how lawyers these days have professional voir dire/jury selection services for picking jurors, you phony twit.
Why do you believe that people should not have a truly impartial jury, especially when being charged for murder?
Oh wait... when someone has the audacity to shoot a black, you want a jury that will rubber-stamp the charge levied by the state.
Forgot. Sorry.

(sigh).....why don't these murderer's get can not go around guilty without karma chasing after yo ass. My only wish is that Zimmie's shooter is a young black Treyvon look a like and he uses the SYG defense!!

Hey Zimmy, contact OJ to see your fate in life!!

I agree.

And your last line -

gz chose this. He made the decision that will dog him for the rest of his probably-shortened life. If he had not chased, stalked, killed a kid who actively tried to escape him, he would not be where he is now.

He chose his own actions and has only himself to blame.
Nope. If Trayvon, who had drugs in his system and a burglary tool on him, wouldn't have been pacing slowly looking into apartments in the rain and then saw and approached Zimmerman in the parking lot in an aggressive move with his hand reaching in his wasteband pretending like he had a gun and then took off running like criminal Freddie Gray, he might be alive today. Trayvon set the events into motion. Zimmerman put down a feral negro eliminating future burglaries at the complex. What a patriot he was protecting the tenants property while risking his life.
Which was the "burglary tool" Trayvon was carrying? The watermelon drink, the Skittles, or his cell phone?
If all these times Zimmerman has gotten in trouble had happened before he shot Trayvon, would he have been convicted? He would have been buried, yet people still support him. Go figure.
George Zimmerman suffers gunshot wound during altercation with man in Florida Daily Mail Online

Since his acquittal, Zimmerman has been arrested several times by Lake Mary police.

In July 2013, just weeks after his acquittal, he was pulled over for speeding in Texas and had a firearm in the glove compartment of his vehicle.

'Don't play with your firearm, OK?' an officer told him before he was sent away with a warning.

In September 2013, his estranged wife, Shellie Zimmerman, called 911 and claimed he had attacked her father and threatened he with a gun. She decided to not press any charges.

Then in November 2013, Zimmerman was arrested for domestic violence against his new girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe. She later dropped the charges.

Nearly a year later, in September 2014, Zimmerman was arrested for the road rage incident involving Apperson.

And in January, he was arrested for allegedly hurling a wine bottle at his girlfriend during a domestic dispute. No charges were filed in that case.

So I predict he will kill someone else within...ohhh....two years. Yes, George needs to carry a gun cause he is a weeny without one.
So I predict he will kill someone else within...ohhh....two years. Yes, George needs to carry a gun cause he is a weeny without one.
Mindless bigotry runs deep in you gene pool, doesn't it?

Uh, actually given his past record, I'd say it will happen sooner than two years.

The guy is nuts and he attracts other nuts.

Whatever, it won't be any great loss and some people would be safer with him dead.
Sure will, because we could have told you he was guilty before his trial. But to the righties, he's a hero. So own it.

At least this time he's been wounded. That's good news.

Damn those rednecks !!

NIce try, but you left out the 3 white cops who chased Gray down and started the whole thing. Thanks for re-establishing that you have zero cred.

Haa ! After your complete fuck-up, what fucking nerve you have ! :biggrin:

Sorry, it was three white cops who chased down and arrested Freddie Gray. But not for them, these three black cops would still be on the job.

The only fuck up here is you leaving them out of it. You are a liar.

I'm not lying about anything, I know there are three white guys, but the most serious charge is against one of the black bros. You're the one who tried to fool everyone.

Yes, you lie by omission. Now GFY. It's probably the only F you ever get, anyway.


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