George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Yes, Geaux, I'm sure that you are late for a cross burning. You'd probably invite Zimmerman, but he's too brown.
Joe, the cross burning bit was perpetrated for a century by frustrated Democrats who lost the Civil War, tried to make sure Blacks would never escape slavery, fought the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the Suffrage amendment, and threatened blacks entering "white" schools and university in Little Rock and amending the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to death in Congress.

You should be very careful about who you are accusing of burning crosses when it's just another divisive, inflammatory remark that has no purpose in civil discourse.

:eusa_naughty: Naughty, naughty on you along with the Pinocchios you so roundly deserve:


What party labels people used 150 years ago is kind of irrelevant.

Geaux is a guy who flies a Confederate flag and thinks that the South was right in the civil war and it was a wonderful thing that Zimmerman shot this kid.

I agree, the Democratic Party coddled these people for far too long. But when they grew a pair and threw them out in the 1960's, the GOP welcomed them with open arms. And inflicted Nixon and Reagan and the Bushes on us.
The GOP is anti-slavery, pro-civil rights, pro-women suffrage, pro-equal opportunities in education and in business.

And it pisses off the extremist Democrats who ooch and scooch their little fictional accounts that never happened except for rarely, to appear the truth with the assistance of a corrupted press.

The Confederate Flag housed, fed, and insured that under 40,000 blacks became contributing members of society who now--thanks to them--number 46,000,000 today. And thanks to Republicans, they are free men and women, they are voting citizens of America, and they have equal opportunity.

It's not my fault the Democrats didn't wake up and smell the coffee from 1865 when the Civil War ended until 1961, when Lyndon Baines Johnson convinced John F. Kennedy he could get more votes if he accepted blacks as equal human beings. Before that, John F. Kennedy thought they should stick to handing him a hammer or a mixed drink, and that's as close to the truth as it gets. *sigh*

But not to worry. The Republicans carried the badge of Democrat snobbery more than a hundred years and even to this day when we have a presidential staff that follows all his orders about shooting down the "enemy" he painted Republicans as to the Chicano community.

We may be the "enemy" of Obama by his own choice, but we are the friend of the person who wants and needs equal opportunities in the world to create a good life for himself or herself and family.
Sorry, man, every domestic violent incident this guy is involved in, every inappropriate public appearance he makes, you guys own this fool.

He's been involved in NO domestic violence incidents.
He's made NO inappropriate public appearances.
You are an idiot.

Oceania has always been at war with EastAsia!


This is why you idiot liberals keep saying the same ignorant crap post after post.
Went to the gun show today at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. It's about 15-20 miles from GZ's hometown of Sanford. Unfortunately he wasn't there.

I did pick up some great deals on 30-06, 40 S&W, and 44 Mag. Met Jorge Bonilla who is trying to knock that idiot Alan Grayson out of his seat. And I bought myself a great bumpersticker. It's the Coexist sticker only all the letters are gun manufacturors labels. I'll post a pict in a minute, it's great.
Can't we all just get along? Lol.


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Went to the gun show today at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. It's about 15-20 miles from GZ's hometown of Sanford. Unfortunately he wasn't there.

I did pick up some great deals on 30-06, 40 S&W, and 44 Mag. Met Jorge Bonilla who is trying to knock that idiot Alan Grayson out of his seat. And I bought myself a great bumpersticker. It's the Coexist sticker only all the letters are gun manufacturors labels. I'll post a pict in a minute, it's great.

Buy those guns while you can. The Left is going to ban them soon!


Fear the Left, they want to take all your guns and become a Communist country..................(R)ight?
Went to the gun show today at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. It's about 15-20 miles from GZ's hometown of Sanford. Unfortunately he wasn't there.

I did pick up some great deals on 30-06, 40 S&W, and 44 Mag. Met Jorge Bonilla who is trying to knock that idiot Alan Grayson out of his seat. And I bought myself a great bumpersticker. It's the Coexist sticker only all the letters are gun manufacturors labels. I'll post a pict in a minute, it's great.

Buy those guns while you can. The Left is going to ban them soon!


Fear the Left, they want to take all your guns and become a Communist country..................(R)ight?

You deny that several very prominent high placed Liberal Democrats have proposed exactly that?
Went to the gun show today at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. It's about 15-20 miles from GZ's hometown of Sanford. Unfortunately he wasn't there.

I did pick up some great deals on 30-06, 40 S&W, and 44 Mag. Met Jorge Bonilla who is trying to knock that idiot Alan Grayson out of his seat. And I bought myself a great bumpersticker. It's the Coexist sticker only all the letters are gun manufacturors labels. I'll post a pict in a minute, it's great.

Buy those guns while you can. The Left is going to ban them soon!


Fear the Left, they want to take all your guns and become a Communist country..................(R)ight?

You deny that several very prominent high placed Liberal Democrats have proposed exactly that?

Show me a link that says ANY "highly placed" or "Liberals" or "Democrats" have stated that they want to ban all guns.............have fun. Just because the NRA said it and Marco Rubio repeated it doesn't make it fact.
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Buy those guns while you can. The Left is going to ban them soon!


Fear the Left, they want to take all your guns and become a Communist country..................(R)ight?

You deny that several very prominent high placed Liberal Democrats have proposed exactly that?

Show me a link that says ANY "highly placed" or "Liberals" or "Democrats" have stated that they want to ban all guns.............have fun.

So you deny it. A certain female senator from California ring a bell?

You deny that several very prominent high placed Liberal Democrats have proposed exactly that?

Show me a link that says ANY "highly placed" or "Liberals" or "Democrats" have stated that they want to ban all guns.............have fun.

So you deny it. A certain female senator from California ring a bell?


The cherry picked clip of her saying she wants to ban Assault Rifles where Fox News convinced it's small brain followers to think she was talking about all guns in general? Is that the clip you are speaking of?

This is why I prefer video clips. Because bias news organizations can't screw my perspective on what is actually said.
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Just make a list of politicians who have stated "I want to ban all guns" and talk about this on the forum. Otherwise stop the NRA driven conspiracy that the Left wants to ban guns. It's a simple scheme to make people buy guns and ammo and it WORKED.
A certain former Mayor that considered running for President.

Ex-NYC mayor: Ban all guns


Jeez. You have no names and no links to information. I may have given you too much
credit as a Fox News type of person. Maybe you are full blown InfoWars.

Im going to bed. This is boring.

So I provide a link and you demand a link? Really? Do you think the link I provided is wrong?

Lol! This guy is very funny!

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