George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Went to the gun show today at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. It's about 15-20 miles from GZ's hometown of Sanford. Unfortunately he wasn't there.

I did pick up some great deals on 30-06, 40 S&W, and 44 Mag. Met Jorge Bonilla who is trying to knock that idiot Alan Grayson out of his seat. And I bought myself a great bumpersticker. It's the Coexist sticker only all the letters are gun manufacturors labels. I'll post a pict in a minute, it's great.

Buy those guns while you can. The Left is going to ban them soon!


Fear the Left, they want to take all your guns and become a Communist country..................(R)ight?

Jesus, another idiot newbie liberal. Where are these morons coming from? How many times do we have to squash the idiotic talking points from these retards?
A certain former Mayor that considered running for President.

Ex-NYC mayor: Ban all guns


Jeez. You have no names and no links to information. I may have given you too much
credit as a Fox News type of person. Maybe you are full blown InfoWars.

Im going to bed. This is boring.

So I provide a link and you demand a link? Really? Do you think the link I provided is wrong?

You are wasting your time. The guy is obviously an idiot and is too stubborn to listen. He's a typical lib incapable of logic or reason. Let's just laugh at him.

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