George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Who gives a fuck about saint traytable martin of the house of skittles anymore? LOL

Shit, get over it pussy.

I bet his family does.

RDean is Trayvon's family.

We ALL be Trayvon's fambly, yo.


No. Rdean is a member of USMB. He is not part of Trayvon Martin's family.

Do you always try to write in ebonics in order to make yourself look intelligent? Or were you simply dropped on your head as a small child?
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I'm not sure why this is news. If you would shut up about the guy, we would never hear from him again.

Sorry, man, every domestic violent incident this guy is involved in, every inappropriate public appearance he makes, you guys own this fool.

He's been involved in NO domestic violence incidents.
He's made NO inappropriate public appearances.
You are an idiot.

Oceania has always been at war with EastAsia!
RDean is Trayvon's family.

We ALL be Trayvon's fambly, yo.


No. Rdean is a member of USMB. He is not part of Trayvon Martin's family.

Do you always try to write in ebonics in order to make yourself look intelligent? Or were you simply dropped on your head as a small shild!

Oi Vey.

You're making fun of the schwartzes.

Lighten up.

No. You are.

לך תזדיין
I bet his family does.

RDean is Trayvon's family.

We ALL be Trayvon's fambly, yo.


No. Rdean is a member of USMB. He is not part of Trayvon Martin's family.

Do you always try to write in ebonics in order to make yourself look intelligent? Or were you simply dropped on your head as a small child?

As butt hurt as you libbys are about a justified killing you would think you THINK your part of his family.
Yes, Geaux, I'm sure that you are late for a cross burning. You'd probably invite Zimmerman, but he's too brown.
Joe, the cross burning bit was perpetrated for a century by frustrated Democrats who lost the Civil War, tried to make sure Blacks would never escape slavery, fought the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the Suffrage amendment, and threatened blacks entering "white" schools and university in Little Rock and amending the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to death in Congress.

You should be very careful about who you are accusing of burning crosses when it's just another divisive, inflammatory remark that has no purpose in civil discourse.

:eusa_naughty: Naughty, naughty on you along with the Pinocchios you so roundly deserve:

Yes, Geaux, I'm sure that you are late for a cross burning. You'd probably invite Zimmerman, but he's too brown.
Joe, the cross burning bit was perpetrated for a century by frustrated Democrats who lost the Civil War, tried to make sure Blacks would never escape slavery, fought the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the Suffrage amendment, and threatened blacks entering "white" schools and university in Little Rock and amending the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to death in Congress.

You should be very careful about who you are accusing of burning crosses when it's just another divisive, inflammatory remark that has no purpose in civil discourse.

:eusa_naughty: Naughty, naughty on you along with the Pinocchios you so roundly deserve:


What party labels people used 150 years ago is kind of irrelevant.

Geaux is a guy who flies a Confederate flag and thinks that the South was right in the civil war and it was a wonderful thing that Zimmerman shot this kid.

I agree, the Democratic Party coddled these people for far too long. But when they grew a pair and threw them out in the 1960's, the GOP welcomed them with open arms. And inflicted Nixon and Reagan and the Bushes on us.
You should check the definition of fascist and liberal. There aren't any liberals anymore they are progressives now, and progressives are fascists.

Well, they call the guy who took the DOW from 6,000 to 15,000 a Communist, too! :lol:

Irrelevant because you don't know the difference between a fascist and a communist, dumbass.

Yeah, $85 billion a month can sure buy a lot of DOW and any market up to twice its previous high.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa sounds like sour grapes......

Sounds like common decency to moral Americans.

lol, you wouldn't know anything about that topic, you lying shit-for-brains.

What kind of loser would want the autograph of that fat ass?

And you gives a shit what you think about it, stupid ass?

Ever consider attacking the idea instead of attacking the person? Just sayin...
Sounds like common decency to moral Americans.

lol, you wouldn't know anything about that topic, you lying shit-for-brains.

What kind of loser would want the autograph of that fat ass?

And you gives a shit what you think about it, stupid ass?

Ever consider attacking the idea instead of attacking the person? Just sayin...

When libtards make unwarranted assertions as though they are obviously true, ad hominem is the appropriate response as there is nothing supporting the claim to attack.

I'm not sure why this is news. If you would shut up about the guy, we would never hear from him again.

Sorry, man, every domestic violent incident this guy is involved in, every inappropriate public appearance he makes, you guys own this fool.

And how do I own him?

You are the guys who made him a second amendment hero instead of some cop wannabe who fucked up and shot a kid.

He's all yours, with every stupid thing he's going to do in the rest of his probably very short life.
Sorry, man, every domestic violent incident this guy is involved in, every inappropriate public appearance he makes, you guys own this fool.

And how do I own him?

You are the guys who made him a second amendment hero instead of some cop wannabe who fucked up and shot a kid.

He's all yours, with every stupid thing he's going to do in the rest of his probably very short life.

I did? You keep saying "you." I didn't make him anything. Everyone does things on their own accord. I don't understand how signing autographs is stupid, sounds like he is making money for himself.

Going off your theory, every stupid illegal immigrant is yours. Every health care disaster is yours, every unemployment, wealth separation, and bad economy story is yours, every terrorist story, every bad spending story is yours.

Interesting theory, could lose you the 2014 election.
how do you know that

Because they didn't make him a hero for killing an unarmed kid who only went to the store to buy some candy.

Who gives a fuck about saint traytable martin of the house of skittles anymore? LOL

Shit, get over it pussy.

I keep a bag of skittles in my case I get pulled over for speeding or sumptin so I can munch on them whilst proclaiming my innocence....bound to help doncha think?
I tink even da libturds are beginning to see how stoopid dere arguments be.....dus day b dropping out oine by oine. heh heh

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