George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Libtards are so ready to click their little fascist heels together and start taking orders from the government that they just cant help themselves but think anything coming out of the mouth of a government official is a legally binding order.

Poor stupid shits.

Moron. Fascists are not liberals. Where did you get your education? You think Franco was a liberal? Mussolini?

You should check the definition of fascist and liberal. There aren't any liberals anymore they are progressives now, and progressives are fascists.

Bullshit. I'm a Liberal.
I'm not sure why this is news. If you would shut up about the guy, we would never hear from him again.
Is she going to get away with it? I hope she sees jail time, but I'm sure she is in like Flynn.

She was being investigated...... Ya like her bosses cared. Notice no updates since the claim she was under investigation.

I doubt anything will come from that investigation. She has Obama and Holder in her corner.

Wait. Are you talking about Angela Corey? A Republican appointed by a Republican in a highly Republican district? It's highly likely she flubbed the case just to get Zimmy acquitted.
She was being investigated...... Ya like her bosses cared. Notice no updates since the claim she was under investigation.

I doubt anything will come from that investigation. She has Obama and Holder in her corner.

Wait. Are you talking about Angela Corey? A Republican appointed by a Republican in a highly Republican district? It's highly likely she flubbed the case just to get Zimmy acquitted.
Have you seen her?! She's butt-ugly and of course a liberal. How gay are you anyway?

Dumbass. That's from 4 months ago. If he's so happy why is he complaining about the media - while talking to the media?

And I wonder why the person who purchased that "painting" hasn't shown his face?

What about the second "painting"?

Obviously whoever bought the painting doesn't want to get death threats ah duh! Shallow thinking much? typical liberal

The second painting has been sold also...again the buyer does not want any media attention.

George did go on T.V. and talk about the money he owes his defense team...2.5 million I think it was....that was just a move to get his donors more motivated to help out with his legal expenses.
I'm not sure why this is news. If you would shut up about the guy, we would never hear from him again.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if the dumbass liberals were not so obsessed with him.....they would stop talking about the case....but their obsession drives them a junkie hooked on heroin...even though their banter proves they are fools....this case has damaged the liberal cause more than anything in recent libtards please keep stepping up to the plate....I never had so much fun. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like shooting fish in a barrel. heh heh

Next................try and make it quick....I have to get going.
Exactly......I have been posting and reading various boards for a long while...and I have never seen a topic that has demonstrated the inadequacies and stupidities of the liberal faction like the various discussions on George Zimmerman has....the topic clearly demonstrates not only their fallacious agenda but their fallacious thinking as well.....all they have is ignorance, emotionalism, naivete, gullibility, and a erroneous agenda that has kowtowed to just about any Anti-American group or idea that comes down the pike.

It's amazing to watch. They can hear the unedited tapes of the 9-11 call, you could show them the transcripts of the call and they would insist that the police told George not to follow the thug.

You can show them recent pictures of the thug and they will still call him a "child". You can prove that GZ is not white and they will insist on calling him a White Hispanic.

They are ignorant if the law, due process, and how the court system works, but they will continue to ignore you when you present the facts to them.

No one, not Hannity, not Limbaugh, not Beck or any of the other talkers have ever been so successful exposing the ignorance, hatred, and racism of the left as George Zimmerman has. And he's not even trying! For that alone I'd like to shake his hand and buy him a beer or two.

And in watching the trial you can find out that one of the original detectives tried to trip up GZ the night of the attack by saying "There is a camera that recorded the whole incident" and what was GZ's reply? Thank God!

You can also learn from the trial that after completing his call to the dispatcher that GZ was actually indeed heading back to his truck. He wasn't following anyone at the time of the confrontation.

You also would know, if you watched the trial, the Trayvon made it all the way back to the front porch of his house. Then came back to confront GZ.

You could also notice that NBC/MSNBC deliberatley did not show pictures of GZ's face from the night of the attack. They did not show the nose picture that was shown at the trial nor the pictures the detectives took the night of the attack.

Plus you could also do a deep background on TM, just like many did for GZ and find out some things that were importatnt to the case and to this day many media outlets have not mentioned.

All very true and very important, but will be completely ignored by the racist morons on the left.
[]How the fuck do you know that would be the reaction of cops if a black neighborhood watchman were assaulted by a white thug? Joe, you're a despicable racist through and through.

Well, actually, if the kid ended up dead, you're damned right there'd have been an investigation.

Unless you can cite a case where a black guy shot an unarmed white kid and the cops did nothing.

Can you?

Didn't think so.

Because it isn't news, and we don't have an Al Sharpton type asshole to make it news.
George has been doing quite well selling his works of art...two already...for thousands and thousands of dollars....of course he would still have time to attend law school if he wants and with the money he is making now he would be able to get the best tutors and as a hispanic he should qualify for affirmative action...ya know like how obama got through law school...basically just show up, act nice and the teachers will adjust your scores with the blessing of the Feds so that you are able to graduate....ah duh!

Which is why I said I would be very surprised if ever passes THE BAR EXAM!

Also, it's questionable whether he up is really making much money. If he had half a brain, he should be able to use his new found fame to make out like a bandit.

I've always said that if I was him, I'd hide in plain sight. I'd be on talk shows, gun shows, radio, TV, any chance I had.
Moron. Fascists are not liberals. Where did you get your education? You think Franco was a liberal? Mussolini?

You should check the definition of fascist and liberal. There aren't any liberals anymore they are progressives now, and progressives are fascists.

Well, they call the guy who took the DOW from 6,000 to 15,000 a Communist, too! :lol:

Irrelevant because you don't know the difference between a fascist and a communist, dumbass.
I'm not sure why this is news. If you would shut up about the guy, we would never hear from him again.

Sorry, man, every domestic violent incident this guy is involved in, every inappropriate public appearance he makes, you guys own this fool.

He's been involved in NO domestic violence incidents.
He's made NO inappropriate public appearances.
You are an idiot.
I'm not sure why this is news. If you would shut up about the guy, we would never hear from him again.
Liberals hate the fact that someone that had the gaul to defend themselves against a black man was found not guilty of the supposed crime of doing so.

They are also REALLY butthurt because everything they ever said about him was wrong. What do liberals do when they've been found out? They double-down on the lies that's what. Straight out of Rules For Radicals.


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