George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show


You really should have watched the trial before opening your piehole. During the trial....ya know where all the evidence is presented....there was something called a 'timeline' where it was shown that trayvon had more than enough time to get home....he ran away when George got out of his truck.....but he did not go home it is not a matter of trayvon violating the law by being in someone's elses neighborhood....the real question is....what was he really doing there? and why did he linger there so long?

Logic dictates and proves he chose to do something else...rather than go home like the litle angel he was supposed to be would have done.

You mean why would a teenager meander?

Because he's a fucking teenager, dumbass. Did you forget what you were like as a teenager? Did you obediently go straight home from every errand?

Now, after he saw some pervert was following him, he tried to evade, and kept being followed. And when he confronted his follower, Zimmerman did not say, "I'm with the neighborhood Watch, and I've called the police!"

Which would have solved any problem.

BUt Zimmerman was out to be a Cop Wannabe.

Sir with all due respect.....obviously you have a problem ......irregardless of what it is...let me help you out here.

First of one has faulted the dispatcher ...the dispatcher was merely following standard operating procedure....trying to protect a witness(George)not wanting him to get into a dangerous situation. But first we must digress back to the point where the dispatcher axed george which way was the suspect got out of his truck to try and be able to answer the dispatchers question...i.e. to see which way the suspect was headed. Then the dispatcher hearing the wind and or georges heavy breathing axed geroge if he was following the said he was....then the dispatcher's exact woids....."We do not need you to do that" a mere suggestion anyway you look at it...and george replied o.k. He did go a bit farther in order to be able to see a house address so he could inform the police who were on the way ....of his exact location. Then he started walking the short distance back to his truck when Trayvon energed out of the dark jumped George..... sucker punched George and jumped on top of him and began banging George's head into the concrete sidewalk.

George had been through these scenarious before aka........observe a suspicious person and put a call in to the police...and wait for the police he had never had a problem before....and he had no reason to anticipate a problem this time and since he was in his own neighborhood where he served as a watchman he saw no reason to stay in his truck...especially when the dispatcher axed him which direction the suspect was headed...he had to get out of his truck in order to try and help the dispatcher by being able to tell her which way trayvon was running.

Now hindsight is always 20/20 and george had no way of knowing there would be a incident...that trayvon would attack him...there is only one person who definitely knew that George would be attacked and that was Trayvon....because he premeditated upon doing exactly that. The person who should have prevented this incident was the person who initiated it...aka the perpetrator aka...trayvon.

The real reason Trayvon is dead is because he attacked George....a armed man....which no doubt suprised the hell out of the wanna be thug. Case Closed. Deal wid it chump.

The Jury heard every woid from every witnness....and they are to be congratulated on getting it right.

Telling young black men that their lives aren't valued by society, not seeing how that does us a lot of good.

Trayvon confronted an unknown person who had followed him after he changed his course and tried to avoid him several times. And when that person got his ass kicked in a fight, he murdered this kid.

The police didn't do their jobs to preserve evidence, the jury was just plain stupid, and a very dangerous man was let go to kill someone else, and it's only a matter of time before he does.

Oh, "axed"? Seriously? Are you trying to affect an African American accent, or are you just illiterate?

I think that language is called 'ebonics'

Ebonics may refer to:
African American Vernacular English, a distinctive lect, or variety, of English spoken by many African Americans, sometimes called "Ebonics"
Oakland Ebonics controversy, generated by the recognition in December 1996 by the Oakland, California school board of "Ebonics" (i.e. African-American Vernacular English) as a distinct language
Ebonics (word), a term that is used for what linguists far more often term African American Vernacular English, and that was originally used with strong connotations of the African origin of this language
Ebonics: The True Language of Black Folks, a 1975 book about Ebonics
"Ebonics", a track on The Big Picture, an album by Big L


Ebonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, Geaux, I'm sure that you are late for a cross burning. You'd probably invite Zimmerman, but he's too brown.
Telling young black men that their lives aren't valued by society, not seeing how that does us a lot of good.

Trayvon confronted an unknown person who had followed him after he changed his course and tried to avoid him several times. And when that person got his ass kicked in a fight, he murdered this kid.

The police didn't do their jobs to preserve evidence, the jury was just plain stupid, and a very dangerous man was let go to kill someone else, and it's only a matter of time before he does.

Oh, "axed"? Seriously? Are you trying to affect an African American accent, or are you just illiterate?
Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.
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Yes, Geaux, I'm sure that you are late for a cross burning. You'd probably invite Zimmerman, but he's too brown.

Maybe he makes good chorizo and eggs. He would then be of some value at the meet. :D

[Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.

Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"
[Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.

Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"
Kiss off you twat. The legal system did its job and found that Zimmerman was defending himself from aggravated assault. The legal system would have found exactly the same had Zimmerman been black, but then no one would have given a rat's ass. It would be far too cliche to get any attention, besides, race pimps like yourself would find no profit.
[Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.

Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"
Kiss off you twat. The legal system did its job and found that Zimmerman was defending himself from aggravated assault. The legal system would have found exactly the same had Zimmerman been black, but then no one would have given a rat's ass. It would be far too cliche to get any attention, besides, race pimps like yourself would find no profit.

If Zimmerman had been black and shot a white kid, the police would not have let his go home after questioning him.

They would have drug tested him, and found that he was taking Temazepan , drugs that cause insomnia and anxiety.

They would have done an immediate house to house canvas to find out if anyone was missing a kid.

They'd have preserved the crime scene.

But, naw, it's just a black kid, and it took six weeks of screaming by Al Sharpton and the resignation of the police chief to get the cops to do their job.
Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"
Kiss off you twat. The legal system did its job and found that Zimmerman was defending himself from aggravated assault. The legal system would have found exactly the same had Zimmerman been black, but then no one would have given a rat's ass. It would be far too cliche to get any attention, besides, race pimps like yourself would find no profit.

If Zimmerman had been black and shot a white kid, the police would not have let his go home after questioning him.

They would have drug tested him, and found that he was taking Temazepan , drugs that cause insomnia and anxiety.

They would have done an immediate house to house canvas to find out if anyone was missing a kid.

They'd have preserved the crime scene.

But, naw, it's just a black kid, and it took six weeks of screaming by Al Sharpton and the resignation of the police chief to get the cops to do their job.
How the fuck do you know that would be the reaction of cops if a black neighborhood watchman were assaulted by a white thug? Joe, you're a despicable racist through and through.
yes and the court cleared the way for his lawsuit against MSLSD to advance

Oh yes....I forgot about the lawsuit...........that will be a huge, huge payday for the millions no doubt. I think that was MSNBC.

If he got any money, he could use it to pay off the civil suit he would surely lose.

Lol, you are a true nit wit. Yeah, we're still waiting to hear about that civil suit.
Jesus Christ! There are people who still think this was a SYG case? With all of the information out there? With the trial on national TV every single day? With all that, people still have that huge fact wrong? I guess it should come as no surprise seeing how wrong on just about everything the media was about this case. Wow.
[Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.

Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"

Joe here is a prime example if the stupidity that the Zimmerman saga elicits from the lefties. They will never ever listen, they will never ever think, and they will never ever admit to being wrong. You cannot reason with them, you cannot show them facts or logic, all you can do is laugh at them.
Jesus Christ! There are people who still think this was a SYG case? With all of the information out there? With the trial on national TV every single day? With all that, people still have that huge fact wrong? I guess it should come as no surprise seeing how wrong on just about everything the media was about this case. Wow.

Lefties have everything wrong. It's because they do not care about facts. They have an agenda, and they have the narrative. They will never ever depart from that even a little bit. Just point them out and make fun of them.
Jesus Christ! There are people who still think this was a SYG case? With all of the information out there? With the trial on national TV every single day? With all that, people still have that huge fact wrong? I guess it should come as no surprise seeing how wrong on just about everything the media was about this case. Wow.

Lefties have everything wrong. It's because they do not care about facts. They have an agenda, and they have the narrative. They will never ever depart from that even a little bit. Just point them out and make fun of them.

Exactly......I have been posting and reading various boards for a long while...and I have never seen a topic that has demonstrated the inadequacies and stupidities of the liberal faction like the various discussions on George Zimmerman has....the topic clearly demonstrates not only their fallacious agenda but their fallacious thinking as well.....all they have is ignorance, emotionalism, naivete, gullibility, and a erroneous agenda that has kowtowed to just about any Anti-American group or idea that comes down the pike.
[Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.

Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"

Anyone with any sense(capable of understanding what was going on--which leaves out most negroes and die hard liberals)and watched the trial knows that the stand your ground law had nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case has been repeated and shown too many times to enumerate.....the George Zimmerman case was one of simple self-defense.

Then you have those ignorant folk who claimed that Florida's law on self -defense was somehow unique from other states...that it is somehow antiquated.....pure bullshite....Florida's law on self defense is very similar to most states.
Regarding the Stand Your Ground Law which the above poster purposely or mistakenly fails to understand:

Forty-six states in the United States have adopted the castle doctrine, that a person has no duty to retreat whatsoever when their home is attacked.[3][4] Twenty-two states go a step further,[5] removing the duty of retreat from other locations outside the home. Such "stand your ground", "Line in the Sand" or "No Duty to Retreat" laws thus state that a person has no duty or other requirement to abandon a place in which he has a right to be, or to give up ground to an assailant.
[Those who devalue the lives of young black men are those who take them. It appears there is little value in them unless race pimps stand to profit, which of course can only be done in those very rare instances where a young blacks life is taken by someone who isn't black.

The hypocrisy and selective righteous outrage would be amusing on a less serious topic.

Yes, when you let someone shoot a black kid because he was in the wrong neighborhood or he was playing his music too loud, you really do devalue his life.

Incidently, when blacks kill each other (and when white kill each other), the justice system does its job. So that isn't the issue.

The issue here is that we have this insane law in Florida which says, "I can shoot black folks if they scare me. I'm standing my ground!"

Let us consider who takes the most lives of young Negroes.....uhmmhmnnnnn who dat be? Other Negroes of has been stated, as has been shown, as has been proven on this board and numerous other boards....Negroes kill more negroes in 1 yr. than the infamous KKK lynched in it's entire 80 yr. history of vigiliantism.....and let us not forget....most of the negroes that were lynched were already in jail for some heinous crime that outraged the community so much...that they would form a posse and haul the notoriouos criminal out of jail and lynch him thus saving the expense of a trial by administering quick justice.

On the other hand the young negroes killed by da gangbangas and other assorted Negroid Thugs often are innocent...many times mere toddlers, or old folks just sitting on their front porch or kids on their way to school....all one has to do to confirm this is look at chicago or any other large American City.
I must appears I was wrong....I said Negroes kill more Negroes in one year than the KKK did in 80 years.....actually the Negroid Thugs kill more black kids in 6 months than the kkk did in 80 bad.

Allen West: More black-on-black murders in six months than by 'KKK ...

Nov 27, 2013 ... "Black people kill more black people every six months than the KKK did in 86 years," West, a former one-term congressman from Florida, wrote. months-86-/

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