George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

I just read that Zimmerman wants to go to las school and become a lawyer. I'd be surprised if he has it in himself to do that. I agree with the not guilty verdict for Zimmerman. However, having watched the interviews he gave to the police and to S. Hannity, I have to conclud that the man is a stupid idiot.

I'll be very surprised if Zimmerman ever passes the bar exam to be a lawyer.

George has been doing quite well selling his works of art...two already...for thousands and thousands of dollars....of course he would still have time to attend law school if he wants and with the money he is making now he would be able to get the best tutors and as a hispanic he should qualify for affirmative action...ya know like how obama got through law school...basically just show up, act nice and the teachers will adjust your scores with the blessing of the Feds so that you are able to graduate....ah duh!

yes and the court cleared the way for his lawsuit against MSLSD to advance

Oh yes....I forgot about the lawsuit...........that will be a huge, huge payday for the millions no doubt. I think that was MSNBC.

Had Martin gone home instead of returning to attack Zimmerman none of this would have happened either. Martin escalated and created the confrontation as evidenced by what his girlfriend and the phone logs prove.

Zimmerman was attacked on the ground with Martin on top beating him. And yet he did not draw his weapon until Martin threatened to take it and shoot him.

The Jury agreed it was not murder that it was in fact self defense.

All of which we only have ZImmerman's word for.

The fact that Zimmerman has been arrested multiple times since his acquittal indicates that anything he said was kind of questionable.

You really should have watched the trial before opening your piehole. During the trial....ya know where all the evidence is presented....there was something called a 'timeline' where it was shown that trayvon had more than enough time to get home....he ran away when George got out of his truck.....but he did not go home it is not a matter of trayvon violating the law by being in someone's elses neighborhood....the real question is....what was he really doing there? and why did he linger there so long?

Logic dictates and proves he chose to do something else...rather than go home like the litle angel he was supposed to be would have done.
I really hope the libtards keep talking about this easy opportunity to demonstrate their stupdities with very little effort.
George has been doing quite well selling his works of art...two already...for thousands and thousands of dollars....of course he would still have time to attend law school if he wants and with the money he is making now he would be able to get the best tutors and as a hispanic he should qualify for affirmative action...ya know like how obama got through law school...basically just show up, act nice and the teachers will adjust your scores with the blessing of the Feds so that you are able to graduate....ah duh!

yes and the court cleared the way for his lawsuit against MSLSD to advance

Oh yes....I forgot about the lawsuit...........that will be a huge, huge payday for the millions no doubt. I think that was MSNBC.

If he got any money, he could use it to pay off the civil suit he would surely lose.
Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


Exactly and all that was brought out in court....yet you see these libtards on this board and other boards constantly trying to use that as misinformation.....aka dispatch ordered George not to follow trayvon....all a figment of their imagination or else they istened to msnbc toooooo much.
BTW....George was not looking for a fight.....he had gone thru this type of event many times....aka.....see a it to the police....wait for the police.

If George just wanted to kill a negro....he wold not have called the police...nor would he have called the police if he was just looking for a fight. Try and use some common sense...a little bit of logic goes a long way.
He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


Exactly and all that was brought out in court....yet you see these libtards on this board and other boards constantly trying to use that as misinformation.....aka dispatch ordered George not to follow trayvon....all a figment of their imagination or else they istened to msnbc toooooo much.

Not only doesn't the dispatcher have that power or authority , he NEVER ordered Zimmerman to do anything anyway. He simply said after asking if he was following him, that he did not need him to do that. At which time Zimmerman stopped trying to find Martin.

The dispatcher had already indicated he wanted the direction he went, that is why Zimmerman got out anyway.
He's an honorary Republican. Having done what so many right wingers wish they could have done.

If more people were allowed to carry concealed weapons you would see the black on white crime problem go away very quickly.

Suicide Statistics at

I doubt it. Most gun deaths by far are white males from the south committing suicide. I guess they became depressed after figuring out how the GOP has fucked them over.
The problem you see over and over again with the Liberals in regards to the Zimmerman Case is that they essentialy have a 'movie running in their head' and hey will not listen to anything that contradicts that movie.

The movie in their head is all about blacks being victims.....they believe that because as impressionable kids they were taught that at school....blacks are victims of evil white racists.....they are thorougly indoctrinated with that myth.
yes and the court cleared the way for his lawsuit against MSLSD to advance

Oh yes....I forgot about the lawsuit...........that will be a huge, huge payday for the millions no doubt. I think that was MSNBC.

If he got any money, he could use it to pay off the civil suit he would surely lose.

Get the facts chump...........he is immune from any civil law suit...try and keep up.
It's not Democrats asking for his autograph.

how do you know that

Because they didn't make him a hero for killing an unarmed kid who only went to the store to buy some candy.

no one is making him a hero

"I think the jury made the right decision based on the evidence presented, because the prosecution inadvertently set the standard so high that the jury had to be convinced that it was a deliberate act by Zimmerman, and he was not at all defending himself, and so forth," J Carter(D)

Sir with all due respect.....obviously you have a problem ......irregardless of what it is...let me help you out here.

First of one has faulted the dispatcher ...the dispatcher was merely following standard operating procedure....trying to protect a witness(George)not wanting him to get into a dangerous situation. But first we must digress back to the point where the dispatcher axed george which way was the suspect got out of his truck to try and be able to answer the dispatchers question...i.e. to see which way the suspect was headed. Then the dispatcher hearing the wind and or georges heavy breathing axed geroge if he was following the said he was....then the dispatcher's exact woids....."We do not need you to do that" a mere suggestion anyway you look at it...and george replied o.k. He did go a bit farther in order to be able to see a house address so he could inform the police who were on the way ....of his exact location. Then he started walking the short distance back to his truck when Trayvon energed out of the dark jumped George..... sucker punched George and jumped on top of him and began banging George's head into the concrete sidewalk.

George had been through these scenarious before aka........observe a suspicious person and put a call in to the police...and wait for the police he had never had a problem before....and he had no reason to anticipate a problem this time and since he was in his own neighborhood where he served as a watchman he saw no reason to stay in his truck...especially when the dispatcher axed him which direction the suspect was headed...he had to get out of his truck in order to try and help the dispatcher by being able to tell her which way trayvon was running.

Now hindsight is always 20/20 and george had no way of knowing there would be a incident...that trayvon would attack him...there is only one person who definitely knew that George would be attacked and that was Trayvon....because he premeditated upon doing exactly that. The person who should have prevented this incident was the person who initiated it...aka the perpetrator aka...trayvon.

The real reason Trayvon is dead is because he attacked George....a armed man....which no doubt suprised the hell out of the wanna be thug. Case Closed. Deal wid it chump.

The Jury heard every woid from every witnness....and they are to be congratulated on getting it right.

Telling young black men that their lives aren't valued by society, not seeing how that does us a lot of good.

Trayvon confronted an unknown person who had followed him after he changed his course and tried to avoid him several times. And when that person got his ass kicked in a fight, he murdered this kid.

The police didn't do their jobs to preserve evidence, the jury was just plain stupid, and a very dangerous man was let go to kill someone else, and it's only a matter of time before he does.

Oh, "axed"? Seriously? Are you trying to affect an African American accent, or are you just illiterate?

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