George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


Libtards are so ready to click their little fascist heels together and start taking orders from the government that they just cant help themselves but think anything coming out of the mouth of a government official is a legally binding order.

Poor stupid shits.

Moron. Fascists are not liberals. Where did you get your education? You think Franco was a liberal? Mussolini?
He was worth MORE to them DEAD THAN ALIVE!!!

Trayvon Martin’s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals!

Are Trayvon Martin’s parents rich after the settlement with the Home Owner’s Association and Trayvon Martin merchandise deals?

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement with the Retreat at Twin Lakes Home Owner’s Association is believed to be higher than $1 million.

A million dollars does not make anyone reach nowadays. It can buy a house and a couple of cars and have some left over for small investments. It can maybe pay off your debts, but it doesn't make anyone rich.

I find it beneath contempt and extremely heinous that people not only have tried to turn Trayvon into a thug and potential gang member and life time criminal, but they are trying to say that his parents didn't love him and are happier with him dead than alive. If there is a hell, all of you belong there. Despicable.

What's the matter honey, you send me PM's and then put me on ignore after a neg rep?

You're a delusional little girl. How many people play lotto to win a million dollars? They are RACE HUSTLERS, just as Al and Jesse are. TRADEMARKING his name and sayings and then open a website to SELL ITEMS with them on. Living in your world of RACISM must eat you up!

Tell me idiot: What does paragraph #2 have to do with paragraph #1?

For the edification of the listening audience, I negged you earlier. Something I rarely do to newbs, but I made a special exception just for you. You negged me back, which is logical. But you referred to it as "neg rep karma," which caused me to choke on my tea. An exchange of PM's then followed. Once I realized you were rather unhinged, I turned off my PM's to any but friends.

Sorry I made you cry. Group hug?


Had Martin gone home instead of returning to attack Zimmerman none of this would have happened either. Martin escalated and created the confrontation as evidenced by what his girlfriend and the phone logs prove.

Zimmerman was attacked on the ground with Martin on top beating him. And yet he did not draw his weapon until Martin threatened to take it and shoot him.

The Jury agreed it was not murder that it was in fact self defense.

All of which we only have ZImmerman's word for.

The fact that Zimmerman has been arrested multiple times since his acquittal indicates that anything he said was kind of questionable.

Arrested and never charged. Arrested due to a social pogrom not due to any crime.
It would not be surprising to see a liberal headline "George Zimmerman gets parking ticket". See he's GUILTY!
Why is he such a hero to these people?

1. He was an innocent man persecuted by racism, ignorance and bigotry. Many if us root for the underdog.
2. Lefties hated him so right there you have to know there is good somewhere in the story.
3. He used a gun properly and in self-defense. The left hates guns and self-defense and has been attacking both since way before Zimmerman killed the thug.
4. He, better than anyone else, better than Rush, Sean, Glenn or any other right wing talker, has exposed the left for the hateful, ignorant racists that they are. Hell,l for that ALONE, I'd buy him a beer or two.
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I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

This is what I mean. This supremely ignorant statement is an example of the willful ignorance that George elicits from lefties.
Quick question for all of you........................

If you're being followed for a pretty decent distance (I think anything over 200 yards qualifies), wouldn't YOU stake out a piece of property to ask the person following you for the reason they're doing so?

I know that I would.

If you follow me (and track me) for over a few hundred yards, I'm going to want to know why, even if that means I have to ask you not so nicely.

I most certainly would. What I wouldn't do is assault him like the thug Martin did.
The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


Libtards are so ready to click their little fascist heels together and start taking orders from the government that they just cant help themselves but think anything coming out of the mouth of a government official is a legally binding order.

Poor stupid shits.

Moron. Fascists are not liberals. Where did you get your education? You think Franco was a liberal? Mussolini?

You should check the definition of fascist and liberal. There aren't any liberals anymore they are progressives now, and progressives are fascists.
Why is he such a hero to these people?

1. He was an innocent man persecuted by racism, ignorance and bigotry. Many if us root for the underdog.
2. Lefties hated him so right there you have to know there is good somewhere in the story.
3. He used a gun properly and in self-defense. The left hates guns and self-defense and has been attacking both since way before Zimmerman killed the thug.
4. He, better than anyone else, better than Rush, Sean, Glenn or any other right wing talker, has exposed the left for the hateful, ignorant racists that they are. He'll for that ALONE, I'd buy him a beer or two.

And Zimmerman is a democrat!
You must be insane. I have never sent you one PM much less PMs as in more than one. Maybe you have me confused with someone else. But I take grave exception to you trying to paint me as one of those people who exchange stupid arguing pms on here. I don't do it, not to mention that someone like you would be beneath my notice to waste any time on. You are apparently not on ignore, as I can see your post. You have confused me with someone else.

I misspoke, as the subversives would say, it was BigDickBoop! But being you 2 are kissing cousins, it can remain, as like minded subversives always hold hands! Perhaps because of the neg. Rep you sent me yesterday morning, I got you confused with her...after all you all act the same!:badgrin:
We are in no way kissing cousins. You are again very mistaken. And I definitely do not act the same, no way, no how. Again, you are very, very incorrect.


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