George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show was never convicted of any domestic abuse....his g/f was merely trying to sell a story to the media...she needed money.....and that is why all charges were dropped. Get a clue pal before you come on here and demonstrate your ignorance for all the world to see. heh heh
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

Ordered? No one gave any orders, you liar.

The dispatch told him they did not need him to follow the perp, but they cant give civilians orders, you stupid shit.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

The term 'Hero' is bandied about too much for sure....but many do think of him that way....and people need heroes.

He was very fortunate to have such capable lawyers....the deck was stacked against essence what he was facing was a Federal Conspiracy to lynch him....the media demonized him on nothing more than his last name.....they thought he was a Jew...and al Sharpton the well known jew hater....could not have a jew killing one of his homies....that is precisely the reason he was so incensed and used all the contacts he had in the media to stir up a national story which eric holder bought into very quickly...because it fit his agenda of black victimhood....then when the real facts began to come out it was too late to back track was not a jew, george was not even a white guy, george was a hispanic, george had blacks in his family and even the FBI after investigating George declared he was not a racist....but Eric Holder to this day will not admit he was wrong...and in fact still claims to be investigating George for a civil rights violation...which of course anyone with any sense knows will never see the light of day...Holder was hospitalized the other day...maybe the stress of lying is getting to him...hopefully he will resign because our cowardly congressmen do not have the balls to get rid of him on their own.

Bottom line....this Zimmerman affair demnstrates more than any case in history probably the extremes the Federal Government will go to in order to preserve the myth of black victimhood and also it clearly demonstrates the utter liberal bias of the alphabet media and how they bent over backwards trying to help convict a innocent man.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

The term 'Hero' is bandied about too much for sure....but many do think of him that way....and people need heroes.

He was very fortunate to have such capable lawyers....the deck was stacked against essence what he was facing was a Federal Conspiracy to lynch him....the media demonized him on nothing more than his last name.....they thought he was a Jew...and al Sharpton the well known jew hater....could not have a jew killing one of his homies....that is precisely the reason he was so incensed and used all the contacts he had in the media to stir up a national story which eric holder bought into very quickly...because it fit his agenda of black victimhood....then when the real facts began to come out it was too late to back track was not a jew, george was not even a white guy, george was a hispanic, george had blacks in his family and even the FBI after investigating George declared he was not a racist....but Eric Holder to this day will not admit he was wrong...and in fact still claims to be investigating George for a civil rights violation...which of course anyone with any sense knows will never see the light of day...Holder was hospitalized the other day...maybe the stress of lying is getting to him...hopefully he will resign because our cowardly congressmen do not have the balls to get rid of him on their own.

Bottom line....this Zimmerman affair demnstrates more than any case in history probably the extremes the Federal Government will go to in order to preserve the myth of black victimhood and also it clearly demonstrates the utter liberal bias of the alphabet media and how they bent over backwards trying to help convict a innocent man.

It's true! Pretty much everything is a conspiracy. I, personally know that the government has a listening device hidden somewhere in my refrigerator that picks up every word spoken in my house. That is why I keep an endless loop of "Another brick in the Wall" at 90 decibels., playing 24/7 . You should do the same....

Last edited by a moderator:
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

The term 'Hero' is bandied about too much for sure....but many do think of him that way....and people need heroes.

He was very fortunate to have such capable lawyers....the deck was stacked against essence what he was facing was a Federal Conspiracy to lynch him....the media demonized him on nothing more than his last name.....they thought he was a Jew...and al Sharpton the well known jew hater....could not have a jew killing one of his homies....that is precisely the reason he was so incensed and used all the contacts he had in the media to stir up a national story which eric holder bought into very quickly...because it fit his agenda of black victimhood....then when the real facts began to come out it was too late to back track was not a jew, george was not even a white guy, george was a hispanic, george had blacks in his family and even the FBI after investigating George declared he was not a racist....but Eric Holder to this day will not admit he was wrong...and in fact still claims to be investigating George for a civil rights violation...which of course anyone with any sense knows will never see the light of day...Holder was hospitalized the other day...maybe the stress of lying is getting to him...hopefully he will resign because our cowardly congressmen do not have the balls to get rid of him on their own.

Bottom line....this Zimmerman affair demnstrates more than any case in history probably the extremes the Federal Government will go to in order to preserve the myth of black victimhood and also it clearly demonstrates the utter liberal bias of the alphabet media and how they bent over backwards trying to help convict a innocent man.

It's true! Pretty much everything is a conspiracy. I, personally know that the government has a listening device hidden somewhere in my refrigerator that picks up every word spoken in my house. That is why I keep an endless loop of "Another brick in the Wall" at 90 decibels., playing 24/7 in my house. You should do the same....

You sure it wasn't you dishwasher?:badgrin:

CIA Chief: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher | Danger Room |
The term 'Hero' is bandied about too much for sure....but many do think of him that way....and people need heroes.

He was very fortunate to have such capable lawyers....the deck was stacked against essence what he was facing was a Federal Conspiracy to lynch him....the media demonized him on nothing more than his last name.....they thought he was a Jew...and al Sharpton the well known jew hater....could not have a jew killing one of his homies....that is precisely the reason he was so incensed and used all the contacts he had in the media to stir up a national story which eric holder bought into very quickly...because it fit his agenda of black victimhood....then when the real facts began to come out it was too late to back track was not a jew, george was not even a white guy, george was a hispanic, george had blacks in his family and even the FBI after investigating George declared he was not a racist....but Eric Holder to this day will not admit he was wrong...and in fact still claims to be investigating George for a civil rights violation...which of course anyone with any sense knows will never see the light of day...Holder was hospitalized the other day...maybe the stress of lying is getting to him...hopefully he will resign because our cowardly congressmen do not have the balls to get rid of him on their own.

Bottom line....this Zimmerman affair demnstrates more than any case in history probably the extremes the Federal Government will go to in order to preserve the myth of black victimhood and also it clearly demonstrates the utter liberal bias of the alphabet media and how they bent over backwards trying to help convict a innocent man.

It's true! Pretty much everything is a conspiracy. I, personally know that the government has a listening device hidden somewhere in my refrigerator that picks up every word spoken in my house. That is why I keep an endless loop of "Another brick in the Wall" at 90 decibels., playing 24/7 in my house. You should do the same....

You sure it wasn't you dishwasher?:badgrin:

CIA Chief: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher | Danger Room |

Actually most people carry the devices around in their pockets. They are called smart phones.
It's true! Pretty much everything is a conspiracy. I, personally know that the government has a listening device hidden somewhere in my refrigerator that picks up every word spoken in my house. That is why I keep an endless loop of "Another brick in the Wall" at 90 decibels., playing 24/7 in my house. You should do the same....

You sure it wasn't you dishwasher?:badgrin:

CIA Chief: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher | Danger Room |

Actually most people carry the devices around in their pockets. They are called smart phones.

Not me! I am too smart to have a smart phone. I use carrier least until last month when they disappeared. I noticed that the menus in Washington DC suddenly included squab, at about the same time that they disappeared.

As for my dishwasher, it is not in on the conspiracy. I have programed it to record anything that the refrigerator says, especially about Zimmerman.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Is that the idiot I already negged? Yeah. Class act, that one. Thought negging me back would be karmic.

As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Some simple facts for the mentally challenged left...

Zimmerman murdered no one.

Martin was not 12 like in the picture the press kept showing.

Martin attacked Zimmerman.

Martin was straddling Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground.

If Martin had simply gone home he would be alive today.

No one ordered Zimmerman to stop following Martin. In fact the dispatcher asked which way he went.

Zimmerman was headed back to his car when Martin attacked him.

As we told you when it all started there was no case of murder. The Local DA reviewed the facts and properly determined self defense.

A political appointment of a Judge and Prosecutor does not make self defense murder even when the President and the Government want it too.

3 of the 6 Jurors ADMITTED that going in they wanted to convict Zimmerman, after hearing the lack of evidence and the reality of what happened they voted NOT GUILTY.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Perhaps if you stick your tongue in the socket, it will up the voltage, as you certainly have been drained of any common sense you may have had! Hopefully it would "light your fire"! :badgrin:
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Is that the idiot I already negged? Yeah. Class act, that one. Thought negging me back would be karmic.


Is that you chocking...chortle. You do get back the bullshit you put out. Perhaps you should try this next...:eusa_silenced:
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Some simple facts for the mentally challenged left...

Zimmerman murdered no one.

Martin was not 12 like in the picture the press kept showing.

Martin attacked Zimmerman.

Martin was straddling Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground.

If Martin had simply gone home he would be alive today.

No one ordered Zimmerman to stop following Martin. In fact the dispatcher asked which way he went.

Zimmerman was headed back to his car when Martin attacked him.

As we told you when it all started there was no case of murder. The Local DA reviewed the facts and properly determined self defense.

A political appointment of a Judge and Prosecutor does not make self defense murder even when the President and the Government want it too.

3 of the 6 Jurors ADMITTED that going in they wanted to convict Zimmerman, after hearing the lack of evidence and the reality of what happened they voted NOT GUILTY.

Simple facts for the "lap up the goo and beg for more" Right:

No evidence that Martin attacked Zimmerman.

The "injury" to Zimmerman's head was so slight, he did not even need medical attention.

The 911 dispatcher DID tell Zimmerman to not go farther.

Had Zimmerman listened, none of this would have happened.

Instead, he killed a teenaged black boy armed with a package of skittles.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Perhaps if you stick your tongue in the socket, it will up the voltage, as you certainly have been drained of any common sense you may have had! Hopefully it would "light your fire"! :badgrin:

If you like dudes sticking their tongues in your socket, it's not really my thing, but you could make some money with Jeff Gannon, I suppose.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Is that the idiot I already negged? Yeah. Class act, that one. Thought negging me back would be karmic.


I may have to consider the 48 hour list in this case....
I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Some simple facts for the mentally challenged left...

Zimmerman murdered no one.

Martin was not 12 like in the picture the press kept showing.

Martin attacked Zimmerman.

Martin was straddling Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground.

If Martin had simply gone home he would be alive today.

No one ordered Zimmerman to stop following Martin. In fact the dispatcher asked which way he went.

Zimmerman was headed back to his car when Martin attacked him.

As we told you when it all started there was no case of murder. The Local DA reviewed the facts and properly determined self defense.

A political appointment of a Judge and Prosecutor does not make self defense murder even when the President and the Government want it too.

3 of the 6 Jurors ADMITTED that going in they wanted to convict Zimmerman, after hearing the lack of evidence and the reality of what happened they voted NOT GUILTY.

Simple facts for the "lap up the goo and beg for more" Right:

No evidence that Martin attacked Zimmerman.

The "injury" to Zimmerman's head was so slight, he did not even need medical attention.

The 911 dispatcher DID tell Zimmerman to not go farther.

Had Zimmerman listened, none of this would have happened.

Instead, he killed a teenaged black boy armed with a package of skittles.

Ya those damn jurors must have been stupid or something, they obviously did not get the proper talking points before deliberating.

Remind us again what the verdict was in regards murder? Remind us why they voted that way? Remind us why Martin chose to attack Zimmerman on the way back to his car?

Martin had all the time he needed to go home, in fact he was at his house when he talked to his girlfriend and told her he was gonna go get some fagot. Her statement and the info from his phone prove he initiated the attack. The fact Zimmerman was on the ground getting his head pounded into it proves Martin was the aggressor.

As for medical attention Zimmerman received that at the scene. One punch can kill. Having ones head banged into the cement can kill as can it being banged into the ground. All deadly attacks. And Zimmerman did not reach for his firearm until Martin threatened to take it and shoot him. Instead he called for help.
I see that the shock therapy is not really doing the trick for you. Mebbe up the voltage? If not, there's always the deepfreeze trick as well... but I am confident that at some point in time we will get yer synapses firing again.

Some simple facts for the mentally challenged left...

Zimmerman murdered no one.

Martin was not 12 like in the picture the press kept showing.

Martin attacked Zimmerman.

Martin was straddling Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground.

If Martin had simply gone home he would be alive today.

No one ordered Zimmerman to stop following Martin. In fact the dispatcher asked which way he went.

Zimmerman was headed back to his car when Martin attacked him.

As we told you when it all started there was no case of murder. The Local DA reviewed the facts and properly determined self defense.

A political appointment of a Judge and Prosecutor does not make self defense murder even when the President and the Government want it too.

3 of the 6 Jurors ADMITTED that going in they wanted to convict Zimmerman, after hearing the lack of evidence and the reality of what happened they voted NOT GUILTY.

Simple facts for the "lap up the goo and beg for more" Right:

No evidence that Martin attacked Zimmerman.

The "injury" to Zimmerman's head was so slight, he did not even need medical attention.

The 911 dispatcher DID tell Zimmerman to not go farther.

Had Zimmerman listened, none of this would have happened.

Instead, he killed a teenaged black boy armed with a package of skittles.

Dipshit, even ABC reported it

ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News
Quick question for all of you........................

If you're being followed for a pretty decent distance (I think anything over 200 yards qualifies), wouldn't YOU stake out a piece of property to ask the person following you for the reason they're doing so?

I know that I would.

If you follow me (and track me) for over a few hundred yards, I'm going to want to know why, even if that means I have to ask you not so nicely.

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