George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Well, George believes it was self defense; therefore, I doubt he would be so inclined as to feel any remorse.

No remorse at taking a human life at all? Hmmmm....

A human life that was beating Georges head into the sidewalk and then went after Georges gun, saying George was now going to die?

Nope, no reason for remorse, jack ass.

Somebody is dead because of him. That's cause for remorse, always; unless one is a sociopath. Cops deal with it whenever they have to take a life, no matter how logical it seemed.
No remorse at taking a human life at all? Hmmmm....

A human life that was beating Georges head into the sidewalk and then went after Georges gun, saying George was now going to die?

Nope, no reason for remorse, jack ass.

Somebody is dead because of him. That's cause for remorse, always; unless one is a sociopath. Cops deal with it whenever they have to take a life, no matter how logical it seemed.

I'd wager that you're Pro Choice, or properly Pro Death also!:eusa_clap:
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No remorse at taking a human life at all? Hmmmm....

A human life that was beating Georges head into the sidewalk and then went after Georges gun, saying George was now going to die?

Nope, no reason for remorse, jack ass.

Somebody is dead because of him. That's cause for remorse, always; unless one is a sociopath. Cops deal with it whenever they have to take a life, no matter how logical it seemed.

Some institutions inure their subjects to the thought of killing someone.

If the kill is righteous then there is no need for crying.

If you want to cry, plenty of good decent people get ripped off, beaten, exploited and killed every day, why don't you save your tears for them and not a piece of shit like Martin?
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.
Well, George believes it was self defense; therefore, I doubt he would be so inclined as to feel any remorse.

Of course it was self defense....if not he would be in jail....we have juries that decides these matters....they decided. Next?
A human life that was beating Georges head into the sidewalk and then went after Georges gun, saying George was now going to die?

Nope, no reason for remorse, jack ass.

Somebody is dead because of him. That's cause for remorse, always; unless one is a sociopath. Cops deal with it whenever they have to take a life, no matter how logical it seemed.

Some institutions inure their subjects to the thought of killing someone.

If the kill is righteous then there is no need for crying.

If you want to cry, plenty of good decent people get ripped off, beaten, exploited and killed every day, why don't you save your tears for them and not a piece of shit like Martin?

Exactly ....but anyone that has ever taken a life even in self defense as George did regrets that it had to be....he apologized to trayvon's parents.....but not out of guilt...out of human sympathy.
Somebody is dead because of him. That's cause for remorse, always; unless one is a sociopath. Cops deal with it whenever they have to take a life, no matter how logical it seemed.

Some institutions inure their subjects to the thought of killing someone.

If the kill is righteous then there is no need for crying.

If you want to cry, plenty of good decent people get ripped off, beaten, exploited and killed every day, why don't you save your tears for them and not a piece of shit like Martin?

Exactly ....but anyone that has ever taken a life even in self defense as George did regrets that it had to be....he apologized to trayvon's parents.....but not out of guilt...out of human sympathy.

Regret is one thing; guilt another.

Martin gave GZ no choice.

And who would want to go from a normal life to the BS GZ has to deal with anyway?
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The transcript says...Ok, we don't need you to do that. Zimmerman. Ok. Dispatcher. Alright sir what is your name? Zimmerman. George…He ran. Dispatcher. Alright

What order, and since when does a civilian dispatcher give orders?
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

He shot an unarmed kid... hardly an "animal" that was preying on anyone.

In fact, had he stayed in the truck, there wouldn't have been an issue.

How many times have we seen this fallacious argument.....first of all trayvon was not l2 yrs. old like he was in the picture msnbc circulated and the one obama saw when he made the comment...."If I had a son he would look like trayvon" trayvon was 17 and just a few days short of being a legal adult at 18.

Next many black teenagers are in our penal institutions for killing somewith by beating them with their fists and or kicking them with their feet?....yet they were un-armed. In fact if George had not been able to get his weapon out trayvon could very well have knocked him out and or beaten him to death or he could have used George's own pistol to shoot George if he had been successful in knocking out George.

Next many 'teens' as the media loves to call these young black thugs have we seen videos of playing the knockout game...and several of their white victims have died from a single punch.

Trayvon became a predatory animal when he dicided to hide and then ambush george with a sucker punch...much like the knockout game.

Oh yes George could have stayed in his truck(and no doubt wished many times he had)but he was a responsible citizen, a member of the neighborhood watch team and he felt it his duty to help protect his neighborhood by reporting a suspicious person and then when asked by the dispatcher which way was the suspect out of his truck to see which way the suspect was headed and then walked a little further so he could see a house number in order to report to the police exactly where he was....all this has been covered...yet the liberals never hear because they do not want to hear it.

Also......George had gone through this procedure many times and had never had a problem and did not anticipate a problem this time. Plus he was in his own neighborhood and had every right legally and commonsense wise to get out of his truck.

The question that needs to be asked is what was Trayvon actually doing there? Of course the libtards always say the little angel was just innocently walking home.....bwaaaaaaaaaaaa if you followed the time line you would know that he had more than enough time to get home....even after he was spotted from George and ran away and hid....why didnt he just run home he was very, very close...he could have been home in less than a minute....yet he lingered....George had lost sight of him....where was he?....obviously hiding and waiting for a opportune moment to attack george. That is what makes the most since and that is what convinced the jury it was justifiable under Florida's law of self defense which is not unusual or unique as some claim...most states have very similar laws on self defense...Stand your ground played no role in this incident..... Case closed
He was worth MORE to them DEAD THAN ALIVE!!!

Trayvon Martin’s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals!

Are Trayvon Martin’s parents rich after the settlement with the Home Owner’s Association and Trayvon Martin merchandise deals?

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement with the Retreat at Twin Lakes Home Owner’s Association is believed to be higher than $1 million.

A million dollars does not make anyone rich nowadays. It can buy a house and a couple of cars and have some left over for small investments. It can maybe pay off your debts, but it doesn't make anyone rich.

I find it beneath contempt and extremely heinous that people not only have tried to turn Trayvon into a thug and potential gang member and life time criminal, but they are trying to say that his parents didn't love him and are happier with him dead than alive. If there is a hell, all of you belong there. Despicable.
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I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin. do not know that and there was no evidence of it....if there had been the jury would not have found George not guilty.
He was worth MORE to them DEAD THAN ALIVE!!!

Trayvon Martin’s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals!

Are Trayvon Martin’s parents rich after the settlement with the Home Owner’s Association and Trayvon Martin merchandise deals?

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement with the Retreat at Twin Lakes Home Owner’s Association is believed to be higher than $1 million.

A million dollars does not make anyone reach nowadays. It can buy a house and a couple of cars and have some left over for small investments. It can maybe pay off your debts, but it doesn't make anyone rich.

I find it beneath contempt and extremely heinous that people not only have tried to turn Trayvon into a thug and potential gang member and life time criminal, but they are trying to say that his parents didn't love him and are happier with him dead than alive. If there is a hell, all of you belong there. Despicable.

He did not get a million....the lawyer got most of it....he did get a sizeable sum...but it is reported the casinoes have most of that now...his father was a scumbag.
He was worth MORE to them DEAD THAN ALIVE!!!

Trayvon Martin’s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals!

Are Trayvon Martin’s parents rich after the settlement with the Home Owner’s Association and Trayvon Martin merchandise deals?

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement with the Retreat at Twin Lakes Home Owner’s Association is believed to be higher than $1 million.

A million dollars does not make anyone reach nowadays. It can buy a house and a couple of cars and have some left over for small investments. It can maybe pay off your debts, but it doesn't make anyone rich.

I find it beneath contempt and extremely heinous that people not only have tried to turn Trayvon into a thug and potential gang member and life time criminal, but they are trying to say that his parents didn't love him and are happier with him dead than alive. If there is a hell, all of you belong there. Despicable.

What's the matter honey, you send me PM's and then put me on ignore after a neg rep?

You're a delusional little girl. How many people play lotto to win a million dollars? They are RACE HUSTLERS, just as Al and Jesse are. TRADEMARKING his name and sayings and then open a website to SELL ITEMS with them on. Living in your world of RACISM must eat you up!
Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The transcript says...Ok, we don't need you to do that. Zimmerman. Ok. Dispatcher. Alright sir what is your name? Zimmerman. George…He ran. Dispatcher. Alright

What order, and since when does a civilian dispatcher give orders?

Exactly right...all this was brought in was shown that it was a mere suggestion to george....yet apparantly the libtards did not watch the trial...they usually claim they did but when they talk about the case it is obvious they did not watch the trial or if they did they must have had very 'selective' hearing heh heh aka blocking out anything that made trayvon look like the pos he was.
The thug thought he had an easy victim.

Wasn't it Jamie Foxx who said "if you're white you don't fight"? Instead of a chubby white guy the thug got someone who went all cholo on him.

Exactly....can you imagine the horror and suprise trayvon felt when that slug slammed into him? All he could manage to say to Z then was...."you got me"
Your first sentence is where you have failed. The rest is moot. Your emotion is not fact in the court of law.


No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.

Yepp, and anyone who uses even a smidge of reasoning would be brought to say that in the moment that Zimmermann deliberately disobeyed the Police-orders, he forfeitied all of "stand your ground" - all of it. The man really is a disaster waiting to happen, but because the Right has decided to make this yahoo their cause celebre, they are stuck with him now. Beating the hell out of his girlfriend/wife, threatening her, getting arrested more than once. The guy is a cop-wannabe.

and........another appeal to ignorance.....well that is all the libtards have left after the court rendered its very well thought out verdict.

As has been pointed out there were no police orders to George...and the 'Stand your ground law' played no role in this was a simple case of self defense and George's lawyers did a masterful job of proving that to a court that had a judge and prosecutor hand picked for their bias against george.

It is amazing to me the libtards still are willing to talk about this case....apparantly they have no idea how stupid they look doing it.

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