George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Zimmerman explained today that he is always armed and wears a bulletproof vest, not so much for his own sake, but to protect those that are around him.

You can't make things like that up!

No, but YOU can be that stupid.
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush, or Beck. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the fake bearded swamp dwellers. Hell, the Right is beginning to think that Rand Paul is too moderate!

What you don't get moron is who the left vilianizes; good honest wholesome intelligent people. You favor liars, cheats, womanizers, frauds, killers, and scam artists.
1. He has no reason to be remorseful.
2. He can't get a job because of the haters in the media and elsewhere so he doesn't have much to do.
3. The man is getting so much undeserved hatred heaped on him, it's reasonable to think he might go somewhere where he can meet supporters.
4. I'd LOVE to get his autograph, if for no other reason than to scan it, and post it on this board.
5. The best thing about George is the way he makes liberal s piss in their panties on a weekly basis.
He got a way with killing an unarmed black kid.

That's his one and only accomplishment and it makes him a hero to a certain slimy segment of our society.

Mostly, its just a sad commentary on the human race.

He said it was god's will but if there was really a god, he would be ashamed.
1. He has no reason to be remorseful.
2. He can't get a job because of the haters in the media and elsewhere so he doesn't have much to do.
3. The man is getting so much undeserved hatred heaped on him, it's reasonable to think he might go somewhere where he can meet supporters.
4. I'd LOVE to get his autograph, if for no other reason than to scan it, and post it on this board.
5. The best thing about George is the way he makes liberal s piss in their panties on a weekly basis.

Here ya go - Your sorry little life is complete.


George Zimmerman -- Fails to Kill at Gun Show |

Your first sentence is where you have failed. The rest is moot. Your emotion is not fact in the court of law.


No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.

Yepp, and anyone who uses even a smidge of reasoning would be brought to say that in the moment that Zimmermann deliberately disobeyed the Police-orders, he forfeitied all of "stand your ground" - all of it. The man really is a disaster waiting to happen, but because the Right has decided to make this yahoo their cause celebre, they are stuck with him now. Beating the hell out of his girlfriend/wife, threatening her, getting arrested more than once. The guy is a cop-wannabe.

The shame of it is, the facts don't support what liberals desperately want to be true. There were no police orders at all. Even the civilian on the phone with Zimmerman didn't tell him not to follow anyone. Changes to those facts can only occur in liberal heads. Like his fellow knock out game players, Thug Trayvon conducted his attack from behind so there was no time to say "neighborhood watch" even if Zimmerman was acting as neighborhood watch at the time instead of being on his way to the store.
Any word on how much Zimmerman was paid to appear?

My understanding is that he did it as a favor to the store owner who expressed support for Zimmerman during his trial... I am unclear as to whether or not any of that support was financial.
No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.

Yepp, and anyone who uses even a smidge of reasoning would be brought to say that in the moment that Zimmermann deliberately disobeyed the Police-orders, he forfeitied all of "stand your ground" - all of it. The man really is a disaster waiting to happen, but because the Right has decided to make this yahoo their cause celebre, they are stuck with him now. Beating the hell out of his girlfriend/wife, threatening her, getting arrested more than once. The guy is a cop-wannabe.

The shame of it is, the facts don't support what liberals desperately want to be true. There were no police orders at all. Even the civilian on the phone with Zimmerman didn't tell him not to follow anyone. Changes to those facts can only occur in liberal heads. Like his fellow knock out game players, Thug Trayvon conducted his attack from behind so there was no time to say "neighborhood watch" even if Zimmerman was acting as neighborhood watch at the time instead of being on his way to the store.

Indeed and I repeat- The radical leftist whackos have a fundamental issue with their wiring. They just simply can't differentiate between right and wrong.

Clearly a mental disorder.

As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

He shot an unarmed kid... hardly an "animal" that was preying on anyone.

In fact, had he stayed in the truck, there wouldn't have been an issue.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

He shot an unarmed kid... hardly an "animal" that was preying on anyone.

In fact, had he stayed in the truck, there wouldn't have been an issue.

Had Martin gone home instead of returning to attack Zimmerman none of this would have happened either. Martin escalated and created the confrontation as evidenced by what his girlfriend and the phone logs prove.

Zimmerman was attacked on the ground with Martin on top beating him. And yet he did not draw his weapon until Martin threatened to take it and shoot him.

The Jury agreed it was not murder that it was in fact self defense.
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

He shot an unarmed kid... hardly an "animal" that was preying on anyone.

In fact, had he stayed in the truck, there wouldn't have been an issue.

I guess the JURY found your defense of this druggie, thug, and purported burglar wrong!

How come they buried Trayvon Martin's criminal history?

Hurley’s detectives, all of them veterans with excellent records, told a different story under oath when questioned by Internal Affairs. They knew the shell game was about to be exposed upon first learning that Martin was one of their students and outside agencies would be requesting his records.

“Oh, God, oh, my God, oh, God,” one major reportedly said when first looking at Martin’s data. He realized that Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

In each case, the case file on Martin was fudged to make the crime less serious than it was. As one detective told IA, the arrest statistics coming out of Martin’s school, Michael Krop Senior, had been “quite high,” and the detectives “needed to find some way to lower the stats.” This directive allegedly came from Hurley.

“Chief Hurley, for the past year, has been telling his command staff to lower the arrest rates,” confirmed another high-ranking detective.

Why didn't this DEFENSELESS KID, just leave the scene, instead of attacking Zimmerman when he was walking back to his vehicle?
The thug thought he had an easy victim.

Wasn't it Jamie Foxx who said "if you're white you don't fight"? Instead of a chubby white guy the thug got someone who went all cholo on him.
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should he if he acted in self defense?
deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
"they were filled with remorse and shame"
synonyms: contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence, guilt, compunction, remorsefulness, ruefulness, contriteness; More
late Middle English: from Old French remors, from medieval Latin remorsus, from Latin remordere ‘vex,’ from re- (expressing intensive force) + mordere ‘to bite.’
Translate remorse to
Use over time for: remorse

Actually Zimerman did apologize to the Martin family during one of the hearings. The Martins were not receptive of Zimmerman's apology. They had already critized Zimmerman for not apologizing earlier. It was one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations.
Actually Zimerman did apologize to the Martin family during one of the hearings. The Martins were not receptive of Zimmerman's apology. They had already critized Zimmerman for not apologizing earlier. It was one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations.

Nope. It was along the lines of "I'm sorry you took offense at the loss of your son." It was a shit apology, he has no regrets and has stated so repeatedly.

"Is there anything that you regret? Do you regret getting out of the car to follow Trayvon that night?" Hannity asked. "Do you regret that you had a gun that night?"

"No, sir," Zimmerman, 28, replied. "I feel that it was all God's plan and not for me to second-guess it or judge it."

At times Zimmerman seemed to eke out a nervous smile, with sweat gathering on his upper lip. He spent much of the one-hour interview recounting the moments just before and after the shooting. But he also addressed Martin's parents. When asked what he would say to them, he answered, "I would tell them again that I'm sorry."

"I don't have my wife and I don't have any children," he said. "I have nephews that I love more than life, I love them more than myself. I know that when they were born it was a different, unique bond and love that I have with them. And I love my children, even though they aren't born yet. And I am sorry that they buried their child. I can't imagine what it must feel like, and I pray for them daily."

I'd want to slap his mouth off his face. Not "I'm sorry that I killed your son." "I'm sorry that they buried their child."

Zimmerman Apology: Trayvon Martin Shooter Tells Parents He's Sorry During 'Hannity' Interview
He was worth MORE to them DEAD THAN ALIVE!!!

Trayvon Martin’s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals!

Are Trayvon Martin’s parents rich after the settlement with the Home Owner’s Association and Trayvon Martin merchandise deals?

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement with the Retreat at Twin Lakes Home Owner’s Association is believed to be higher than $1 million.

The insurance policy for the Retreat at Twin Lakes had a $1 million limit at the time of the Trayvon Martin lawsuit citing wrongful death. Trayvon’s mother, Sybrina Fulton only filed a claim with the insurer after a new policy went into effect on March 30, 2012.

Trayvon Martin’s parents tried to reach a lawsuit settlement through mediation and either the HOA or its insurer offered a $1 million settlement. But Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin rejected this $1 million settlement.

Eventually, they did reach a settlement outside of court, but when Trayvon Martin’s parent’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump. filed the paperwork the settlement amount was blacked out on five pages since the parents wanted to keep the amount confidential. Considering the previous settlement offer of $1 million was rejected as being too low, it can only be speculated that Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement was at least in the seven figures range.

In the same time frame the lawsuit was filed, Sybrina Fulton also filed two petitions to patent and trademark Trayvon Martin merchandise including the phrases “I Am Trayvon” and “‘Justice For Trayvon.” Such Trayvon Martin merchandise is turning out to be quite lucrative for many seeking to profit from the George Zimmerman trial by pandering to both sides of the issue.

While Sybrina Fulton already had a $68,768 salary with the Miami-Dade County government, Trayvon Martin’s mother received a eight month paid vacation worth $40,825. Such Trayvon Martin donations only soared higher as time went on. The Trayvon Martin Foundation was created by the parents to “provide support” for the family in addition to other families who had a member die from “violent crime.” How this money is being spent is unknown, but the shop provides a lot of Trayvon Martin merchandise.

So are Trayvon Martin’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, rich now? It seems obvious they’re at least millionaires. Meanwhile, despite being declared not guilty George Zimmerman was bankrupt before the trial even began, is forced to be in hiding, and George Zimmerman’s parents are receiving death threats.

Trayvon Martin?s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals?

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