George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

What in the world constitutes him signing autographs? "O hey, you shot and killed someone, guess I need your autograph". I can't tell who I should be angry at, the numbskulls who are getting the autographs, or Zimmerman himself. What a disgrace, and I don't even consider myself pro Trayvon Martin either!

Hes a hero for enduring attacks from the left because he had the nerve to defend himself against a violent person. You guys demonize him unfairly and you ruined his life. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone would side with Trayvon.
What in the world constitutes him signing autographs? "O hey, you shot and killed someone, guess I need your autograph". I can't tell who I should be angry at, the numbskulls who are getting the autographs, or Zimmerman himself. What a disgrace, and I don't even consider myself pro Trayvon Martin either!

Hes a hero for enduring attacks from the left because he had the nerve to defend himself against a violent person. You guys demonize him unfairly and you ruined his life. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone would side with Trayvon.

You mean why would anyone side with an unarmed child who was out buying candy and got shot by a racist asshole who stalked him?
What in the world constitutes him signing autographs? "O hey, you shot and killed someone, guess I need your autograph". I can't tell who I should be angry at, the numbskulls who are getting the autographs, or Zimmerman himself. What a disgrace, and I don't even consider myself pro Trayvon Martin either!

Hes a hero for enduring attacks from the left because he had the nerve to defend himself against a violent person. You guys demonize him unfairly and you ruined his life. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone would side with Trayvon.

You mean why would anyone side with an unarmed child who was out buying candy and got shot by a racist asshole who stalked him?

Because the courts disagreed with you is why. Our streets would be much safer with increased purging of the 'unarmed child' like Trayvon who made kick ass drugs with skittles and soda.

Moral of the story is not to cook drugs, roam the streets at night attacking neighborhood watches. You lay your hands on someone, you could die. You know, 2+2=4..

What in the world constitutes him signing autographs? "O hey, you shot and killed someone, guess I need your autograph". I can't tell who I should be angry at, the numbskulls who are getting the autographs, or Zimmerman himself. What a disgrace, and I don't even consider myself pro Trayvon Martin either!

No difference as far as I'm concerned with people wanting autographs from scum rappers singing about beating women and killing cops. :cuckoo:

Everybody has got to make a living.

While I personally believe Z is just a punk who shot an innocent kid because he was panicked by a Black boy, I cannot blame him now for trying to cash in on his infamy.

Can't image there's tons of jobs for him out there.

Who wants to hire a TARGET like him?

But I thought he made all that money off his "paintings"?

Fucking loser attention whore.

Casey Anthony is a better human being than Zimmy.

You have it ass backward as usual, Casey Anthony was the Trayvon Martin in her scenario. The world would be a better place if Caylee Anthony was able to kill her cold blooded attacker, as Zimmerman did...

God drove right by you when he passed out the brains didn't he?
Hes a hero for enduring attacks from the left because he had the nerve to defend himself against a violent person. You guys demonize him unfairly and you ruined his life. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone would side with Trayvon.

You mean why would anyone side with an unarmed child who was out buying candy and got shot by a racist asshole who stalked him?

Because the courts disagreed with you is why. Our streets would be much safer with increased purging of the 'unarmed child' like Trayvon who made kick ass drugs with skittles and soda.

Moral of the story is not to cook drugs, roam the streets at night attacking neighborhood watches. You lay your hands on someone, you could die. You know, 2+2=4..


SO an all white jury found a white guy innocent of killing a black child.

Hmmm. Where have I seen that one before?


Of course, your neighborhood watchman has been caught beating his wife and his girlfriend since he was let go, so it's only a matter of time before he kills someone else.
You mean why would anyone side with an unarmed child who was out buying candy and got shot by a racist asshole who stalked him?

Because the courts disagreed with you is why. Our streets would be much safer with increased purging of the 'unarmed child' like Trayvon who made kick ass drugs with skittles and soda.

Moral of the story is not to cook drugs, roam the streets at night attacking neighborhood watches. You lay your hands on someone, you could die. You know, 2+2=4..


SO an all white jury found a white guy innocent of killing a black child.

Hmmm. Where have I seen that one before?


Of course, your neighborhood watchman has been caught beating his wife and his girlfriend since he was let go, so it's only a matter of time before he kills someone else.

Hmm, or an all black jury that acquits a black man who cut off the head of a white woman


Hmm, or an all black jury that acquits a black man who cut off the head of a white woman


Yes, that was also a travesty.

And in both cases, you really can blame the incompetence of police. (It also makes you wonder what quality of justice and investigation we are getting in the non-high profile investigations.)

That said, the basic facts are that a thug shot an unarmed child after he lost a fistfight he instigated. And Florida was just fine with that.

Hmm, or an all black jury that acquits a black man who cut off the head of a white woman


Yes, that was also a travesty.

And in both cases, you really can blame the incompetence of police. (It also makes you wonder what quality of justice and investigation we are getting in the non-high profile investigations.)

That said, the basic facts are that a thug shot an unarmed child after he lost a fistfight he instigated. And Florida was just fine with that.

I dont want to rehash this whole debate other than to say there was no evidence presented that Martin threw the first punch.


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