George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Maybe we can get OJ to sign autographs at a knife show........he was innocent too

Hmm, or an all black jury that acquits a black man who cut off the head of a white woman


Yes, that was also a travesty.

And in both cases, you really can blame the incompetence of police. (It also makes you wonder what quality of justice and investigation we are getting in the non-high profile investigations.)

That said, the basic facts are that a thug shot an unarmed child after he lost a fistfight he instigated. And Florida was just fine with that.

I dont want to rehash this whole debate other than to say there was no evidence presented that Martin threw the first punch.


who threw the first punch is irrelevent.

The proximate cause of the situation was Zimmerman following this kid, at night, after be instructed not to by police. He created a situation that quickly escalated out of control.

Also, frankly, judging by his irrational actions since acquittal, I'm finding it hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. The man is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
Yes, that was also a travesty.

And in both cases, you really can blame the incompetence of police. (It also makes you wonder what quality of justice and investigation we are getting in the non-high profile investigations.)

That said, the basic facts are that a thug shot an unarmed child after he lost a fistfight he instigated. And Florida was just fine with that.

I dont want to rehash this whole debate other than to say there was no evidence presented that Martin threw the first punch.


who threw the first punch is irrelevent.

The proximate cause of the situation was Zimmerman following this kid, at night, after be instructed not to by police. He created a situation that quickly escalated out of control.

Also, frankly, judging by his irrational actions since acquittal, I'm finding it hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. The man is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Your first sentence is where you have failed. The rest is moot. Your emotion is not fact in the court of law.

I dont want to rehash this whole debate other than to say there was no evidence presented that Martin threw the first punch.


who threw the first punch is irrelevent.

The proximate cause of the situation was Zimmerman following this kid, at night, after be instructed not to by police. He created a situation that quickly escalated out of control.

Also, frankly, judging by his irrational actions since acquittal, I'm finding it hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. The man is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Your first sentence is where you have failed. The rest is moot. Your emotion is not fact in the court of law.


No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.
You mean why would anyone side with an unarmed child who was out buying candy and got shot by a racist asshole who stalked him?

Because the courts disagreed with you is why. Our streets would be much safer with increased purging of the 'unarmed child' like Trayvon who made kick ass drugs with skittles and soda.

Moral of the story is not to cook drugs, roam the streets at night attacking neighborhood watches. You lay your hands on someone, you could die. You know, 2+2=4..


SO an all white jury found a white guy innocent of killing a black child.

Hmmm. Where have I seen that one before?


Of course, your neighborhood watchman has been caught beating his wife and his girlfriend since he was let go, so it's only a matter of time before he kills someone else.

Or....maybe it's only a matter of time before someone "stands their ground" against him.
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

I also found it strange that Sybrina Fuller betrayed zero emotion during Zimmerman's trial. Even when they played her a tape of her son's last words, where he literally begged for his life, there was no reaction or emotion. It was as if she was attending a job interview.
But I thought he made all that money off his "paintings"?

Fucking loser attention whore.

Casey Anthony is a better human being than Zimmy.

You have it ass backward as usual, Casey Anthony was the Trayvon Martin in her scenario. The world would be a better place if Caylee Anthony was able to kill her cold blooded attacker, as Zimmerman did...

God drove right by you when he passed out the brains didn't he?

My troll post was better than the troll post i quoted, ironic that God didn't give you enough of a brain to figure that out...... :thup:
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!
Maybe we can get OJ to sign autographs at a knife show........he was innocent too

He doesn't have time, he wants to keep looking for the real killers but the racist justice system is keeping him from doing it........
The only one who is a bigger ass in this story is the shop owner who brought him in... Zimmerman needs to count his blessings and disappear.

I'm still shocked he doesn't have his own show on Fox.

who threw the first punch is irrelevent.

The proximate cause of the situation was Zimmerman following this kid, at night, after be instructed not to by police. He created a situation that quickly escalated out of control.

Also, frankly, judging by his irrational actions since acquittal, I'm finding it hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. The man is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Your first sentence is where you have failed. The rest is moot. Your emotion is not fact in the court of law.


No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.

Yepp, and anyone who uses even a smidge of reasoning would be brought to say that in the moment that Zimmermann deliberately disobeyed the Police-orders, he forfeitied all of "stand your ground" - all of it. The man really is a disaster waiting to happen, but because the Right has decided to make this yahoo their cause celebre, they are stuck with him now. Beating the hell out of his girlfriend/wife, threatening her, getting arrested more than once. The guy is a cop-wannabe.
Your first sentence is where you have failed. The rest is moot. Your emotion is not fact in the court of law.


No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.

Yepp, and anyone who uses even a smidge of reasoning would be brought to say that in the moment that Zimmerman deliberately disobeyed the Police-orders, he forfeited all of "stand your ground" - all of it. The man really is a disaster waiting to happen, but because the Right has decided to make this yahoo their cause celebre, they are stuck with him now. Beating the hell out of his girlfriend/wife, threatening her, getting arrested more than once. The guy is a cop-wannabe.

This is a surprisingly ill advised comment from you, Stat.

As much as you want what you said to be true, it isn't. Anyone who listened to the 911 call, watched the trial in it's entirety, and saw the evidence knows he didn't disobey the order. He was going after Martin when he was told "we don't need you to do that." He ceased and desisted. As he was walking back to his vehicle he was ambushed. I saw the exhibitions the Defense presented of the scene at the trial. I listened to the 911 call at least 30 times in 2 weeks. In the area where the altercation took place, there were plenty of places for Martin to conceal himself.

But Zimmerman obeyed the orders of the dispatcher. Zimmerman had his keys in his hand when he was attacked.

As for Zimmerman being a wife beater, that claim was proven utterly false in both cases. First his ex-wife, Shelly, lied to police about Zimmerman having or threatening her with a gun or punching her father in the face. Charges were dropped. Then Samantha Scheibe made false claims that Zimmerman had broken her stuff and assaulted her. She then said that she was "misrepresented" by police and may have "misstated certain facts." She then asked for the restraining order she initially placed against him to be dismissed. Once again charges were dropped.

Prosecutor: no domestic charges against Zimmerman

George Zimmerman won't be charged after alleged domestic incident -

It's not like you to take things at face value or be swept up in a lie. People have succeeded in ruining an innocent man. His wife, his girlfriend, the media, and the left.
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No, it is relevent.

It's like saying, "I shouldn't be held responsible for running over those nuns and orphans because I was impaired".

But then finding out the reason you were impaired was that you drank 10 shots of 80 proof skullcracker at the local bar.

Zimmerman was told not to follow this kid. He did anyway, and this kid probably felt reasonably threatened. Who is this guy? Why is he following me?

Incidently, if Zimmerman had said, "I'm with the neighborhood watch!" and Trayvon threw a punch anyway, I'd be all for Zimmerman at that point. Zimmerman did no such thing.

Yepp, and anyone who uses even a smidge of reasoning would be brought to say that in the moment that Zimmerman deliberately disobeyed the Police-orders, he forfeited all of "stand your ground" - all of it. The man really is a disaster waiting to happen, but because the Right has decided to make this yahoo their cause celebre, they are stuck with him now. Beating the hell out of his girlfriend/wife, threatening her, getting arrested more than once. The guy is a cop-wannabe.

This is a surprisingly ill advised comment from you, Stat.

As much as you want what you said to be true, it isn't. Anyone who listened to the 911 call, watched the trial in it's entirety, and saw the evidence knows he didn't disobey the order. He was going after Martin when he was told "we don't need you to do that." He ceased and desisted. As he was walking back to his vehicle he was ambushed. I saw the exhibitions the Defense presented of the scene at the trial. I listened to the 911 call at least 30 times in 2 weeks. In the area where the altercation took place, there were plenty of places for Martin to conceal himself.

But Zimmerman obeyed the orders of the dispatcher. Zimmerman had his keys in his hand when he was attacked.

As for Zimmerman being a wife beater, that claim was proven utterly false in both cases. First his ex-wife, Shelly, lied to police about Zimmerman having or threatening her with a gun or punching her father in the face. Charges were dropped. Then Samantha Scheibe made false claims that Zimmerman had broken her stuff and assaulted her. She then said that she was "misrepresented" by police and may have "misstated certain facts. She then asked for the restraining order she initially placed against him to be dismissed. Once again charges were dropped.

Prosecutor: no domestic charges against Zimmerman

George Zimmerman won't be charged after alleged domestic incident -

It's not like you to take things at face value or be swept up in a lie. People have succeeded in ruining an innocent man. His wife, his girlfriend, the media, and the left.

LWNJ's are easy to mislead and manipulate. They do not care about trials and facts - for them it's all about "emotions" and "narrative".

The narrative for Zimmerman was simple - "Evil white racist kills innocent black child on the way home from the candy store". When it turned out that Zimmerman was not white, as his surname indicated, he became a "White Hispanic". When the facts showed that Martin was actually a teenaged drug using troublemaker who was running home to make more drugs- the media chose to use his photos from 5 years earlier- to make him seem like an innocent child.

For LWNJ's - Facts mean nothing, they are merely data points to be shaped and manipulated to fit the narrative.

George Zimmerman is an asshole. I do not like him at all. He is a creep. But he was tried and found INNOCENT. LWNJ's need to get over it. Direct your anger at the people who deserve it- the media.
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I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should he if he acted in self defense?
deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
"they were filled with remorse and shame"
synonyms: contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence, guilt, compunction, remorsefulness, ruefulness, contriteness; More
late Middle English: from Old French remors, from medieval Latin remorsus, from Latin remordere ‘vex,’ from re- (expressing intensive force) + mordere ‘to bite.’
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