George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Bill Clinton ordered the carpet bombing murder of Yugoslavian civilians without congressional authorization allegedly in an effort to deflect attention from his depraved sexual appetites. Today he gets a six figure check for autographs and speeches. I would trust Zimmerman more than I would trust Clinton to babysit my granddaughter.
Zimmerman explained today that he is always armed and wears a bulletproof vest, not so much for his own sake, but to protect those that are around him.

You can't make things like that up!
George zimmerman? who is he? Isn't he the worlds first "white hispanic"?

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All I have to say is Zimmerman is STILL Innocent of all charges and free as a bird. You guys can't stand it, you demanded a trial and the Political machine obliged. Now you are butt hurt the politics in the case did not get him convicted. The original DA knew there was not enough to convict and ruled it self defense. He was right and you dumb asses are STILL wrong.
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush, or Beck. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the fake bearded swamp dwellers. Hell, the Right is beginning to think that Rand Paul is too moderate!
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What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the bearded swamp dwellers.

As opposed to your heroes?
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the bearded swamp dwellers.

As opposed to your heroes?

My hero is Harry Truman.
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush, or Beck. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the fake bearded swamp dwellers. Hell, the Right is beginning to think that Rand Paul is too moderate!

The thing I notice most about those people you have mentioned is how dumb they are. Levin, Hannity and OReilly are of the same ilk, but they ain't stupid, which makes them a little more dangerous...
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the bearded swamp dwellers.

As opposed to your heroes?

My hero is Harry Truman.

SO you have no current heroes? No one in politics you look up to or listen closely too?
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush, or Beck. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the fake bearded swamp dwellers. Hell, the Right is beginning to think that Rand Paul is too moderate!

The thing I notice most about those people you have mentioned is how dumb they are. Levin, Hannity and OReilly are of the same ilk, but they ain't stupid, which makes them a little more dangerous...

Fortunately, I cancelled cable service years ago, and only watch Netflix, so I do not have to endure them.
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush, or Beck. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the fake bearded swamp dwellers. Hell, the Right is beginning to think that Rand Paul is too moderate!

And the left's heroes are people like this....

What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush, or Beck. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the fake bearded swamp dwellers. Hell, the Right is beginning to think that Rand Paul is too moderate!

Sorry. You don't get to choose who conservatives prefer over the liberal annointed.
Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense and was remorseful about the events that conspired, though not necessarily about his own actions.

"I do wish that there was something, anything, I could have done that wouldn't have put me in the situation where I had to take (Martin's) life," he said, looking directly into the camera. He went on to apologize to Martin's parents,

"I am sorry that they buried their child, I can't imagine what it must feel like," he said. "I pray for them daily."

George Zimmerman Says Killing Trayvon Martin Was 'All God's Plan' - US News
What you guys don't understand is that it is not about Zimmerman at all. It is about who the far Right picks for their heros. Joe the Plumber, for example...or LaPierre, or Ted Nugent, or Cruz, or Sarah Palin, or Bachmann, or Trump, or Coulter, or Rush. You get the picture. Zimmerman is a total loser, but the Right would give him a reality show, back to back with the bearded swamp dwellers.

As opposed to your heroes?

My hero is Harry Truman.

Good choice.....

Okay, the Richard Nixon tapes were one thing. But Harry Truman? A heroic president to Jewish people, with institutes and forests in Israel named after him - and now we learn from the recently discovered Truman diaries of 1947 that he, too, was capable of the most sordid anti-Semitic attitudes.

"The Jews, I find are very, very selfish," he wrote. "When they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog." .....

Harry Truman, My Flawed Hero
What in the world constitutes him signing autographs? "O hey, you shot and killed someone, guess I need your autograph". I can't tell who I should be angry at, the numbskulls who are getting the autographs, or Zimmerman himself. What a disgrace, and I don't even consider myself pro Trayvon Martin either!

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