George Zimmerman Signs Autographs At A Florida Gun Show

Quick question for all of you........................

If you're being followed for a pretty decent distance (I think anything over 200 yards qualifies), wouldn't YOU stake out a piece of property to ask the person following you for the reason they're doing so?

I know that I would.

If you follow me (and track me) for over a few hundred yards, I'm going to want to know why, even if that means I have to ask you not so nicely.

Well except for the whole he lost him, was at his house and had to go back and find him. If he had not wanted to get a fag he would be alive today.

And no I do not confront people I do not need to. Nor do I attack them because they had the gall to follow me, a perfectly legal exercise.
Quick question for all of you........................

If you're being followed for a pretty decent distance (I think anything over 200 yards qualifies), wouldn't YOU stake out a piece of property to ask the person following you for the reason they're doing so?

I know that I would.

If you follow me (and track me) for over a few hundred yards, I'm going to want to know why, even if that means I have to ask you not so nicely.
Darwinism would probably dispose of you as well. You're a few yards from your accommodation so you go there and call the police. Cliche, but you can't fix stupid.
Perhaps if you stick your tongue in the socket, it will up the voltage, as you certainly have been drained of any common sense you may have had! Hopefully it would "light your fire"! :badgrin:

If you like dudes sticking their tongues in your socket, it's not really my thing, but you could make some money with Jeff Gannon, I suppose.

Since you stated up the voltage, I only surmised you'd understand it was an electric socket, but I see you must be gay as to where your mind wanders...and as with most closeted gays, you deny any such desires..... Come on Bruce, it's tres sheik to come out now!

Actually, no, but if it turns you on, hey buddy, don't let me stop you. Edgetho just came out yesterday. You can too!!!
Geez, you libs are so pissed off because one little black thug died,

I could post a bunch of robberies, rapes and murders of white folks by little black thugs if it make you feel better
As many times as we've debated the black on white crime here, and the NEED for many of us to carry to protect ourselves, family and others, this guy actually put a thug in the ground which many of us hailed as DUE JUSTICE... We all have opinions, and many of us realized what he faced and the fact he was lucky enough to take action, where others wouldn't have, would have taken that beating, and perhaps died over it.

He's not a hero, but he is an inspiration to not let the animals of society prey on us!

The term 'Hero' is bandied about too much for sure....but many do think of him that way....and people need heroes.

He was very fortunate to have such capable lawyers....the deck was stacked against essence what he was facing was a Federal Conspiracy to lynch him....the media demonized him on nothing more than his last name.....they thought he was a Jew...and al Sharpton the well known jew hater....could not have a jew killing one of his homies....that is precisely the reason he was so incensed and used all the contacts he had in the media to stir up a national story which eric holder bought into very quickly...because it fit his agenda of black victimhood....then when the real facts began to come out it was too late to back track was not a jew, george was not even a white guy, george was a hispanic, george had blacks in his family and even the FBI after investigating George declared he was not a racist....but Eric Holder to this day will not admit he was wrong...and in fact still claims to be investigating George for a civil rights violation...which of course anyone with any sense knows will never see the light of day...Holder was hospitalized the other day...maybe the stress of lying is getting to him...hopefully he will resign because our cowardly congressmen do not have the balls to get rid of him on their own.

Bottom line....this Zimmerman affair demnstrates more than any case in history probably the extremes the Federal Government will go to in order to preserve the myth of black victimhood and also it clearly demonstrates the utter liberal bias of the alphabet media and how they bent over backwards trying to help convict a innocent man.

No, trust me, Holder has not one iota of stress when he lies; I think it relieves his stress in fact since he enjoys doing it so much.
Quick question for all of you........................

If you're being followed for a pretty decent distance (I think anything over 200 yards qualifies), wouldn't YOU stake out a piece of property to ask the person following you for the reason they're doing so?

I know that I would.

If you follow me (and track me) for over a few hundred yards, I'm going to want to know why, even if that means I have to ask you not so nicely.

Lol, Jesus, you are a fucking idiot.

No, you do not have the right to 'stake out a piece of property' just because you think someone is following you, moron.
Some simple facts for the mentally challenged left...

Zimmerman murdered no one.

Martin was not 12 like in the picture the press kept showing.

Martin attacked Zimmerman.

Martin was straddling Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground.

If Martin had simply gone home he would be alive today.

No one ordered Zimmerman to stop following Martin. In fact the dispatcher asked which way he went.

Zimmerman was headed back to his car when Martin attacked him.

As we told you when it all started there was no case of murder. The Local DA reviewed the facts and properly determined self defense.

A political appointment of a Judge and Prosecutor does not make self defense murder even when the President and the Government want it too.

3 of the 6 Jurors ADMITTED that going in they wanted to convict Zimmerman, after hearing the lack of evidence and the reality of what happened they voted NOT GUILTY.

Simple facts for the "lap up the goo and beg for more" Right:

No evidence that Martin attacked Zimmerman.

The "injury" to Zimmerman's head was so slight, he did not even need medical attention.

The 911 dispatcher DID tell Zimmerman to not go farther.

Had Zimmerman listened, none of this would have happened.

Instead, he killed a teenaged black boy armed with a package of skittles.

Dipshit, even ABC reported it

ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

We both know this gun grabbing Nazi wont stop just because you give him relevant facts that reveal him to be an ass. He will ignore the facts and keep on posting his bilge.

Just remember there are ten lurkers for everyone poster. Do it for them.
He was worth MORE to them DEAD THAN ALIVE!!!

Trayvon Martin’s Parents Rich After HOA Settlement, Merchandise Deals!

Are Trayvon Martin’s parents rich after the settlement with the Home Owner’s Association and Trayvon Martin merchandise deals?

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Trayvon Martin’s parent’s settlement with the Retreat at Twin Lakes Home Owner’s Association is believed to be higher than $1 million.

A million dollars does not make anyone reach nowadays. It can buy a house and a couple of cars and have some left over for small investments. It can maybe pay off your debts, but it doesn't make anyone rich.

I find it beneath contempt and extremely heinous that people not only have tried to turn Trayvon into a thug and potential gang member and life time criminal, but they are trying to say that his parents didn't love him and are happier with him dead than alive. If there is a hell, all of you belong there. Despicable.

What's the matter honey, you send me PM's and then put me on ignore after a neg rep?

You're a delusional little girl. How many people play lotto to win a million dollars? They are RACE HUSTLERS, just as Al and Jesse are. TRADEMARKING his name and sayings and then open a website to SELL ITEMS with them on. Living in your world of RACISM must eat you up!

You must be insane. I have never sent you one PM much less PMs as in more than one. Maybe you have me confused with someone else. But I take grave exception to you trying to paint me as one of those people who exchange stupid arguing pms on here. I don't do it, not to mention that someone like you would be beneath my notice to waste any time on. You are apparently not on ignore, as I can see your post. You have confused me with someone else.

Had Martin gone home instead of returning to attack Zimmerman none of this would have happened either. Martin escalated and created the confrontation as evidenced by what his girlfriend and the phone logs prove.

Zimmerman was attacked on the ground with Martin on top beating him. And yet he did not draw his weapon until Martin threatened to take it and shoot him.

The Jury agreed it was not murder that it was in fact self defense.

All of which we only have ZImmerman's word for.

The fact that Zimmerman has been arrested multiple times since his acquittal indicates that anything he said was kind of questionable.
I've never heard him indicate remorse; in fact, quite the opposite.

Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


How many times have we seen this fallacious argument.....first of all trayvon was not l2 yrs. old like he was in the picture msnbc circulated and the one obama saw when he made the comment...."If I had a son he would look like trayvon" trayvon was 17 and just a few days short of being a legal adult at 18.

Actually, he had only just turned 17. And, yeah, he was just a kid.

Next many black teenagers are in our penal institutions for killing somewith by beating them with their fists and or kicking them with their feet?....yet they were un-armed. In fact if George had not been able to get his weapon out trayvon could very well have knocked him out and or beaten him to death or he could have used George's own pistol to shoot George if he had been successful in knocking out George.

Next many 'teens' as the media loves to call these young black thugs have we seen videos of playing the knockout game...and several of their white victims have died from a single punch.

The "knockout game" is something Faux News is making up to keep their old white viewers scared.

Trayvon became a predatory animal when he dicided to hide and then ambush george with a sucker punch...much like the knockout game.

So Trayvon invented "knockout" a year before Faux News sait that was a "thing". Really?

Oh yes George could have stayed in his truck(and no doubt wished many times he had)but he was a responsible citizen, a member of the neighborhood watch team and he felt it his duty to help protect his neighborhood by reporting a suspicious person and then when asked by the dispatcher which way was the suspect out of his truck to see which way the suspect was headed and then walked a little further so he could see a house number in order to report to the police exactly where he was....all this has been covered...yet the liberals never hear because they do not want to hear it.

Because it's a bullshit statement. He had to get out of his truck to know where he was in a housing complex that only had three streets and he had lived for 8 years?

Also......George had gone through this procedure many times and had never had a problem and did not anticipate a problem this time. Plus he was in his own neighborhood and had every right legally and commonsense wise to get out of his truck.

If it was commonsense wise, the dispatcher wouldn't have said, "We don't need you to do that."

The question that needs to be asked is what was Trayvon actually doing there? Of course the libtards always say the little angel was just innocently walking home.....bwaaaaaaaaaaaa if you followed the time line you would know that he had more than enough time to get home....even after he was spotted from George and ran away and hid....why didnt he just run home he was very, very close...he could have been home in less than a minute....yet he lingered....George had lost sight of him....where was he?....obviously hiding and waiting for a opportune moment to attack george. That is what makes the most since and that is what convinced the jury it was justifiable under Florida's law of self defense which is not unusual or unique as some claim...most states have very similar laws on self defense...Stand your ground played no role in this incident..... Case closed

Oh my God, your argument was that a TEENAGER didn't take a direct route home? Seriously?

Man, totally shoot that fucker.

Did you totally forget what you were like when you were a teenager? (Although I suspect in our case, we are talking months, not decades.
Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


Libtards are so ready to click their little fascist heels together and start taking orders from the government that they just cant help themselves but think anything coming out of the mouth of a government official is a legally binding order.

Poor stupid shits.
This obsession with Zimmerman by the left will never stop. Meanwhile backs are getting killed by blacks everyday and not a peep from the left. You people should be ashamed.
Why should anyone be remorseful for defending their life?.....although he did apologize to Trayvon's parents....not that he felt any guilt...but he was just sorry they lost their son.

He followed Trayvon, despite being ordered not to. He was looking for a fight. He is guilty as sin.

The dispatcher has no authority to direct/order anything.


the dispatcher stated under oath in the court of law

that he did not order zimmerman to do anything

in fact if you listen to the 911 recording

you will find that the dispatcher kept using zimmerman

to acquire more information on martin
Why are they upset about a single dead thug? It is a result of a chosen lifestyle and happens everyday.

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