George Zimmerman

This took place in Houston. But according to Quanell X, the “community activist” who organized the protest, the demonstration was peaceful. He was also kind enough to encourage participants not to break any laws or hurt anyone." You be the judge and watch the video in the link. This literally made me think of those recent zombie movies or like the damn War of the Worlds movie with Tom Cruise. Instead of fighting against aliens, we are going to be fighting against mobs of rioting blacks. Unbelievable. How can any white person watch this and be sympathetic to this criminalistic feral animals?

Caught on Tape: Pro-Trayvon Martin ‘Protesters’ Attack Houston Grandmother and Refuse to Let Family Take Child to Hospital

Caught on Tape: Pro-Trayvon Martin ?Protesters? Attack Houston Grandmother and Refuse to Let Family Take Child to Hospital | Video |

Wis. man, 76, guilty in fatal shooting of teen

Comparing this case, Wisconsin man, to Trayvon Martin's case is apples and oranges..Two different cases.
Well it shows how much respect the protesters have for the judicial system, zip, all they want is a free cell phone, free education, too bad they don't use it, free health care, chicken in the pot, and a free roof over their head.
Well it shows how much respect the protesters have for the judicial system, zip, all they want is a free cell phone, free education, too bad they don't use it, free health care, chicken in the pot, and a free roof over their head.

free education?

you didn't go to public school?
Trayvon was no angel

No one ever said he was.

But whether he as ‘bad’ or not is irrelevant, Martin wasn’t on trial.

And what conservatives either fail or refuse to understand is that the troubling aspect of the case was Zimmerman’s decision to pursue Martin when instructed not to do so by the police. The only logical inference as to Zimmerman’s motive was racial profiling.

Did Martin, because he was ‘bad,’ at some point confront Zimmerman, attack him, beat him, compelling the former to lawfully kill the teenager in self-defense? According to Florida law, yes; Martin is alone responsible for his death, a consequence of his immaturity or poor decision-making or both.

Moreover, private citizens have the right to be racist, they have the right to racially profile young black men and presume they’re predisposed to violent crime, and they have the right to pursue them armed and kill them in self-defense with impunity if warranted.

No one is disputing these facts of law, and the verdict is perceived as just and appropriate.

However lawful Zimmerman’s actions, still not addressed is the initial troubling question as to why he simply didn’t heed the admonishment of the dispatcher, and allow the police to investigate the matter. Had Zimmerman only followed these simple instructions, Martin would be alive, and Zimmerman would not have lost over a year of this life caught up in this tragedy.

It is also perfectly appropriate for African-Americans to contemplate the same troubling question, the role racism played in the incident, and why Zimmerman simply didn’t stay in his car or just go home, because at that point he was in no danger of serious injury or death. Indeed, it’s also perfectly appropriate to question as to why Zimmerman felt the need to leave a safe, secure location to confront a dangerous, crime-prone young black male, as human nature tends toward avoiding danger and risk, not seeking it out.

Needless to say this question will never be addressed, not in the context of the racial, emotional, and partisan maelstrom that engulfs the controversy

Zimmerman did heed the dispatcher. He stopped following Martin when the dispatcher said, "we don't need you to do that." He lost contact with Martin and then Martin confronted Zimmerman. Why didn't Martin just go home? Zimmerman didn't know where he was.
Zimmerman had a restraining order against him from an ex-girlfriend, and had attacked a cop when he was 19. He was no angel.

He did not attack a cop and he and his former fiance had mutual restraining orders as is common. Zimmerman might not have been an angel, but his community service record is exceptional compared to Martin's.

How many kids did no_limit_nigga tutor?
Trayvon was no angel and Zimmerman was no cop!!!!!!

Zimmerman was reacting to the side effects of his ADD meds, notably aggression and irratibility.
If walking at 7:00 pm in the rain is suspicious in America, god help you if you don't have a gun.

Gun manufacturers and NRA love that idea.

So it isn't about justice any longer, it's about politics.....glad we got to the the real beef you have. Start a thread on that and we can debate your real topic.

Later - we want to keep a focus on these outrageously stupid right wing posts.

Project much?
back and forth--adversarial system

nothing to add of any relevance

A few Kenny Rogers songs come to mind.

Still thinking that that gated community should install lights and security cameras.

Still have no clue as to an alternative theory--ie Zimmerman ran through the complex after Trayvon started the fight. If someone would lay it out perhaps I could grasp it.

There is no more time for me to speculate.

Evaluating/comparing the absolute worth of either party--I cannot.

Evaluating my own bias and predjudice perhaps I can do that. Other ethnic groups have been the focus of bias and predjudice lately--making life more complicated. Stressful. Unhealthy for me.
We are upset about the Zimmerman verdict in our house. The other night my wife and I were both ready to drive down to South Central Los Angeles and help the blacks demonstrate, but thought better about that, being as we are white.

I stopped a black women in Target and told her we were upset about the Zimmerman verdict. She was appreciatively moved and looked like she might cry. I suggest others cosider doing likewise.


We blame the prosecutor for the whole thing. She picked the jury, and blew the case.


Know-it-all, Zimmerman prosecutor, Angela Corey, picked the jury
and blew they case. Corey can kiss her political career good-bye.
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If men were angels we would have need for earthly government. No one is an angel
I have yet heard anyone say they would NOT shoot someone who was on top of them beating their head into a hard surface and they believed they were going to die.

If anyone claims otherwise they are a bald face liar. Its animal instinct, survive.

Ask a black person that esp if the person was white and they would say they would shoot whitey without thinking twice.
If that dumb shit Z man had a smart bone left in his stupid body, he'd leave this country on principle alone. But no, the selfish idiot is looking for money right now. He'd like to get paid just like every other sloth involved in this stupid story including the fat eubonics retard. It's all about money now, ain't got nothing to with principle. Fuck Jorge Zimmerman and everyone else involved.

MY God people, post something interesting.
Zimmerman’s head wounds are not consistent with his account and his head being “repeatedly banged” into the side walk. Wounds that appear to be “scratches” are too high up on the back of the head to come in contact with concrete. Wounds would have been lower and would have been “abrasions” instead of scratches. Consistent with head coming in contact with pebbles in grass, since Zimmerman’s back was wet or in contact with sprinkler in grass when Trayvon hit him and he fell hitting his head. Lay on the floor and feel where your head comes in contact with the floor. And if Trayvon held his head and banged it into the sidewalk wounds would have been even lower than higher. :confused:

Standing upright with my hoodie on it falls over two inches from my chest.

Zimmerman stalking the kid and after confronting Zimmerman with “why are you following me” and Zimmerman conscientiously responding with “what are you doing around here” instead of “I am a neighborhood watchmen” and then reaching into his pocket for his cell phone? Which Trayvon obvious was led to believe he was reaching for a weapon which led to Trayvon to “standing his ground” and fighting for his life.

Zimmerman account of the incident was not credible and consistent with racial hatred for Blacks that he had called 911 over 40 times and racial profiling of Trayvon as a criminal. Zimmerman had profiled a 7 years old black child when he call police and said he was acting suspicious. How much more evidence did the jury need? The 911 calls and Zimmerman’s inconsistency account of the incident should have been more than enough to convict him of, the least, manslaughter.

Prosecution deliberately threw this case. WHY??????? The verdict should be overturned on ground of “incompetent representation” and attorney negligence.

Never heard of a homicide not being investigated since 1900s hangings of blacks. :eek: Sanford police were acting as judge and jury.

Well, I don't think de la Rionda had any idea how to argue this case, while Mark O'Mara put on a stellar defense, and knew how to talk to 6 women jurists.

De la Rionda never did give us a clear argument for why Zimmerman was guilty of murder. He just seemed to stumble around, and talked to the jury and witnesses like they were law students, and not people of limitied intelligence and knowledge.

It seems a little unfair that a murderer goes free because of a fine defense lawyer, and an incompetent prosecutor.

Is that justice?

Dear me ....

The State of Florida, from Rick Scott down, wanted an acquittal.

Their appointment of Bernie del la Rionda as the lead prosecutor got them their acquittal.

The man just can't be as bad a lawyer as he was in this case.

There is plenty here to assume he was told to throw the case, and he did.

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