There are 145 days a year devoted to LGBT causes: 1 day for fathers and mothers

There are 365 days every year dedicated to fathers and mothers.
If true, that's great. Its bizarre that someone should be so bothered by something that doesn't costs them a dime, injure them in any way, and makes other people feel somewhat better. And that's the problem blob supporters have with it, really.... It doesn't inflict any pain. For whatever reason, there is a character defect in you guys (by and large) that prevents you from celebrating someone else's joy.
By posts like this that’s why. You failed to make any valid point on this thread just a bunch of you bitching then being shown why you’re a fool.
You can't lay down why you're vomiting insults. Here's what will happen... you will just tuck your tail between your legs and leave the thread, and any further reply will prove just how pathetic and desperate you are for my attention. I'd choose the former, not the latter.
You can't lay down why you're vomiting insults. Here's what will happen... you will just tuck your tail between your legs and leave the thread, and any further reply will prove just how pathetic and desperate you are for my attention. I'd choose the former, not the latter.
Blah blah blah.

Just go eat a shit sandwich. You’ve been wrong countless times in this thread so far what another one for you
Blah blah blah.

Just go eat a shit sandwich. You’ve been wrong countless times in this thread so far what another one for you
I'm so sorry poor baby.. If you can't discuss the topic like an adult we can't interact. Go grab a tissue and cry in the parking lot.
I'm so sorry poor baby.. If you can't discuss the topic like an adult we can't interact. Go grab a tissue and cry in the parking lot.
There is not much to discuss you’re so insecure in your sexuality seeing a rainbow flag upsets you, and you show no signs of wanting to improve yourself. So back back to making false claims about who doesn’t get recognition months
There is not much to discuss you’re so insecure in your sexuality seeing a rainbow flag upsets you, and you show no signs of wanting to improve yourself. So back back to making false claims about who doesn’t get recognition months
No, YOU are pushing YOUR rather disturbing views and crying when real men tell you to STFU and get out. Seems YOU are so insecure you have to immediately throw a tantrum every time somebody yells you that you aren't special and you don't deserve any special treatment.
I wonder if he also gets pissed at national women’s health week... Maybe only on Sunday--you know the sabbath that you’re supposed to keep holy???? Oh wait, today’s Sunday. He seems really pretty hateful; not too good considering the Bible says to “Love thy neighbor”.
You are among the most hateful on the board, and yet still have the lack of self awareness to make this post…incredible…
Some people need a life if they have nothing better to do than spend their time googling for days that dedicated to anything LGBTQ just so they can bitch. It’s really kind of embarrassing given that most of us have never even heard of most of those days anyway.
Going through life blind is not an argument.

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