There are 145 days a year devoted to LGBT causes: 1 day for fathers and mothers

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I guess when a cause is so irrational, you have to cope hard to try to keep up.

We all know what a mother and father is. Nearly all of us know what a man and woman are. Clearly there’s a frantic aggressive press by this movement.

But wow. Kind of audacious. Very entitled. My response to all of these movements is: you’re not that important to warrant so many days dedicated to you.

But again, it’s telling.
I don't worry about it at all, it's hardly worth devoting any energy on the activity.
As less and less young people have kids, the economy will strengthen which is what matters
Care to explain that cause and effect?

And why would we prioritize the economy over widespread psychological happiness of women? You can have both, but you just tossed happiness to the side.

Why do you support the route that causes less happiness?
I’d say the group that says “if you don’t agree with us and celebrate us… you hate us and we’ll commit suicide” is the insecure group
I know gay men who lived into their 90’s. And during your blob’s administration combat veterans in their 20’s were committing suicide at a horrific rate.

Care to change your qualification on what makes someone insecure? Of course you don’t.

Just when you thought Trump supporters couldn’t stoop any lower, they start digging.
Care to explain that cause and effect?

And why would we prioritize the economy over widespread psychological happiness of women? You can have both, but you just tossed happiness to the side.

Why do you support the route that causes less happiness?
I don't. If a young couples wants kids by all means have them. Just don't call those that don't want them self centered because it's their choice and it has zero consequences for the nation. It's simply not at all in any way a responsibility. But those who preach it is are simply freedom haters.
Nobody is threatened by anything, drama queen.
Sure you are...this is why you’re trying to portray yourself as a victim.
But, it’s one day.
Its one day....

The difference is though, shit bucket, you. You decided “Irish is fine” but you also decided that “Homosexuality is not”. Nobody is threatened by the Irish holiday anymore than they are threatened by a day of observance for homosexuality except insecure losers like yourself.
Women's happiness by marital status and children, ages 18-55:

Married no children:
Very Happy: 24.7%
Pretty Happy: 59.3%
Not too Happy: 16%

Married with children
Very Happy: 39.5%
Pretty Happy: 47.6%
Not too Happy: 12.9%

Unmarried No children
Very Happy: 21.5%
Pretty Happy: 53.8%
Not too Happy: 24.6%

Unmarried with Children
Very Happy: 16.7%
Pretty Happy: 60.6%
Not too Happy: 22.7%

% of Women Reporting they are "Very Happy" Ages 18-55
Married w/children: 40%
Married no children: 25%
Unmarried no children: 22%
Unmarried with children: 17%

I could go on.

Married women are happier, Married women with children are happiest.

Waiting until your 30's make it harder to get married.

Do you get it yet?
I was thinking more of your other claims that seem to degrade a women’s worth as she gets older.
Care to explain that cause and effect?

And why would we prioritize the economy over widespread psychological happiness of women? You can have both, but you just tossed happiness to the side.

Why do you support the route that causes less happiness?
Why don’t you simply let women prioritize for themselves?
Why don’t you simply let women prioritize for themselves?
They can, but we should also observe what causes them happiness generally, and promote that, unlike what we're doing now.

You can't deny the data, so I'm unsure as to why you'd reject what causes the most happiness... it's as if you don't want more women to be happy.
I was thinking more of your other claims that seem to degrade a women’s worth as she gets older.
Not a woman's "worth" as a human being, but in the dating marketplace... older women have many issues going against them, which is why so many remain single and increase in depression.

But you don't seem to mind that trend for some reason.
Sure you are...this is why you’re trying to portray yourself as a victim.
Its one day....

The difference is though, shit bucket, you. You decided “Irish is fine” but you also decided that “Homosexuality is not”. Nobody is threatened by the Irish holiday anymore than they are threatened by a day of observance for homosexuality except insecure losers like yourself.
I'm talking about societal priorities. The only victim here is you displaying your dramatics. Let's do some basic math, since you're incapable.

St Patrick's Day = 1 day
Pride Month = 30 days.

Just because you're triggered doesn't mean you have to throw tantrums on forums. The fact that you have to get nasty and toss insults means I've already won. Either grow up a bit or just leave the thread if you can't hang.
I don't. If a young couples wants kids by all means have them. Just don't call those that don't want them self centered because it's their choice and it has zero consequences for the nation. It's simply not at all in any way a responsibility. But those who preach it is are simply freedom haters.
I never called anyone self-centered, so you're making up strawman arguments. If we're going to have a respectful convo, please do better.

But a large group of 50% of the population being increasingly depressed certainly has consequences for the nation. You don't want it to so you can avoid responsibility, but it does. I don't get why those who support the modern feminist mantra are so resistant to people saying women should seek or consider what is most likely to make them happy. Our modern society doesn't hold motherhood in high esteem, it seems to primarily praise "boss babes", who are all about career, all about wild sex, those who are overweight and sassy, or those who overcompensate with extreme disagreeableness and masculine traits. All of these are reasons why so many women are single, because they become the man they want, but the men they want don't want them back. High status men are already about career, are leaders and disagreeable.. why would they want someone who would constantly butt heads with them? Why would they want someone who has had tons of sex partners (sex is different for women and men) and baggage that comes with it for women? Why would they want a woman who is overweight? (I'm talking the top tier men that nearly all women seek).

Feminism tells women they are fine to be those things.. but high status men don't want them. Women are told they shouldn't "settle", so most women avoid average men. Women find most men unattractive, and numbers are getting higher and higher thanks to social media. 80% of women are chasing 20-15% of men.
I'm talking about societal priorities. The only victim here is you displaying your dramatics. Let's do some basic math, since you're incapable.

St Patrick's Day = 1 day
Pride Month = 30 days.

Just because you're triggered doesn't mean you have to throw tantrums on forums. The fact that you have to get nasty and toss insults means I've already won. Either grow up a bit or just leave the thread if you can't hang.

So because you’re not being “prioritized” (whatever the hell that means)’re portraying yourself as the victim.

Imagine our shock.

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