There are 145 days a year devoted to LGBT causes: 1 day for fathers and mothers

Why would any 20 something get married before they had alot of money saved? That's utter stupidity. It's not the American way for a couple with no money to forge ahead. Have 100 grand tucked away? All is better.
You can wonder that, I'm talking about is true through the data.

1. We should want happy women.
2. Marriage and children generally makes women happy, so we should encourage that.
3. It's easier for women to get married in their 20's because successful, established, attractive men whom they desire will desire them.
4. It becomes more difficult for women to get married in their 30's because generally the men they desire don't desire them back for multiple reasons; declined looks, less time for a family, increased disagreeableness/independence complex, emotional baggage, etc.

I'm advocating for more women to be happy. You're advocating they take a path that produces less happiness. Why? Of course women can do what they want, there's exceptions to every general trend.. They can smoke cigarettes if they want, but should we encourage them (or anyone) to do it? No.

Men and women are very different in what brings them happiness. If you're treating them as the same, you'll be way off on your prescriptions.
Morons like you support anything and everything that would distort and ultimately the ONLY true and proper definition of marriage, sexuality, and family. And yes, Pedophiles are next on the Left's blind support of sexual deviants.
Fathers and Mothers don’t need awareness. We know what one is.

And the mass majority know what a man and woman is…
More moving goal posts. If they don’t need awareness then why are you bitching that they don’t have as many days (which is false anyway)?
You can wonder that, I'm talking about is true through the data.

1. We should want happy women.
2. Marriage and children generally makes women happy, so we should encourage that.
3. It's easier for women to get married in their 20's because successful, established, attractive men whom they desire will desire them.
4. It becomes more difficult for women to get married in their 30's because generally the men they desire don't desire them back for multiple reasons; declined looks, less time for a family, increased disagreeableness/independence complex, emotional baggage, etc.

I'm advocating for more women to be happy. You're advocating they take a path that produces less happiness. Why? Of course women can do what they want, there's exceptions to every general trend.. They can smoke cigarettes if they want, but should we encourage them (or anyone) to do it? No.

Men and women are very different in what brings them happiness. If you're treating them as the same, you'll be way off on your prescriptions.
What data?
More moving goal posts. If they don’t need awareness then why are you bitching that they don’t have as many days (which is false anyway)?
I said it's telling how many days/exposure the LGBT cause needs to maintain their indoctrination and convince such a minimal amount of the populace.. while fathers, mothers.. they don't need much because we know what they are.
What data?
Women's happiness by marital status and children, ages 18-55:

Married no children:
Very Happy: 24.7%
Pretty Happy: 59.3%
Not too Happy: 16%

Married with children
Very Happy: 39.5%
Pretty Happy: 47.6%
Not too Happy: 12.9%

Unmarried No children
Very Happy: 21.5%
Pretty Happy: 53.8%
Not too Happy: 24.6%

Unmarried with Children
Very Happy: 16.7%
Pretty Happy: 60.6%
Not too Happy: 22.7%

% of Women Reporting they are "Very Happy" Ages 18-55
Married w/children: 40%
Married no children: 25%
Unmarried no children: 22%
Unmarried with children: 17%

I could go on.

Married women are happier, Married women with children are happiest.

Waiting until your 30's make it harder to get married.

Do you get it yet?
Almost all of those days also include fathers and mothers. I don’t see any days specifically for childless people.
There is a day in March devoted to the Irish. Nobody seems to have a problem with it. In fact, it is one of the biggest excuses to party in the nation.

Gee, I wonder why the OP doesn’t feel threatened by it.
Women's happiness by marital status and children, ages 18-55:

Married no children:
Very Happy: 24.7%
Pretty Happy: 59.3%
Not too Happy: 16%

Married with children
Very Happy: 39.5%
Pretty Happy: 47.6%
Not too Happy: 12.9%

Unmarried No children
Very Happy: 21.5%
Pretty Happy: 53.8%
Not too Happy: 24.6%

Unmarried with Children
Very Happy: 16.7%
Pretty Happy: 60.6%
Not too Happy: 22.7%

% of Women Reporting they are "Very Happy" Ages 18-55
Married w/children: 40%
Married no children: 25%
Unmarried no children: 22%
Unmarried with children: 17%

I could go on.

Married women are happier, Married women with children are happiest.

Waiting until your 30's make it harder to get married.

Do you get it yet?
Facts won’t work
Never do
Is the OP threatened by St. Patrick’s Day too?

If he would stop huffing paint for a moment, perhaps he would see that it is widely celebrated by the Irish and, gasp, folks who are not Irish. You are permitted to celebrate holidays that rent’ expressly for your lifestyle preference, nationality, etc... All you have to be is, you know....not pissed at the world. Not that difficult.
I wonder if he also gets pissed at national women’s health week... Maybe only on Sunday--you know the sabbath that you’re supposed to keep holy???? Oh wait, today’s Sunday. He seems really pretty hateful; not too good considering the Bible says to “Love thy neighbor”.
From your standards if all people fuckith and left with no conscience of responsibility and let the pregnant take care of infants all you would see is the complete collapse of civilization. So, while you party, others bear the costs for raising children and staying married is work for all couples. Let us all party all the time.
Transgender day of visibility will be on Easter.

It's almost like they are trying to take away from Christians. They already completely took over the rainbow which is a symbol of God's covenant not to flood the earth again originally.

Even where I work we aren't having anything for Easter like we used to. I asked the HR manager why and she said because it might offend some people. And I asked why do we have pride month, what if it offends me. She told me to leave her office.

I don't understand why Jesus, veterans, founding fathers, our nations independence and so on only get 1 day but gays get a shitton of days and even a whole month. We're getting rid of celebrating the things that benefitted the entire country and every person in it while focusing on just a group of people that's only "accomplishment" is their sexual choices
Transgender day of visibility will be on Easter.

It's almost like they are trying to take away from Christians. They already completely took over the rainbow which is a symbol of God's covenant not to flood the earth again originally.

Even where I work we aren't having anything for Easter like we used to. I asked the HR manager why and she said because it might offend some people. And I asked why do we have pride month, what if it offends me. She told me to leave her office.

I don't understand why Jesus, veterans, founding fathers, our nations independence and so on only get 1 day but gays get a shitton of days and even a whole month. We're getting rid of celebrating the things that benefitted the entire country and every person in it while focusing on just a group of people that's only "accomplishment" is their sexual choices
Wow, were you this pissed off about St. Patrick’s day? It only benefits one small segment of the population and we’ve had it for decades.

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