There are 145 days a year devoted to LGBT causes: 1 day for fathers and mothers

I wonder if he also gets pissed at national women’s health week... Maybe only on Sunday--you know the sabbath that you’re supposed to keep holy???? Oh wait, today’s Sunday. He seems really pretty hateful; not too good considering the Bible says to “Love thy neighbor”.
Cry harder. I simply pointed out a fact, and think it’s a little ridiculous.

If you don’t want to discuss it, then leave. You’re taking the time to post here, with dramatics and all. Nobody cares
Some people need a life if they have nothing better to do than spend their time googling for days that dedicated to anything LGBTQ just so they can bitch. It’s really kind of embarrassing given that most of us have never even heard of most of those days anyway.
“Googling for days” LOL. Don’t flatter yourself. The post took 2 minutes to make, and is just a discussion of a factual observation. If you don’t want to discuss it, then just go to another thread. Nobody cares about your dramatics. If you make a thread and I don’t want to address the topic, I don’t post. I don’t whine that you made the thread .. as you are doing. Be better please
Some people need a life if they have nothing better to do than spend their time googling for days that dedicated to anything LGBTQ just so they can bitch. It’s really kind of embarrassing given that most of us have never even heard of most of those days anyway.
Morons like you support anything and everything that would distort and ultimately the ONLY true and proper definition of marriage, sexuality, and family. And yes, Pedophiles are next on the Left's blind support of sexual deviants.
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I guess when a cause is so irrational, you have to cope hard to try to keep up.

We all know what a mother and father is. Nearly all of us know what a man and woman are. Clearly there’s a frantic aggressive press by this movement.

But wow. Kind of audacious. Very entitled. My response to all of these movements is: you’re not that important to warrant so many days dedicated to you.

But again, it’s telling.
And not a single day designated to celebrate the traditional American family that has been the backbone of this country as well as throughout all of civilization.
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I guess when a cause is so irrational, you have to cope hard to try to keep up.

We all know what a mother and father is. Nearly all of us know what a man and woman are. Clearly there’s a frantic aggressive press by this movement.

But wow. Kind of audacious. Very entitled. My response to all of these movements is: you’re not that important to warrant so many days dedicated to you.

But again, it’s telling.
This makes sense because there are 145 times as many gays as heteros. Wait a minute.
Morons like you support anything and everything that would distort and ultimately the ONLY true and proper definition of marriage, sexuality, and family. And yes, Pedophiles are next on the Left's blind support of sexual deviants.
Could not agree more. It is there ultimate goal. Why is there know urgency in locating the more than 85,000 minor illegals Biden allowed in, then allowed to disappear. And why the left’s outrage over the movie “the Sound of Freedom”

Don’t worry GMC, the world is waking up to this.
This makes sense because there are 145 times as many gays as heteros. Wait a minute.
It just shows how much indoctrination is required for this movement to gain minimal acceptance among the mass public.

And that’s because people just don’t buy it, even if many want to “be nice” and not say it out loud
It's not good when 20 Somes get married. They're not ready in any capacity. In today's America 35 is the optimal age. Maybe 1 child. It's been the case for well over 30 years.
View attachment 966422

I guess when a cause is so irrational, you have to cope hard to try to keep up.

We all know what a mother and father is. Nearly all of us know what a man and woman are. Clearly there’s a frantic aggressive press by this movement.

But wow. Kind of audacious. Very entitled. My response to all of these movements is: you’re not that important to warrant so many days dedicated to you.

But again, it’s telling.

First world problems.
They get 145 days of “awareness” and celebration, as well as gigantically over represented narratives in media/entertainment.

Sounds like preferential treatment to the highest degree
I don’t think you understand how these special “days of concern” work. There is no one organization overseeing this…some are international, some are state recognized etc….tons of different groups.

In the one we see most often (awareness holidays) a group of people (or maybe one person even) decides they want to create a special day, and they do. The rest is promotion and marketing BY those same people to get it accepted on the awareness days calendar (and that is just one type of national day). So if your knickers are in a knot over there not being enough days devoted to parents…why aren’t you creating days, rounding up advocacy groups to raise awareness and putting those days into the public eye? It’s on YOU. It’s not the fault of the LGBTQ community that you are too lazy to advocate for the causes you feel are important and bring them to the public’s attention. There are some pretty esoteric days, weeks and months in there. So get off your duff and quit blaming the LGBTQ community.
Here is one of many National Day Calendars.

Now…as to days, weeks and months devoted to parents (and by extension families), your source is incorrect.

February is Holy Family Month and National Parent Leadership Month
May is National Foster Care Month and Prepare Tomorrow’s Parents Month
July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
November is National Family Caregiver month.

So…that is 6 month long observances…roughly 240 days…

And then there are weeks…
International Father’s Week
Digital Parenting Week
Family Week
Grandparents Week

That is 28 more days.

Then, there is:
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Grandparents Day
National Parents Day
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Mother Father Deaf Day
Take your Parents to the Playground Day
Respect for Parent’s Day
Intergenerational Day
Perfect Family Day
National Lazy Mom’s Day
Working Parents Day
National Parents as Teachers Day
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day

That is 15 days.

So…283 days for parents?
It's not good when 20 Somes get married. They're not ready in any capacity. In today's America 35 is the optimal age. Maybe 1 child. It's been the case for well over 30 years.
That’s a horrible age. Women should be working to get married earlier… there’s an epidemic of depressed lonely women in their late 30’s+ because they wasted their 20’s partying/casual dating or just worrying about their career and now can’t get a man they are attracted to…

The men they want are either married or are dating younger, more feminine women with less baggage.

Meanwhile, they likely make a decent amount of money, and the norm is that women largely aren’t much attracted to men who make less than them.. they seek someone who makes more, and thus their pool of men they would want to marry decreases significantly

And feminist culture demands they “not settle”. So they just stay single and the data shows it causes turmoil in women.
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I don’t think you understand how these special “days of concern” work. There is no one organization overseeing this…some are international, some are state recognized etc….tons of different groups.

In the one we see most often (awareness holidays) a group of people (or maybe one person even) decides they want to create a special day, and they do. The rest is promotion and marketing BY those same people to get it accepted on the awareness days calendar (and that is just one type of national day). So if your knickers are in a knot over there not being enough days devoted to parents…why aren’t you creating days, rounding up advocacy groups to raise awareness and putting those days into the public eye? It’s on YOU. It’s not the fault of the LGBTQ community that you are too lazy to advocate for the causes you feel are important and bring them to the public’s attention. There are some pretty esoteric days, weeks and months in there. So get off your duff and quit blaming the LGBTQ community.
Here is one of many National Day Calendars.

Now…as to days, weeks and months devoted to parents (and by extension families), your source is incorrect.

February is Holy Family Month and National Parent Leadership Month
May is National Foster Care Month and Prepare Tomorrow’s Parents Month
July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
November is National Family Caregiver month.

So…that is 6 month long observances…roughly 240 days…

And then there are weeks…
International Father’s Week
Digital Parenting Week
Family Week
Grandparents Week

That is 28 more days.

Then, there is:
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Grandparents Day
National Parents Day
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Mother Father Deaf Day
Take your Parents to the Playground Day
Respect for Parent’s Day
Intergenerational Day
Perfect Family Day
National Lazy Mom’s Day
Working Parents Day
National Parents as Teachers Day
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day

That is 15 days.

So…283 days for parents?
If we ignore the largely unknown days…

1 day for moms
1 day for dads
1 month of celebration for LGBT

Still way off
That’s a horrible age. Women should be working to get married earlier… there’s an epidemic of depressed lonely women in their late 30’s+ because they wasted their 20’s partying/casual dating or just worrying about their career and now can’t get a man they are attracted to…
No, it's the right age in today's america. Times have changed. Wait until one has 100 grand put away. Then get married to another with that. Retire early. There is zero downside to this.
That’s a horrible age. Women should be working to get married earlier… there’s an epidemic of depressed lonely women in their late 30’s+ because they wasted their 20’s partying/casual dating or just worrying about their career and now can’t get a man they are attracted to…
And this doesn't affect the nation. So it's on them.
If we ignore the largely unknown days…

1 day for moms
1 day for dads
1 month of celebration for LGBT

Still way off
Now you are moving the goal posts and making it subjective, not fact based.

Whose fault is it that these other days, weeks or months are not as well known? You have 280 plus days there! Where are the advocates to bring them into greater awareness?

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