George Zimmerman


the cop told George Zimmerman that the video came from martins cell phone

No, he didn't, and that was even more ridiculous. So he's claiming that Martin was beating him with both fists, holding his mouth shut, going for his gun AND filiming it on his cell phone.


Actual picture of the suspect!

actually he did had you watched the testimony

The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.
They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”

Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.

That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters
I did. He didn't say anything about Martin filiming it, and frankly, Zimmerman would have known that was lie, since Martin wasn't holding a camera when he blew a hole in him.

no one said anything about martin holding the phone at the time

The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.
They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”

Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.

That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters

the feds could always use the

"maybe" that is just a cover

to hide his racism
I did. He didn't say anything about Martin filiming it, and frankly, Zimmerman would have known that was lie, since Martin wasn't holding a camera when he blew a hole in him.

no one said anything about martin holding the phone at the time

Then what was the point of the bluff, then?

One of the week’s most destructive revelations for the prosecution occurred just before the court adjourned for the first day. In an attempt to trick Zimmerman, Serino suggested that Martin’s cellphone might have recorded video of everything that happened. He told Zimmerman: “If it’s there and you haven’t told us, it will be very bad for you.” The cell phone was dead, but Zimmerman didn’t know that. Zimmerman immediately replied:
Thank God. I was hoping someone videotaped it.

Zimmerman ? ?thank goodness someone caught that on video? | Something should go here, maybe later.
Holder and Obama are frkken RACIST no ifs ands or buts about it..

disgusting administration who shows favoritism to people of their skin color

so much for them Representing ALL the people in this you all the warm fuzzies?
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I haven't seen a thread on him. eta ---E54

Appeared on Fox last night.
Zimmerman Alternate Juror E54 Speaks Out About Verdict

Alternate juror in Zimmerman trial says he agrees with the verdict | Fox News

Impressions from his interview:

--Acknowledged some credibility from Rachel Jeantel's testimony

--More focused on the details--not particularly bothered by pictures of the autopsy

--Agreed with verdict

--Not surprised B37 was first to speak

--Protective of the 'ladies'

--Approved by prosecution and defense~

The Jurors:
George Zimmerman to face all-woman jury ? MSNBC
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Kid ZImmerman profiled, stalked and murdered- Black.

Trayvan profiled, stalked, and attacked George Zimmerman.

Maybe he thought it would be fun to kick a fags ass, but he found out that when you make it a habit of jumping on adults it's no longer fun and games. They don't know you're just a kid.
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Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.


Just because someone 'looks' suspicious is no reason to stalk them and kill them.
Racist bitch.

No, but it is a good reason to follow them. Idiot.
no one said anything about martin holding the phone at the time

Then what was the point of the bluff, then?

One of the week’s most destructive revelations for the prosecution occurred just before the court adjourned for the first day. In an attempt to trick Zimmerman, Serino suggested that Martin’s cellphone might have recorded video of everything that happened. He told Zimmerman: “If it’s there and you haven’t told us, it will be very bad for you.” The cell phone was dead, but Zimmerman didn’t know that. Zimmerman immediately replied:
Thank God. I was hoping someone videotaped it.

Zimmerman ? ?thank goodness someone caught that on video? | Something should go here, maybe later.

Yeah, bit of a problem there, since Zimmerman had Trayvon in sight and knew damned well he wasn't videotaping anything.
That's a lot of Fed resources to appease/incite the angry mob.

Meawhile in other Fed news, while monitoring and tracking witch hunt tips on a US citizen found ng in a court of law and by another Fed agency, Boston marathon terrorists slip thru undetected.
Then what was the point of the bluff, then?

One of the week’s most destructive revelations for the prosecution occurred just before the court adjourned for the first day. In an attempt to trick Zimmerman, Serino suggested that Martin’s cellphone might have recorded video of everything that happened. He told Zimmerman: “If it’s there and you haven’t told us, it will be very bad for you.” The cell phone was dead, but Zimmerman didn’t know that. Zimmerman immediately replied:
Thank God. I was hoping someone videotaped it.

Zimmerman ? ?thank goodness someone caught that on video? | Something should go here, maybe later.

Yeah, bit of a problem there, since Zimmerman had Trayvon in sight and knew damned well he wasn't videotaping anything.

well that is what happened

one there are bushes where the inident started

and two the cop told zimmerman it was recorded on martins cell phone

two myths busted at once
Eric Holder’s Reign of Racial Terror

July 17, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert 19 Comments

.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is apparently ready to pick up where he left off last year and continue his investigation into whether Trayvon Martin’s civil rights were violated by the recently acquitted George Zimmerman. Holder had stepped aside to let the Florida trial of Zimmerman proceed, but it would appear that the verdict rendered Saturday night is too irresistible for the man who oversees one of the most racially-polarized Justice Departments (DOJ) in the history of the nation. “Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate,” the DOJ announced.

NAACP President Benjamin Jealous was thrilled with the news. Regarding the conclusion of the trial, he said in a statement, “We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict. We will pursue civil rights charges with the Department of Justice, we will continue to fight for the removal of Stand Your Ground laws in every state and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed.”

Such “coordination” between the NAACP and the DOJ has already occurred. As a 2012 article in the Orlando Sentinel reveals, the DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS) “helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials” leading to the temporary resignation of Sanford police Chief Bill Lee, who was subsequently fired for failing to file charges against Zimmerman. The article further notes that the CRS, which the DOJ claims ”does not take sides” in their role as “peacemakers” in community racial conflicts, also “arranged a police escort for college students to ensure safe passage for their 40-mile march from Daytona Beach to Sanford to demand justice.”

DOJ coordination with the NAACP was not limited to Sanford. In 2010, following a year of stonewalling by the Department, two former DOJ officials testified under oath before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. They revealed that the NAACP pressured the DOJ to drop its already won voter intimidation case against New Black Panther members videotaped at a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. Two men were shown dressed in military-style uniforms with one holding a night stick.

As for not taking sides, Holder himself is deeply invested in a relationship with racial arsonist Al Sharpton. Yesterday on MSNBC, Sharpton promised his National Action Network (NAN) would be mobilizing protests in 100 cities with the specific purpose of pressuring the DOJ to prosecute Zimmerman. That would be the same National Action Network where Holder appeared on April 11, 2012, to sing Sharpton’s praises “for your partnership, your friendship, and your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill.” It was there that Holder first promised to launch a DOJ probe into Martin’s death. “If we find evidence of a potential federal criminal civil rights crime, we will take appropriate action,” he said.

all of it here
Eric Holder?s Reign of Racial Terror | FrontPage Magazine
That's a lot of Fed resources to appease/incite the angry mob.

Meawhile in other Fed news, while monitoring and tracking witch hunt tips on a US citizen found ng in a court of law and by another Fed agency, Boston marathon terrorists slip thru undetected.

they did

in other federal news

the irs scandal has now been placed in the white house

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