George Zimmerman


Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

Except for Zimmerman.

Being found not guilty by a jury of his peers wasn't good enough for Holder.

Having been found to have NO RACIAL tendencies by the FBI after 40 interviews of his friends, acquaintances and neighbors wasn't good enough for Holder.

No. Holder wants to continue to drag this guys ass through the mud.

That is protection under the law for Zimmerman?

Florida had a chance to get this right.

They didn't.

And won't.

Some time ago the Feds had to step in and end Jim Crow.

This is no different.

Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

if that is what call protection, you can have it and shove where the doesn't shine..

we don't need or want that TYPE of protection from THIS government, especially one as racist as this under Obama is

Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

if that is what call protection, you can have it and shove where the doesn't shine..

we don't need or want that TYPE of protection from THIS government, especially one as racist as this under Obama is

Ah, so you want people to be able to hunt you down and shoot you?

Sorry babe..I don't.
Hispanics and potential WOMEN jurors...BEWARE the DEMOCRAT and their party..


I am sure this case is going to drive White Hispanics (like me) and women into the Republican party.

Bank on it.


think what you want...but they need to look at this administration and their base and see just how they have been towards them...look at the hate threads on the women jurors here...
as for you nothing could tear you away from the Democrats, we know that..and how lovely you are now a white Hispanic, not just Hispanic...good grief
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Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

if that is what call protection, you can have it and shove where the doesn't shine..

we don't need or want that TYPE of protection from THIS government, especially one as racist as this under Obama is

Ah, so you want people to be able to hunt you down and shoot you?

Sorry babe..I don't.

Please tell me how you know he was hunted down and shot for reasons other than self defense.


You cant.

You weren't there.

So stop your fucking lying and debate with facts....not your own personal emotions.

Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

if that is what call protection, you can have it and shove where the doesn't shine..

we don't need or want that TYPE of protection from THIS government, especially one as racist as this under Obama is

Ah, so you want people to be able to hunt you down and shoot you?

Sorry babe..I don't.

well you would have the government wipe your butt for you if you could..

sorry dear, but that's the truth
This is a few years old, but it's like deja vu.... or the continuation of.

EDIT FOR - in 4/12 when the NBP's put a public 10k hit out on Zimmerman- apparently that doesn't fall under "protecting rights of ALL Americans" only select Americans.

The New Black Panther Party and two of its members, Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, were charged with voter intimidation for their conduct outside a polling station in Philadelphia. The Department of Justice later narrowed the charges against Minister King Shabazz and dismissed the charges against the New Black Panther Party and Jerry Jackson. The decision to dismiss the charges has led to accusations that the Department of Justice under the Obama administration is biased against white victims and unwilling to prosecute minorities for civil rights violations. These charges have been most notably made by J. Christian Adams, who in May 2010 resigned his post in the Department of Justice in protest over the Obama Administration's perceived mishandling of the case, and by his former supervisor Christopher Coates.

Counter-accusations have also been made, including claims that the actual incident was relatively minor, but its importance had been blown out of proportion by individuals and groups with political motives. Attorney General Eric Holder has also rejected claims that his Justice Department considers the race of an alleged victim when deciding which cases to pursue. The case and its handling by the Department of Justice is currently being investigated by the United States Commission on Civil Rights. The Justice Department is also carrying out its own internal investigation into the handling of the case.

Hans A. von Spakovsky, stated that internal e-mails from the Department of Justice released under a Freedom of Information Act request show that political appointees were "intimately involved" in the decision to drop the case, including former deputy attorney general David Ogden, Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli and attorney general Eric Holder, and that Perez may have committed perjury by denying this in his testimony before the Civil Rights Commission.[11]

[ame=]black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube[/ame]
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“In my mind, I believe Trayvon,” Jeantel said. “It was Trayvon because like I say, it was the headset. I know Trayvon. That headset [is] always over by his chest area. And I was on the phone. Why would Trayvon leave me on the phone if he wanted to start something? That’s a black — well, not a black situation, any teen situation — ‘I’m gonna call you back.’ Trayvon had not said nothing to me. The only things, ‘OK, I’m at the back. I’m almost at my daddy’s fiancée house. Wow.”

Jeantel: I believe Trayvon hit first [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Do you mean Trayvon WAS hit first?

Travon didn't say he was going after Z. He left Jeantel on the phone. She is saying that he didn't go after GZ, that he was running to his house and cam e upon GZ and probably said, WHOA!
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So, in order to protect himself from being murdered by the Neighborhood Watch Captain, he should have run home and called the police, and because he didn't do that, he is responsible for his own murder. I see. Makes sense. That's what the Neighborhood Watch is for, to pose a life threatening presence that innocent, unarmed people need to run from and call the police to protect themselves from, and if they don't do that, and are murdered by the Neighborhood Watch Captain, it is their own fault. Talk about reality being turned upside down. :cuckoo:

No, in order to avoid being killed in a fight he should have gone home. If he was scared he should have called the police while continuing his leisurely walk home. That he didn't shows he did something else between the time he said he was being followed and the time he hit Zimmerman.

He was not murdered.

had martin called the police to report this

they would have said

oh that is George Zimmerman neighborhood watch guy

we have him on the other line

and then they would have told George that the other person

is treyvon martin who is visiting his dad

but martin didnt do that

instead he circled back and started confrontation

that led to his death
There's a lot more to it than that. You know the young woman who was on the phone with Trayvon? She failed to tell the jury that she told Trayvon that his "follower" was likely a gay man who might follow him home to rape his little brother! She told that at her first interview after the trial was over! But she withheld telling it to the jury that would have understood that the words "creepy ass cracker" means a gay white man in jive talk. She withheld that part of the conversation in which Trayvon became concerned the guy who'd just asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood was a rapist.

IOW, this seemingly not-too-bright young woman actually planted the idea in Trayvon's mind that George Zimmerman was a rapist. Trayvon felt he had to kill him (and said so to Zimmerman) to prevent him from raping his little brother who he thought was endangered by his "friends" suggestion!

Here's the interview:

MORGAN: You felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?
MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?
JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out?
“And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.”

Read more at Jeantel admits Trayvon ?whooped? Zimmerman?s ?a??

Laws of mercy.

The "witness" caused this travesty by planting a false idea into Trayvon Martin about George Zimmerman. The wrong person was on trial.
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Kid ZImmerman profiled, stalked and murdered- Black.

Trayvan profiled, stalked, and attacked George Zimmerman.

Maybe he thought it would be fun to kick a fags ass, but it found out that when you make it a habit of jumping on adults it's no longer fun and games. They don't know you're just a kid.

Gee, I don't know, I think the aggressive act was Zimmerman running after Trayvon after Trayvon tried to evade him.

I don't think it was "beating up a fag" so much as "not wanting to be raped or murdered by a pervert".

It would have been nice if Zimmerman had identified himself.

It would have been nicer if he didn't have a gun that gave him 'Courage".

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't believe Zimmerman expected that to happen to him.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Also, *LOL*, when did it become acceptable to attack Gays simply because you fear being raped?

What are you, some kind of red-necked Homophobe?
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eh--Rachel Jeantel seems to have had extensive help from image consultants.

Some of the phrases she is now using in interviews--she had to have been coached. Rather polished at times.

I would have found some $ for this prior to putting her on the stand if I had been the prosecutor.

Other than that--I assume Trayvon's brother grew up in a similar environment and he clearly seems to have done well for himself.
Trayvan profiled, stalked, and attacked George Zimmerman.

Maybe he thought it would be fun to kick a fags ass, but it found out that when you make it a habit of jumping on adults it's no longer fun and games. They don't know you're just a kid.

Gee, I don't know, I think the aggressive act was Zimmerman running after Trayvon after Trayvon tried to evade him.

I don't think it was "beating up a fag" so much as "not wanting to be raped or murdered by a pervert".

It would have been nice if Zimmerman had identified himself.

It would have been nicer if he didn't have a gun that gave him 'Courage".

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't Zimmerman expected that.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Most of the time, that big mouth is directed toward another black. That's why so many are shot by other blacks.

What the martinites are sorry about is that Martin didn't beat Zimmerman to death like he wanted. He would have been a statistic. Move on. Another black kills another white. But this time Man Bites Dog and they don't like it.

This is Bernie Goetz all over again.
Ya think?

This lack of responsibility disgusts me.

[snip] Eric Holder is pouring “gasoline on these smoldering fires” with his comments about the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, Karl Rove says.

“Two days ago he went to an African-American sorority that was meeting in Washington and said ‘I share your concerns about the outcome of the case.’ This is chief law enforcement officer, the officer of the court, the ultimate court,” Rove told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News on Wednesday night. “He has a responsibility to calm the situation not pour gasoline on these smoldering fires, which I think is exactly what he’s done. Unfortunate for him, importantly, unfortunate for the country.”

Read more: Karl Rove: Eric Holder fanning racial fires - Hadas Gold -

Karl Rove: Eric Holder fanning racial fires - Hadas Gold -

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