George Zimmerman

someone said something interesting in another thread, you all think Holder would of been doing this if he had been around for the OJ Simpson case? and why not Susan Anthony, etc etc
I predicted Holder will file charges and get a conviction unless he himself is back in the soup for lying to Issa's panel about...pretty much everything. Yesterday they went after him again on the lack of prosecution on the IRS snooping....gotta keep his mind on his own behind for him to lay off Zimmy. This "tip line" is a good indictation of how bad they want to file new charges. If I were Zimmerman I wouldn't relax just yet.
I predicted Holder will file charges and get a conviction unless he himself is back in the soup for lying to Issa's panel about...pretty much everything. Yesterday they went after him again on the lack of prosecution on the IRS snooping....gotta keep his mind on his own behind for him to lay off Zimmy. This "tip line" is a good indictation of how bad they want to file new charges. If I were Zimmerman I wouldn't relax just yet.

The tip line is an indication that holder has no case. What will happen is that holder will make an announcement that our laws are so bad, he has no choice but to close the case and it is up to the people to demand that the laws be changed. It's not his fault. His hands are tied. The law needs to be changed.

I did a lot of research on this yesterday and there is almost no way the government can fabricate a case. Not only are there jurisdictional issues, but there is a specific prohibition against sham prosecutions to protect citizens against federal prosecution when the feds simply don't like the outcome of the state case. As there is here. There is no real basis for any federal prosecution. holder simply doesn't like the outcome of the state case.

The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.
They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”

Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.

That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters

the feds could always use the

"maybe" that is just a cover

to hide his racism

Some of my best white friends are racist. SO WHAT does that prove?
I still wanna hear about the discussions that took place after the first vote that ultimately got 3 jurors to change to not guilty votes. Getting people to change their minds isn't easy and I'd suspect even harder when the question is guilty or innocent of murder and the ensuing consequences of each.
I still wanna hear about the discussions that took place after the first vote that ultimately got 3 jurors to change to not guilty votes. Getting people to change their minds isn't easy and I'd suspect even harder when the question is guilty or innocent of murder and the ensuing consequences of each.

If we are to believe the current trend--'Rogue juror B37 pressured the others'.

I have my doubts. They voted--she was not the foreperson--from the clips, the voices are different. Examined the evidence, then followed instructions to interpret the law. Voted again--and a third time.

I don't find this exceptional. The group process. I could have misconstrued--it sounds like some are speculating that the Hispanic/mixed origin woman --8 children, works in a nursing home was the holdout. Wild conjecture?

I guess we will find out one of these days.

The Marissa Alexander jury that deliberated 12 minutes and convicted her of aggravated assault --mandatory minimum with firearm --20 years. That jury would seem to need investigation.
I think you all miss the point.....Rachel and Martin are the result of decades of Liberal social engineering. The great society was made to do just this....Breed generations of ignorant people to stupid and dependent on the government to make better of themselves. This is what Obama and people like him want the ENTIRE world to look like.
There are two things going on here - an attempt to raise the anger level for gun control laws to be changed where they don't like them, and an attempt to make this about racial injustice. And by so doing they hope to meld them together.
There are two things going on here - an attempt to raise the anger level for gun control laws to be changed where they don't like them, and an attempt to make this about racial injustice. And by so doing they hope to meld them together.

Exactly, but it's gone beyond gun control laws into eliminating self defense laws. After all, you don't need a gun to exercise self defense. There was a woman, a white woman, at the Florida protest whose son tried to carjack a car in a parking lot and ended up strangled to death. The carjacking victim was not convicted on the basis of stand your ground laws. She was protesting laws against self defense, not the use of a gun in self defense.
There are two things going on here - an attempt to raise the anger level for gun control laws to be changed where they don't like them, and an attempt to make this about racial injustice. And by so doing they hope to meld them together.

Exactly, but it's gone beyond gun control laws into eliminating self defense laws. After all, you don't need a gun to exercise self defense. There was a woman, a white woman, at the Florida protest whose son tried to carjack a car in a parking lot and ended up strangled to death. The carjacking victim was not convicted on the basis of stand your ground laws. She was protesting laws against self defense, not the use of a gun in self defense.

True, but I think they are trying hard to meld them all into one to convince the public they are related.
There are two things going on here - an attempt to raise the anger level for gun control laws to be changed where they don't like them, and an attempt to make this about racial injustice. And by so doing they hope to meld them together.

Exactly, but it's gone beyond gun control laws into eliminating self defense laws. After all, you don't need a gun to exercise self defense. There was a woman, a white woman, at the Florida protest whose son tried to carjack a car in a parking lot and ended up strangled to death. The carjacking victim was not convicted on the basis of stand your ground laws. She was protesting laws against self defense, not the use of a gun in self defense.

True, but I think they are trying hard to meld them all into one to convince the public they are related.

On that you are correct.

If they can meld racism with self defense gun control will naturally follow.
Yeah, I'm sure none of the racist assholes upset with the verdict wouldn't just make stuff up about Zimmerman.

and I am sure it will cost us untold millions of dollars to investigate these false claims, and yet none of those giving them will see any prosecution. What do you bet?
Kid ZImmerman profiled, stalked and murdered- Black.

Call in your tip. Maybe you will be called to testify, get on the talk show circuit, get a free college education, and be in Playgirl.


Maybe, but they will have to identify themselves so they can testify. Courts generally don't accept anonymous testimony. But then one never knows what 0bama and his band of thugs is going to do. Zimmerman needs to be suing Holder too. They found no evidence that he is racist. This smacks of a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.
Call in your tip. Maybe you will be called to testify, get on the talk show circuit, get a free college education, and be in Playgirl.


Maybe, but they will have to identify themselves so they can testify. Courts generally don't accept anonymous testimony. But then one never knows what 0bama and his band of thugs is going to do. Zimmerman needs to be suing Holder too. They found no evidence that he is racist. This smacks of a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

Even if Zimmerman were a card carrying member of the KKK that isn't illegal in this country. He was found not guilty by reason of self defense. Ergo nothing else matters.
this is scarier than just being about racism from the administration. This is a pattern this administration has followed since day one. Don't you all remember the websites that have been set up to report on your neighbors, on Romney, Attack Watch website, Fight the Smears- so-called 'corruption' tip lines, misinformation tip lines, Obamacare snitch lines, etc., etc.?

yep, he even has federal employees keeping a eye out for people( whistleblowers)who might expose wrongdoing by the government and are told to report them before they can do it

this administration is damn scary and I for one can't wait until they are gone
But when a whistleblower pointed out that Angela Corey withheld information from the Zimmerman Defense team, he got fired.

And I just fired off an email regarding Ben Kruidbos to that tip line. Let's see if DOJ investigates THAT.
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