George Zimmerman

Bill Cosby really told the situation like it was. He has an interesting take about how possessing a gun gives you the mental feeling that you have control and power...
"Tell Bill Cosby to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up" - Eddie Murphy

Seriously though, old Bill that jello pudding pop eating ***** has his share of honest moments. Good for him. He's never struck me as a retard.
I was actually pulled over by a pig for nothing more than wearing a "hoodie". It was January, my expedition was robbed by some "hoodie" wearing, minority scumbag, and to keep warm I had to wear the "hoodie" at night until I got the window fixed and replaced my stereo. Oh the irony.
I was actually pulled over by a pig for nothing more than wearing a "hoodie". It was January, my expedition was robbed by some "hoodie" wearing, minority scumbag, and to keep warm I had to wear the "hoodie" at night until I got the window fixed and replaced my stereo. Oh the irony.

I remember when Jews were excluded from country clubs, and frowned upon on the Right. The GOP evolved away from anti-semitism when it started to need Israel for geopolitical reasons. But it's funny because there is still some pockets on the right that hate Jews as much as the mainstream Right hates minorities. These tend to be on the David Duke/White Supremacist side of the Right that has been increasingly marginalized. But they exist. Trust me. They exist.
Sorry to tell you but blacks being shot by blacks isn't a problem in this country. Those 10, 865 blacks that were shot by blacks is ok with the black population. However, if one of those blacks had of been shot by a white guy, they would be demanding justice. Jackson, Sharpton, and other race baiters would be taking the streets demanding "justice" whatever that means to the black community. Obviously, a fair and impartial trial doesn't satisfy so it must be something else.
I was actually pulled over by a pig for nothing more than wearing a "hoodie". It was January, my expedition was robbed by some "hoodie" wearing, minority scumbag, and to keep warm I had to wear the "hoodie" at night until I got the window fixed and replaced my stereo. Oh the irony.

I remember when Jews were excluded from country clubs, and frowned upon on the Right. The GOP evolved away from anti-semitism when it started to need Israel for geopolitical reasons. But it's funny because there is still some pockets on the right that hate Jews as much as the mainstream Right hates minorities. These tend to be on the David Duke/White Supremacist side of the Right that has been increasingly marginalized. But they exist. Trust me. They exist.

Well thank you Captain Obvious, but there is a new Jew in town. He's a bible toting Christian, a right winger by definition and increasingly targeted by the police state that is Amerika.

Oh, and let us not forget, he's targeted by Jews.
Hispanics and potential WOMEN jurors...BEWARE the DEMOCRAT and their party..


I am sure this case is going to drive White Hispanics (like me) and women into the Republican party.

Bank on it.


think what you want...but they need to look at this administration and their base and see just how they have been towards them...look at the hate threads on the women jurors here...
as for you nothing could tear you away from the Democrats, we know that..and how lovely you are now a white Hispanic, not just Hispanic...good grief

Steph, I see that you are just as ignorant as ever.
How about some stupid, dumb ass, overweight sonofabitch with a napoleon complex?

Having said that, despite his utter stupidity, I believe he's an innocent man so save your hate mail because my inbox is getting full of kind words from knuckle draggers.
Of all the potential cases in the nation, of all the incidents that have happened, of all the individuals besides George Zimmerman, you can't find a better example of "race hate" to carry the banner for? This is the best you can do? Really?

A Hispanic guy who was found not guilty of any charge, because he acted in self defense... THAT is going to be the mountain you pick to die on? That is going to be held up as the example of intolerant racism in America? That is going to be your Poster Child for Racism... George Zimmerman?

I want you to go look up an old children's fable entitled: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and see if you can comprehend the moral of that story, because I think it may apply in this case. You see, there was this boy who was responsible for watching the herd of sheep, and every day, because he liked the attention, he ran into the town crying... WOLF! WOLF! And the people would scurry to get their weapons and go out to kill this predator who threatened the sheep. But... the wolf was never there, it never existed, it was something the boy made up in order to feel important. Of course, it worked the first few times, people thought the boy was incredible at his job and praised him for being so diligent, even though they didn't get the wolf. Well, after a while, this had gone on so long, the townspeople became suspicious and dubious of the breathless claims of a wolf by the boy, and pretty soon, the simply began to ignore his exasperating claims. Now, low and behold, an actual real wolf shows up one day and starts gobbling up sheep left and right... and the boy comes screaming into town crying WOLF! WOLF! But.... everyone ignored him, they just knew he was lying again, and paid him no mind.

There is a valid moral to this story which applies today, to the people who want to sensationalize the Zimmerman-Martin incident, and cry RACIST! RACIST! When there is no actual racist present.... (except for Trayvon Martin, who was obviously racist and bigoted.) So now, what do you suppose is going to happen when we have a REAL incident involving a REAL racist, and REAL racism? Could the townspeople simply believe this is another in a long line of false alarms? Could they actually fail to show up? I think it's something you need to consider at least.

Is THIS the case you want to hang your hats on? Go to the mat for? Stage protests and marches to decry a "miscarriage of justice" on? THIS CASE? Really? I mean, maybe I could understand if Zimmerman had some kind of racist background, belonged to the Klan, had made racist statements or posted racist blogs online... something... anything. But he was a Hispanic man, who's grandfather was black. He took a black girl to his high school prom. He came to the defense of a homeless black man in his town. The night of the shooting, he never mentioned Trayvon's race until he was specifically asked about it by the dispatcher. There is absolutely NOTHING here that indicates Zimmerman had a racist bone in his body. But folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, along with their accomplices in media, have slandered this man six ways from Sunday, depicting him as the most horrid racist since the 1950s. Why? The same reason the boy kept crying WOLF... attention!

Think about it... is THIS the one? Really?
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Yes, I'm going to write MY congressman first thing Monday morning telling him that I want us to continue to have the right in KY to use deadly force to defend our own lives. :clap2:
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Yet another person who swallowed the lies by the Left Wing Media and race baiters.

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