George Zimmerman

I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Yet another person who swallowed the lies by the Left Wing Media and race baiters.

Race baiters? Did you even read my op? Moron?

Assumption on your part.

Only a racist would automatically assume that.

Making you a disgusting human being.

I again ask.....

A six foot tall individual is walking in a closed community. He is not recognized as a resident of the community by the night watchman. Furthermore, the night watchman finds it unusual for anyone to be walking in the rain in a closed community for if they were a resident, they would likely use a car and if they are a visitor, they would have no reason to be walking in the rain. Yes, there may be an explanation, but it is unusual non the less.

What should the night watchman do?

According to you....he should first see the race of the individual, and if that individual is BLACK he should stand down and let him continue without calling the cops...for he will be accused of racially profiling.

Pretty sad to be you. The black community should be ashamed of punks like you.

First, ZImmerman wasn't the "night watchman".

Second, I'm not black. Sorry. I mean, I know I have some whacky ideas you guys get like, "We shouldn't shoot their children for no good reason".

Third- and get this- the kid wasn't doing anything illegal. He was "walking in the rain"? So fucking what? I walk in the rain all the time, I don't want some fat cop wannabe shooting me.
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Stand your ground had nothing to do with it dumbass. Zimmerman had every right to question Martin and projecting your idiotic theory on Zimmerman is just plain stupid.

You guys will lose. Freedom, the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment will bitch slap you stupid gun grabbers yet again.
Stand Your Ground has nothing to do with the Zimmerman case. It played no part in the former police chief's decision not to charge him in the first place and it was not argued as a defense during his trial.

Furthermore, unless you live in Florida, it's none of your business what laws they have.
I did. He didn't say anything about Martin filiming it, and frankly, Zimmerman would have known that was lie, since Martin wasn't holding a camera when he blew a hole in him.
Trayvon Martin was going to kill him. He'd just gotten off the phone with Jeantel who told him the guy who had questioned him was a white gay male who was looking to rape a black kid. She told that not to the jury, she told that to her first interviewer after the trial for the big bucks.

IOW, what the jury and nation heard from her was a series of careful avoidance of facing what actually happened. She motivated Trayvon to go back and kill the "rapist" to prevent his younger brother of being the victim of a "creepy-ass cracka!" Her jive talk motivated Trayvon to stalk and try to kill the guy who was just going back to his car to either move on or call the police to report the young man had moved on. Trayvon did attack him before he got back to his car and likely it's true he told Zimmerman he was going to kill him and did use near lethal force to beat him to a pulp.

I'm glad Jeantel did the interview. Now America knows for a certainty that Zimmerman was the victim not only of Trayvon, but also of Jeantel, the alleged witness who actually motivated Trayvon's decision to stalk, surprise, and kill Zimmerman if he could for the purpose of getting rid of a "Creepy Ass Cracka"--IOW a white gay man stalking unwitting young blacks as a sexual predator-type pedophile.

What ensued was a life-threatening attack that was met with a gunshot wound of Zimmerman's assailant who in fact had motivation and opportunity to kill another man, and in fact, did say to Zimmerman that he was going to kill him, just as Zimmerman truthfully testified.

Laws of mercy, what you learn after a trial is over. Trayvon Martin's parents should go after the cause of this travesty--the phone prompting of Martin to kill a pedophile, who was actually a Neighborhood Watch captain doing his job to keep that neighborhood safe from burglars.

Wait a minute, Zimmerman's gay now?

You guys are bending a lot of pretzels to not make Zimmerman look like an idiot.
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Stand your ground had nothing to do with it dumbass. Zimmerman had every right to question Martin and projecting your idiotic theory on Zimmerman is just plain stupid.

You guys will lose. Freedom, the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment will bitch slap you stupid gun grabbers yet again.

No, Zimmerman had no right to question Trayvon. Zimmerman is not a cop and had no business playing one.
The protests have become an excuse for criminality.

If you think that you can whip up opposition to self defense, have at it. Urge your candidate to run on a platform of abolishing self defense laws.
I am touched by the caring that you guys have for the victims of "black on black" violence.

Such humanitarians!

Not to mention the intelligence and integrity it takes to say that other black murders make the murder of a black kid okay.

whoa, that is some nice making up shit there..but you lefties can't seem to ever be let your hystrical dramtics say anything it wants

you're a fine one to be talking about intelligence and INTEGRITY...not
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Stand Your Ground has nothing to do with the Zimmerman case. It played no part in the former police chief's decision not to charge him in the first place and it was not argued as a defense during his trial.

Did I say that it played a role in the trial? I'm saying that it played a part in his thinking. And apparently, jurors DID consider it.

Zimmerman Juror Says Panel Considered Stand Your Ground In Deliberations: 'He Had A Right To Defend Himself' | ThinkProgress

In an interview on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Monday night, an anonymous juror said the panel that found George Zimmerman not guilty considered Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in its deliberations.

COOPER: Because of the two options you had, second degree murder or manslaughter, you felt neither applied?

JUROR: Right. Because of the heat of the moment and the Stand Your Ground. He had a right to defend himself. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right.

Furthermore, unless you live in Florida, it's none of your business what laws they have.

Furthermore, it is my business what laws a state has in MY country. I think these are dangerous laws. That's my opinion.

Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

Except for Zimmerman.

Being found not guilty by a jury of his peers wasn't good enough for Holder.

Having been found to have NO RACIAL tendencies by the FBI after 40 interviews of his friends, acquaintances and neighbors wasn't good enough for Holder.

No. Holder wants to continue to drag this guys ass through the mud.

That is protection under the law for Zimmerman?

There is an old saying: What goes around comes around. Holder will be on the receiving end before it is over.

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't believe Zimmerman expected that to happen to him.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Also, *LOL*, when did it become acceptable to attack Gays simply because you fear being raped?

What are you, some kind of red-necked Homophobe?

I think it's a matter of how valid the fear of rape was. Doesn't matter, gay or straight. A guy chases you on a vehicle and THEN on foot. Yeah, that's a valid fear.

Incidently, I've been in some of the worst neighborhoods of Chicago, and I've even been in a fight or two.

Point was, if Zimmerman didn't know what was going to happen, he should have stayed in the truck like the man said.
Trayvan profiled, stalked, and attacked George Zimmerman.

Maybe he thought it would be fun to kick a fags ass, but it found out that when you make it a habit of jumping on adults it's no longer fun and games. They don't know you're just a kid.

Gee, I don't know, I think the aggressive act was Zimmerman running after Trayvon after Trayvon tried to evade him.

I don't think it was "beating up a fag" so much as "not wanting to be raped or murdered by a pervert".

It would have been nice if Zimmerman had identified himself.

It would have been nicer if he didn't have a gun that gave him 'Courage".

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't believe Zimmerman expected that to happen to him.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Also, *LOL*, when did it become acceptable to attack Gays simply because you fear being raped?

What are you, some kind of red-necked Homophobe?

He is a black homophobe. Yes, JoeB is black.
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Well said.

Although I disagree that SYG statutes should be repealed, I do indeed agree that citizens need to exercise their First Amendment right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, both at the ballot box and in the courts.
A desperate action after a poor move by a president who should have kept his mouth shut in the first place.

He certainly should have. He is Zimmerman's president too. He owes Zimmerman an apology, and he owes it to the American people to put a lid on it..
It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

I am sure this case is going to drive White Hispanics (like me) and women into the Republican party.

Bank on it.


think what you want...but they need to look at this administration and their base and see just how they have been towards them...look at the hate threads on the women jurors here...
as for you nothing could tear you away from the Democrats, we know that..and how lovely you are now a white Hispanic, not just Hispanic...good grief

Steph, I see that you are just as ignorant as ever.

and I see you are just as hateful and catty as ever..MEOW

You in picture below...I'd be hateful too...hehe
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It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

You work on the assumption that most white folks or Hispanics really want to associate with your side.

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