George Zimmerman

.....Well, after a while, this had gone on so long, the townspeople became suspicious and dubious of the breathless claims of a wolf by the boy, and pretty soon, the simply began to ignore his exasperating claims. Now, low and behold, an actual real wolf shows up one day and starts gobbling up sheep left and right... and the boy comes screaming into town crying WOLF! WOLF! But.... everyone ignored him, they just knew he was lying again, and paid him no mind.

There is a valid moral to this story which applies today, to the people who want to sensationalize the Zimmerman-Martin incident, and cry RACIST! RACIST! When there is no actual racist present.... (except for Trayvon Martin, who was obviously racist and bigoted.) So now, what do you suppose is going to happen when we have a REAL incident involving a REAL racist, and REAL racism? Could the townspeople simply believe this is another in a long line of false alarms? Could they actually fail to show up? I think it's something you need to consider at least.

The difference between your parable and America today is twofold. First, the people crying "wolf" do not just receive attention, they have created an "industry" based on crying racism. Just look at The Rainbow Coalition and the New Black Panther Party, and just about any black liberal democratic politician. Second, it is now legally required for the townspeople (ie: the justice system) to show up and search the entire countryside for the wolf (ie: investigate for any evidence of possible racism).

So we have people making money from calling wolf, and legal requirements that we must investigate every "wolf" sighting.
Kid ZImmerman profiled, stalked and murdered- Black.

According to the haters, that doesn't count because his victim was walking home from the store with candy and ice tea.

What about the witnesses mentioned in this article?

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

If that's all he did, he would be alive and likely in jail today.

And despite being Think Progress, I read your link. It's 90% bullshit.
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It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

You work on the assumption that most white folks or Hispanics really want to associate with your side.

oh boy, their side...
but they do with YOUR side I suppose?
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Assumption on your part.

Only a racist would automatically assume that.

Making you a disgusting human being.

I again ask.....

A six foot tall individual is walking in a closed community. He is not recognized as a resident of the community by the night watchman. Furthermore, the night watchman finds it unusual for anyone to be walking in the rain in a closed community for if they were a resident, they would likely use a car and if they are a visitor, they would have no reason to be walking in the rain. Yes, there may be an explanation, but it is unusual non the less.

What should the night watchman do?

According to you....he should first see the race of the individual, and if that individual is BLACK he should stand down and let him continue without calling the cops...for he will be accused of racially profiling.

Pretty sad to be you. The black community should be ashamed of punks like you.

First, ZImmerman wasn't the "night watchman".

Second, I'm not black. Sorry. I mean, I know I have some whacky ideas you guys get like, "We shouldn't shoot their children for no good reason".

Third- and get this- the kid wasn't doing anything illegal. He was "walking in the rain"? So fucking what? I walk in the rain all the time, I don't want some fat cop wannabe shooting me.

Third- and get this- the kid wasn't doing anything illegal.

Not until he started beating on GZ.
It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

It's a puzzler. Hispanics are chasing blacks out of entire cities. Blacks are being outright murdered the way Jamile Shaw was murdered. Yet obama wants to bring in 30 million more hispanics.

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't believe Zimmerman expected that to happen to him.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Also, *LOL*, when did it become acceptable to attack Gays simply because you fear being raped?

What are you, some kind of red-necked Homophobe?

I think it's a matter of how valid the fear of rape was. Doesn't matter, gay or straight. A guy chases you on a vehicle and THEN on foot. Yeah, that's a valid fear.

Incidently, I've been in some of the worst neighborhoods of Chicago, and I've even been in a fight or two.

Point was, if Zimmerman didn't know what was going to happen, he should have stayed in the truck like the man said.

Nobody told him to stay in the truck.
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Yet another person who swallowed the lies by the Left Wing Media and race baiters.

Race baiters? Did you even read my op? Moron?

yes and we should protest people like YOU again trying to take away the peoples RIGHTS to defend's a state by state law, don't like it don't live in that state
go stand down and stay on your porch...Moron
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Kid ZImmerman profiled, stalked and murdered- Black.

Call in your tip. Maybe you will be called to testify, get on the talk show circuit, get a free college education, and be in Playgirl.

If you really think the guy isn't a racist, what are you worried about?

Why would I worry if a guy in Florida is a racist. What's he gonna do? Call me a cracker? Hell, this place is crawling with black racists. You being one of them. Maybe they need a tip line about YOU!
It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

You work on the assumption that most white folks or Hispanics really want to associate with your side.

My 'side.' I have no idea what the fuck you are babbling about. Put down the crack pipe. There are plenty of people who 'associate' with me. Even you. Shit, I can't get away from YOU!
Man the liberals around here are suffering from Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome bad!

Signs and symptoms of ZDS:
1. Inability to think straight.
2. A tourette-like symptom where the sufferer repeatedly says "Racism" or "Racist".
3. Sudden loss of all knowledge of the US Criminal Justice System.
4. Uncontrollable compulsion to quote Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
5. Inability to remember basic facts of the Martin/Zimmerman case.

If you or someone you love displays the above symptoms get them some immediate help. They should isolated and be kept away from society until after the 2014 elections for the good of the United States of America and humanity itself.
Georgie didn't call the police for nothing. Trayvon was hanging out in someone's yard. Later, he came out of a bush and attacked him. And when police lied to him and told him that someone video recorded the incident, his reaction was "Thank God!" These are just a few things that overwhelmingly point to his innocence. Only racist hatemongers are carrying the torch against Zimmerman.

Except there were no Bushes on the street where Zimmerman said he was attacked.

And Zimmerman was told there were survellience cameras, which as a member of the community watch, he knew there weren't.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed black child after profling and stalking him. He needs to be in prison.

1. You're the biggest fucking tool on USMB. You can see the bushes all over the place in Zimmerman's re-enactment and diagrams, pictures reflect that reality. FUCKING TWAT.
2. Did I mention fucking shit about surveilance cameras? No, I didn't dickwipe. I said, he was told somebody recorded it. FUCKING TWAT.
3. TM attacked him. That's been established. Your lying heart can cry all it wants. FUCKING TWAT.
no, apparently hes not getting it back.....not yet at least, while holder and obama decide how to milk this for more Alinsky points......

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him

By David Martosko

PUBLISHED: 16:34 EST, 18 July 2013 | UPDATED: 16:42 EST, 18 July 2013

The U.S. Department of Justice, overseen by Attorney General Eric Holder, has ordered the Sanford, Florida police department to keep possession of all the evidence from George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial - including the exonerated neighborhood watch volunteer's gun.

Sanford police confirmed on Thursday that the DOJ asked the agency not to return any pieces of evidence to their owners. Zimmerman was expected to get his firearm back by month's end.

The development is a sign that the criminal section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division is seriously investigating Zimmerman to determine if federal civil rights charges should be filed.

Read more: Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online
This is total bullshit!
The man is innocent! GIVE HIM HIS GUN!
The U.S. Department of Justice, overseen by Attorney General Eric Holder, has ordered the Sanford, Florida police department to keep possession of all the evidence from George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial - including the exonerated neighborhood watch volunteer's gun.

Read more: Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online
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no, apparently hes not getting it back.....not yet at least, while holder and obama decide how to milk this for more Alinsky points......

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him

By David Martosko

PUBLISHED: 16:34 EST, 18 July 2013 | UPDATED: 16:42 EST, 18 July 2013

The U.S. Department of Justice, overseen by Attorney General Eric Holder, has ordered the Sanford, Florida police department to keep possession of all the evidence from George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial - including the exonerated neighborhood watch volunteer's gun.

Sanford police confirmed on Thursday that the DOJ asked the agency not to return any pieces of evidence to their owners. Zimmerman was expected to get his firearm back by month's end.

The development is a sign that the criminal section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division is seriously investigating Zimmerman to determine if federal civil rights charges should be filed.

Read more: Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online
They're determined to do an obstruction of justice, imho. Obama can't stand being upstaged by a previous Democrat.
I hope this murdering bastards life is ruined forever since i think he is guilty.

I hope he gets in a cell next to OJ eventually. We can all just sit back and watch.

Oh and OP, classy, very very classy.

You are so obsessed with hoping his life is ruined...and you weren't even there. You go by what your liberal pea brain tells you. You're a sick person.....he was found NOT GUILTY. There was NO PROOF. I hope something like this happens to someone in your family so you might be able to consider that you were wrong.
America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

This post shows that you are an ignorant twat. Being on trial does not = being convicted. Christ on a cracker, you as dumb as ditch water. Stay where you are. Your advice and opinions are neither needed nor wanted.
America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

That is something I NEVER did! Responsible parents don't send their CHILDREN out to the store on foot after dark~! Responsible parents get in the car and DRIVE them there.

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