George Zimmerman

America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

No. America is great because it has a Constitution that grants its citizens rights. GZ was found not guilty and he is entitled to all of his rights still.

Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News

As she should have. She LEFT the situation, got her gun, and CAME BACK IN. NOT stand your ground by any stretch.
America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

No. America is great because it has a Constitution that grants its citizens rights. GZ was found not guilty and he is entitled to all of his rights still.

Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News

There's much more to that story....she broke her bond by going back to her X's and making a scene....this woman is a nut job. Plus, when she shot that gun off her children were stranding right next to her husband! This isn't a SYG's a case of an idiot woman.

Further complicating matters for Alexander, she was arrested for domestic battery against Gray on December 30, 2010, while she was out on bail and still awaiting trial on the aggravated assault charges stemming from the August incident.

“The victim [Gray] stated that his estranged wife [Alexander] had come to his residence to drop off their child,” the incident report prepared by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office noted. “[Gray] stated that an argument ensued when he would not allow her to stay overnight at his residence.” The police report noted that Gray’s left eye appeared swollen and bloodied. Alexander fled the scene before police arrived.

When the responding officer met with Alexander approximately an hour after the incident, she initially claimed that “she did not know what this was about and that she had an alibi.” Throughout the course of her conversation with the officer, Alexander changed her story and eventually claimed that while she had been at Gray’s house, he had attacked her first with his fists after she wouldn’t stay for the night. The officer wrote that Alexander had “no visible injuries.”
No, Marissa Alexander is Not a "Reverse Trayvon Martin" in Florida
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America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

No. America is great because it has a Constitution that grants its citizens rights. GZ was found not guilty and he is entitled to all of his rights still.

Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News

its called -research, fail.
America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

Actually..what they should do is follow the law..and get armed.

I am generally not for guns..but in this seems like the only thing to do.

My daughter was shot when she was in high school, 16 by a kid who she tried to break up with. She's ok but it is a horrifying experience. I went to a gun shop and got her a cannister of stuff that burns an attacker's eyes. Maybe not tear gas but something like that.

It's hard to arm a child with stuff like guns or what I did simply because they make bad decisions playing around with things like that but it was my safest alternative.

The best thing that can be done is to firm up gun registrations and conceal carry laws. It's the best and the least we can do for them.

Wow that's brilliant. Send someone to a gun fight armed with a can of snuff. NOT! :eusa_shhh:
Moral of the story...don't assault people, because they may be armed.

It seems so simple.

Don't commit assault.

Don't commit assault.

Do not commit assault.

Anyone not getting it?

Zimmerman called the police, Martin did not.

There is NO EVIDENCE that Zimmerman struck Martin...not one shred.

Martin struck Zimmerman.

That is the first PROVABLE violation of the law in this case.

It is NOT illegal to follow a person you believe is acting suspiciously.

It is NOT illegal to "get out of your car" to follow a person you believe is acting suspiciously.

It is NOT against the law to confront someone you believe is acting suspiciously.

It is NOT even against the law to question someone you believe is acting suspiciously.

You have NO DUTY to identify yourself to a person you believe is acting suspiciously.

Assault is a crime...usually a felony.

For the last time...DO NOT COMMIT ASSAULT.

Get it? Got it? Good.

Better moral, don't let deranged and violent people have access to guns.

I did. He didn't say anything about Martin filiming it, and frankly, Zimmerman would have known that was lie, since Martin wasn't holding a camera when he blew a hole in him.
Trayvon Martin was going to kill him. He'd just gotten off the phone with Jeantel who told him the guy who had questioned him was a white gay male who was looking to rape a black kid. She told that not to the jury, she told that to her first interviewer after the trial for the big bucks.

IOW, what the jury and nation heard from her was a series of careful avoidance of facing what actually happened. She motivated Trayvon to go back and kill the "rapist" to prevent his younger brother of being the victim of a "creepy-ass cracka!" Her jive talk motivated Trayvon to stalk and try to kill the guy who was just going back to his car to either move on or call the police to report the young man had moved on. Trayvon did attack him before he got back to his car and likely it's true he told Zimmerman he was going to kill him and did use near lethal force to beat him to a pulp.

I'm glad Jeantel did the interview. Now America knows for a certainty that Zimmerman was the victim not only of Trayvon, but also of Jeantel, the alleged witness who actually motivated Trayvon's decision to stalk, surprise, and kill Zimmerman if he could for the purpose of getting rid of a "Creepy Ass Cracka"--IOW a white gay man stalking unwitting young blacks as a sexual predator-type pedophile.

What ensued was a life-threatening attack that was met with a gunshot wound of Zimmerman's assailant who in fact had motivation and opportunity to kill another man, and in fact, did say to Zimmerman that he was going to kill him, just as Zimmerman truthfully testified.

Laws of mercy, what you learn after a trial is over. Trayvon Martin's parents should go after the cause of this travesty--the phone prompting of Martin to kill a pedophile, who was actually a Neighborhood Watch captain doing his job to keep that neighborhood safe from burglars.

Wait a minute, Zimmerman's gay now?

You guys are bending a lot of pretzels to not make Zimmerman look like an idiot.
Here's the interview, Ape-man:

Here's the interview:

MORGAN: You felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?
MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?
JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out?
“And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.”

Read more at Jeantel admits Trayvon ?whooped? Zimmerman?s ?a??
Anything you don't understand about Jeantel withholding from the jury that she "told Trayvon it might have been a rapist." to her interviewer after the trial was over? She contradicted the whole bit about Trayvon being the voice crying for help. She lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lied. Some call that perjury. The wrong person was on trial. Her suggestion caused mega trouble against a Neighborhood Watch person whose only wrong (if it could be called that) was looking out for the neighborhood that had been hit over and over by burglar break-ins.
Call in your tip. Maybe you will be called to testify, get on the talk show circuit, get a free college education, and be in Playgirl.

If you really think the guy isn't a racist, what are you worried about?

Why would I worry if a guy in Florida is a racist. What's he gonna do? Call me a cracker? Hell, this place is crawling with black racists. You being one of them. Maybe they need a tip line about YOU!

I'll take 500 Trayvons over ONE of you or Stephanie or katzen or any of the other racist and ignorant scum bags here.
What did you think was going to happen? Did you think that a government ruled by a Chicago crime syndicate would NOT make an example out of a guy who dared expose his sword behind the backs of the Praetorian Guards of modern day Rome? Wake up and smell the horror.
America is fucked up when it hands guns to people who have been on trial for murder.

Now every black kid walking home at night should fear for their lives.

Actually..what they should do is follow the law..and get armed.

I am generally not for guns..but in this seems like the only thing to do.

My daughter was shot when she was in high school, 16 by a kid who she tried to break up with. She's ok but it is a horrifying experience. I went to a gun shop and got her a cannister of stuff that burns an attacker's eyes. Maybe not tear gas but something like that.

It's hard to arm a child with stuff like guns or what I did simply because they make bad decisions playing around with things like that but it was my safest alternative.

The best thing that can be done is to firm up gun registrations and conceal carry laws. It's the best and the least we can do for them.

We made our daughter carry a can of pepper spray always....she even had to use it once!
Actually..what they should do is follow the law..and get armed.

I am generally not for guns..but in this seems like the only thing to do.

My daughter was shot when she was in high school, 16 by a kid who she tried to break up with. She's ok but it is a horrifying experience. I went to a gun shop and got her a cannister of stuff that burns an attacker's eyes. Maybe not tear gas but something like that.

It's hard to arm a child with stuff like guns or what I did simply because they make bad decisions playing around with things like that but it was my safest alternative.

The best thing that can be done is to firm up gun registrations and conceal carry laws. It's the best and the least we can do for them.

Wow that's brilliant. Send someone to a gun fight armed with a can of snuff. NOT! :eusa_shhh:

Well, Gotta agree with Sarah. If you're daughter is under age, she can't carry a gun. So you do the next best thing and hope it's enough.
.....Well, after a while, this had gone on so long, the townspeople became suspicious and dubious of the breathless claims of a wolf by the boy, and pretty soon, the simply began to ignore his exasperating claims. Now, low and behold, an actual real wolf shows up one day and starts gobbling up sheep left and right... and the boy comes screaming into town crying WOLF! WOLF! But.... everyone ignored him, they just knew he was lying again, and paid him no mind.

There is a valid moral to this story which applies today, to the people who want to sensationalize the Zimmerman-Martin incident, and cry RACIST! RACIST! When there is no actual racist present.... (except for Trayvon Martin, who was obviously racist and bigoted.) So now, what do you suppose is going to happen when we have a REAL incident involving a REAL racist, and REAL racism? Could the townspeople simply believe this is another in a long line of false alarms? Could they actually fail to show up? I think it's something you need to consider at least.

The difference between your parable and America today is twofold. First, the people crying "wolf" do not just receive attention, they have created an "industry" based on crying racism. Just look at The Rainbow Coalition and the New Black Panther Party, and just about any black liberal democratic politician. Second, it is now legally required for the townspeople (ie: the justice system) to show up and search the entire countryside for the wolf (ie: investigate for any evidence of possible racism).

So we have people making money from calling wolf, and legal requirements that we must investigate every "wolf" sighting.

Well my interpretation of the townspeople is not the justice system, that would probably be the sheriff in the parable, who was pressured by the townspeople to do something about this stealthy wolf. The representation of the townspeople is the general public and news media, who in this case, pushed this incident to the front page and demanded action by the justice department. You see, we're still in the early part of the parable, when the people still reacted to the boy, grabbing their weapons and rushing to find the wolf. But what happens after the next Zimmerman? Or the next? When over and over, we find there is no wolf, it was another false alarm? Eventually, even MSNBC won't bother reporting such things, because there isn't any credibility left. Then, when a real racist incident does occur somewhere, the public and media will simply shrug and say... meh, heard that one before... next!

To me, this does nothing but damage the credibility of those who keep crying RACIST! There was no racism here, Zimmerman wasn't hunting down black people to shoot. So this just diminishes public sympathy for such outcries in the future, and that's all it does. It's short-sighted and ill-advised, but more than that, it does great harm to the credibility of the criers. It serves to diminish actual real racism that happens daily in America, because we aren't focused on that, we are immersed in this one case, which had nothing to do with racism. That's why it blows my mind, that black America seems so intensely focused on Zimmerman, as if this is the Emmett Till case of our time, when it clearly wasn't.
What did you think was going to happen? Did you think that a government ruled by a Chicago crime syndicate would NOT make an example out of a guy who dared expose his sword behind the backs of the Praetorian Guards of modern day Rome? Wake up and smell the horror.

These people.......these people are thugs and the country needs to wake are indeed correct dude. This is a spit in the eye to all people who don't embrace the progressive view.......right in the eye, "FUCK YOU!!!"
He SHOULD get his gun back, he was found NOT GUILTY.

Of a violent crime involving a gun. Who is responsible if he kills someone again?

But he was found NOT GUILTY of that violent crime involving a gun!! If a person is found not guilty of the crime he's accused of, there is absolutely no reason he shouldn't get the gun back.
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They aren't taking his gun, the feds put a hold on all the evidence from the trial until they finish their civil rights investigation. That is what happens in criminal investigations, you hold onto evidence.

If they don't pursue the charges he'll get the gun back. Meanwhile he is free to go buy 10 more if he wants.

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